Chapter 2 System
There was another long silence on the phone.

Su Mengyi was not in a hurry, she moved closer to the mirror and stared at her own face in the mirror.

The amber eyes are bright and kind, the skin is fair and the pores are almost invisible, and the whole face looks like a refined picture. Even in the entertainment circle full of beauties, this face can be regarded as outstanding.

"Don't worry, just look at this face, and our similar life experience, I will live well for you, and I will take care of Su Xiang as my own brother."

Su Mengyi whispered in his heart: From now on, I will be Su Meng.

"When will the 900 million be paid off?"

Hearing this sentence, Su Mengyi, no, at this moment, the corner of Su Meng's mouth slightly raised. As she expected, the company agreed to her condition.

In fact, Jin Jing has a good saying. She really can't make money for the company now, because her reputation is getting worse and worse, and there is no representative work for gossip all day long. There is even a microblog called "Su Meng got out of the entertainment industry today Is it?" super words.

The contract for survival in the wilderness this time is basically Su Meng's final value. As long as the company boss has a bit of brains, he will not reject Su Meng's condition.

This is equivalent to picking up 1000 million for nothing!
After negotiating over the phone, Su Meng hung up the phone, got dressed and dried her hair before going to the company to sign the contract.

After everything was settled and returned to the apartment, it was already dark.

As soon as Su Meng opened the door, she saw a thin-looking teenager sitting on the sofa.

The light was on in the room, and under the warm yellow light, the boy sat quietly, sitting upright as if he was listening to a class seriously.

But in fact, he was watching TV.

What was playing on the TV was an ancient costume idol drama starring Su Meng, in which she played the female number three.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the young man said without looking back: "Why did you come back so late today? The meal is already ready, eat by yourself if you are hungry."

Su Meng was stunned, looking at the steaming food on the table, a warm current surged up in her heart, her nose was sour, and she almost shed tears.

In the past, her younger brother waited for her to come back in the same way.

Every time she finishes the live broadcast and returns home with a tired body, Su wants to do the same and wait for her with a table of meals, because Su wants to know that she has suffered a lot during the live broadcast.

When she first started live broadcasting, for the sake of popularity and reality, it was a real unscripted survival in the wild. Starving nine meals in three days was the basic operation, and she even ate some things with program effects, such as lizards and geckos.

If you have the conditions, you can take a small wooden stick and roast it in the fire before eating. If you don’t have the conditions, you can just chop off the head and tail and stuff it in your mouth.

As for Su Xiang, as long as he has time, he will squat in her live broadcast room, silently accompany her, and then when she returns home, cook a table of delicacies to comfort her injured stomach and spirit.

Su Meng suddenly felt a sense of identification with Su Xiang in this world, and she began to accept this younger brother from the bottom of her heart.

"Have you eaten yet? Eat some with me."

Su Xiang looked back at Su Meng in some surprise, a smile appeared on his pale cheeks, and his whole body seemed to brighten up in an instant: "Well, it just so happens that I have something to tell you."

The two came to the dining table and sat down, a corn rib soup, a plate of fried cabbage, a steamed sea bass, a plate of boiled shrimp, a bowl of purple potato mash, and a bowl of white rice. This is the dinner for the two.

In order to keep Su Meng in a slender figure, the company forced her to control her diet, including carbohydrates, which she hadn't eaten for a long time.

And she used to skip dinner, and when she was hungry, she would eat an apple the size of a fist at most.

Su Meng consciously took the purple potato mash and ate it contentedly.

Su wanted to put the bowl of white rice in front of him, but there was no movement while holding the chopsticks. After a while, he said with some hesitation: "Well, Su Meng... Do you know the program "Survival in the Wild 600 Days"?"

I don't know when Su Xiang stopped calling her sister Su Meng, and Su Meng stopped calling her brother Su Xiang. The two of them called each other by their first names, but they didn't look unfamiliar, instead they had a faint warmth.

"Well, I know, what's the matter?" Su Mengjiacai's hands stopped, and then she asked nonchalantly.

Although the program "Survival in the Wild 600 Days" is the latest plan, even the invited star candidates have not been fully determined, but it does not affect its overwhelming publicity.

That astonishing reward alone was enough to set off an upsurge of discussion.

Su Xiang didn't answer, but turned to look at the TV.

At this moment the TV is playing an ad:
"The world's first multi-person team survival program in the wilderness will conduct a 600-day survival challenge on an uninhabited planet that cost tens of billions of dollars to purchase. This is a process that tests courage and wisdom! Unprecedented high bonus... At the same time, this This time, we will randomly form a team with two stars and three amateurs, and you will have the opportunity to have close contact with idols for 600 days..."

"The deadline for registration is 2122:1 on January 28, 22. After the registration is over, 00 lucky geese will be drawn live on Penguin Video to participate in the challenge! At the same time, this challenge will be broadcast live on Douge TV! Warm reminder , There is a certain chance of death or injury in this program, please sign up carefully!"

After the advertisement ended, Su Xiang said softly, "I signed up."

Su Meng's head buzzed, her eyes lost focus for a moment, and then she stammered for a moment, "I... I seem to be hallucinating. I didn't hear clearly what you just said."

Are you kidding me?Su Xiang, a frail young man who knew nothing about survival in the wild, actually told her that he signed up for "Survival in the Wilderness 600 Days"? !

It's not her bragging, for a weak chicken like Su Xiang, she can make three people cry with one punch.

Still crying for a long time.

"So you're joking with me, right?" Su Meng clenched her fists expressionlessly when she saw Su Xiang lowered her head and said nothing.

Sure enough, the younger brother was a creature, so he had to fight it as soon as possible.

"Now, immediately, immediately, unregister me!"

"No, I know you're going to participate in this show. You don't understand anything. I'm going to protect you. I've watched a lot of tutorials, books, and videos on survival in the wild recently. I've looked for them all!"

Su Xiang stood up suddenly, and the chair receded under the force and made a harsh friction sound against the floor.

Su Xiang's pale cheeks blushed abnormally due to excitement. Since his parents passed away, he rarely showed such emotional moments. He sniffed, but his youthful face was full of determination.

He looked at Su Meng with a firm tone: "Sister, you have always been protecting me, this time I will protect you."

"But you're only 16 years old!" Su Meng suppressed the emotion in her heart, slapped the table angrily, and stood up too. She couldn't believe that she couldn't hold back this indiscriminate brat today.

"What's the matter at the age of 16? I have met the registration requirements." Su Xiang turned his head away from Su Meng, and his tone was a little weaker.

He was secretly annoyed, why didn't his sister follow the routine he imagined?Even if you don't cry with him after hearing what he said, you should praise him with tears in your eyes for growing up and being sensible, right?
Why did you shoot the table?

"Don't bullshit me. Hurry up and cancel my name. I think it's because the teacher left too little homework. I'll enroll you in two interest classes tomorrow." Su Meng was so angry that she used the Northeast accent that she had broadcast live before. All brought out.

Su Xiang was furious in an instant, his eyes widened in disbelief: "Su Meng, are you a devil? Don't you have a heart? I want to protect you but you want to enroll me in interest classes, or both! "

Su Meng waved her hand impatiently, she was obviously a brat, and she pretended to be a weak and beautiful boy for a long time.

"Hmph, it's too late to quit now, because the registration period is over!" Su Xiang smiled triumphantly, humming a little song, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Su Meng laughed angrily, it turned out that he had planned all of this.

Most likely, Su Xiang overheard the original owner's phone call with the agent before. Su Xiang did sign up with the intention of protecting Su Meng, but he was afraid that Su Meng would force him to quit if he found out, so he came here. Cut first and then play.

Thinking about this, Su Meng sighed helplessly, forget it, the number of people who signed up now has exceeded 300 million, and [-] people are randomly selected from the [-] million, which is about the same as winning the lottery.

Let's see if you can hit it first. If you hit it, it's the same to quit.

After figuring it out, Su Meng sat down again, intending to continue eating.

However, as soon as she sat down, she heard a mechanically synthesized sound in her mind, which made her tremble.

"Ding! The survival system is loading... 10% of the effort is loading... 50% of the system is loaded!"

"Ding! The newcomer meeting gift bag has been distributed!"

"Ding! The auxiliary function check-in system has been activated! It has been automatically bound!"

"Ding! The main mission: Create a civilization on an uninhabited planet has been released!"

"Ding! Novice mission: go to an uninhabited planet to survive for 7 days has been released!"

(End of this chapter)

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