Chapter 1 Su Meng and Su Mengyi
In the bathroom, the noisy bell kept ringing.

After a long time, a string of bubbles "gurgled" came out of the bathtub, and a pale and slender hand reached out, accurately turning off the continuous sound.

Then a pale face emerged from the water, the long hair as soft as seaweed clinging to the woman's scalp, with a few strands sticking to her face, looking a bit embarrassed and messy.

As soon as Su Meng sat up, she took a dry towel from the bathtub and wiped off the water stains on her face indiscriminately. Looking at the unfamiliar environment around her, she couldn't react for a while.

Isn't she doing an outdoor live broadcast?
The content of the live broadcast this time is survival on the island. As a result, when exploring the terrain, I accidentally stepped on the air and fell from the cliff into the sea.

Why did you go to the bathroom as soon as you opened your eyes? !
Still a completely unfamiliar bathroom!

Just as she was thinking hard, the familiar ringtone of her mobile phone suddenly rang again, breaking the silence in the bathroom.

Su Meng blinked her eyes, picked up the phone with wet hands, and the screen showed that the caller was "Sister Jin".

After a moment of hesitation, she clicked to answer.

"Su Meng! I think you are really capable. How dare you hang up on my phone?! Let me tell you one last time, you must come to the company to sign the contract for me today, otherwise I will not have you under Jin Jing's name in the future." Artist, the company will also terminate the contract with you, and then we will go our separate ways and never communicate with each other!"

As soon as the call was connected, a sharp and angry female voice suddenly came from the mobile phone, and the questioning voice hit Su Meng more and more confused like a cannonball.

Su Meng?Is this calling her?But her name is not Su Meng. Although their names are similar, they are indeed two completely different people!
As soon as Su Meng was about to explain, her brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and almost instantly, a strange memory appeared in her mind.

Su Meng, 21 years old, relies on her outstanding beauty to barely squeeze into the third-tier female artist. Because she is not a major, her acting skills are almost zero, and she cooperates with the company's operations from time to time. The draft and a certain film star cp are full of feelings, and the day after tomorrow I will step on a certain new flower.

Jumping up and down, if things go on like this, it can be said that there are tens of thousands of fans in the entertainment industry, and Su Meng has offended more than half of them.

In fact, Su Meng didn't want to do this either, but she couldn't refuse the company's request, because she needed money, a lot of money.

And once she violates the company's requirements, the company will threaten her with "termination" and ask her to pay up to 5000 million in liquidated damages.

5000 million!

In the three years since her debut, she has only saved less than [-].

Most of her money was taken away by the company, and the rest was fed to the bottomless pit of the hospital.

Three years ago, her parents died unexpectedly in a car accident, leaving only her 13-year-old brother Su Xiang to depend on her.

Perhaps it was the death of his parents that dealt a huge blow to the young Su Xiang. Su Xiang, who was not in good health, became even weaker and sicker.

In order to take care of her younger brother, the young Su Meng was coaxed and tricked into signing a "prostitution contract".

Thinking of this, Su Mengyi's eyes softened slightly. Her experience can be said to be almost the same as Su Meng's, but in the end she became an online celebrity in outdoor live broadcasting, and the money she earned from bringing goods can also make her and her brother live. Very moisturizing.

"Su Meng! Are you listening to me!" The woman on the phone was still yelling angrily, "If you haven't come to the company to sign the contract before six o'clock, then you'll be waiting to pay liquidated damages!"

Hearing the undisguised threatening words, Su Mengyi's soft eyes instantly turned cold.

The woman on the phone who called herself Jin Jing was Su Meng's manager. The "contract" she mentioned was actually a newly planned survival program.

I forgot to mention that the world Su Meng lives in is different from the world Su Mengyi lives in. This is a world where technology is developing at a high speed, but entertainment is to death.

For this survival program, the organizer even bought an uninhabited planet inhumanely, and the bonus was as high as 10 billion!
A social animal can't make so much money from apes!
The plan of the organizer is to form a group of five people with celebrities + amateurs, a total of 100 groups, 500 people, and put them together on the newly purchased uninhabited planet for a 600-day survival challenge.

Persist for 7 days, you can get 10 participation rewards.

Persist for 30 days, you can get 100 million encouragement awards.

Persist for 100 days, you can get 500 million encouragement awards.

Persist for 200 days, you can get 1000 million encouragement awards.

Persist for 300 days, you can get 5000 million encouragement awards.

After more than 365 days, rewards will be made according to the subsequent rankings. No. 3 bonus is as high as 1 million, No. 2 is 3 million, and No. 1, the bonus is directly doubled to 10 billion!And permanent ownership of part of the planet's land!

And the remuneration for inviting celebrities even reached 1000 million!It's just that the star needs to persist for 30 days before he can get the salary. If he doesn't persist for 30 days, he can only take 100 million as the salary.

But this kind of unprecedented program, even if there is no salary, anyone will be crazy about it, that's 10 billion!

Even if he is selected and shows his face, he can immediately turn from an amateur to an Internet celebrity, let alone a star with a fan base. Naturally, no one wants to miss this kind of good thing that increases fans and popularity.

Originally, according to Su Meng's coffee position, this kind of good thing was not her turn, but for some reason, the organizer actually sent her an invitation letter, and faced with this kind of good thing that fell from the sky, Su Meng's company was naturally He was overjoyed and wished he could sign the contract for her.

However, Su Meng didn't want to participate. She knew very well how much she weighed. She didn't have the knowledge and skills to survive in the wild, and she was very aware of the dangers of this show.

Not to mention that she still has a weak and sick brother who needs to be taken care of. What if something happens to her, what will happen to her brother?
She will not risk her own safety.

So, for the first time, she had a heated dispute with her manager about the contract, and as expected, she was threatened with high liquidated damages. She went home angrily and took a bath while drinking as if to vent her anger. In the end, she got drunk and lost consciousness. , slipped and fell into the water unknowingly, and then Su Mengyi crossed over and came over.

Thinking of this, Su Meng's eyes were a little subtle, do you want to survive in the wilderness?

She is an outdoor anchor, and she relies on this to make a living. Not to mention getting the top three, it should be no problem if she persists for 30 days, let alone having four teammates.

However, the corner of Su Meng's mouth ticked slightly, and said in a very cold voice: "It's fine to sign the contract, but I have conditions."

"Conditions? Hehe, you dare to raise conditions. What qualifications do you have to raise conditions with the company? Su Meng, do you know how much resources the company has invested in you? Also, you don't actually make money." Jin Jing exaggerated He smiled, his tone sour and mean.

"I know whether I make money or not, and don't threaten me with liquidated damages. The rabbit will bite when it is in a hurry." Su Meng went to the bathroom mirror and carefully looked at her appearance in the mirror. He said unhurriedly, "Anyway, I'm going to die, at worst, I'll change my life for another."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, before Jin Jing said, "Are you threatening me?"

As soon as Su Meng looked at her perfect figure in the mirror, she couldn't help but sighed, but her tone remained calm: "Sister Jin, don't talk nonsense, how dare I threaten you, it's just that the contract we signed, the high amount If there is a lawsuit, there seems to be a case? And if this kind of thing is accidentally exposed by reporters..."

Jin Jing heard Su Mengyi's subtext. If she doesn't agree to her conditions, she will go to court to request termination of the contract, and the high liquidated damages will be cut off by at least one zero. Even if she wins the lawsuit, she will be alone and helpless. In the worst case, he committed suicide. Before committing suicide, he had to find a reporter to expose it.

And once the forced death of the orphan girl is exposed, the company will definitely suffer a huge crisis of public opinion and suffer heavy losses.

"Tell me, what are the conditions." Jin Jing snorted coldly, feeling a little puzzled, how could Su Meng, who had always been submissive, become so extreme overnight?

Is it really hard?
"The condition is very simple. If I participate in the show, the company will terminate the contract with me. If I survive for 30 days, the 1000 million pay will be the company's. I only need the survival bonus. If I don't survive for 30 days, not only the 100 million pay will belong to the company." , I will give the company an additional 900 million as compensation."

(End of this chapter)

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