Chapter 3 Different cheats
Su Meng was stunned for a while, and her amber eyes squinted at Su Xiang who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa watching TV, and found that the other party was also staring at her in a daze.

Su Meng had a bad premonition in her heart.

She has even experienced things like time travel and rebirth, and she usually likes to read novels to pass the time, and immediately understands that the voice in her head is her "cheat" and the correct way to operate the "cheat".

It's just that this plug-in seems to be different from other people's plug-ins.

The binding person for Mao's check-in function shows that it is Su Xiang!
Because Mao is obviously a survival system, but the main task is to create a civilization, something that cannot be accomplished in tens of thousands of years!

For Mao's novice mission, I have to bring Su Xiang, a weak chicken!
The most outrageous thing is that because one of them failed to complete the task, both of them will be obliterated together!

Just because you are the system?Can the system do whatever it wants? !

Su Meng sighed, yes, "plug-in" means that you can do whatever you want.

Then, Su Meng "saw" a series of system prompts:
"Ding! Su Xiang, the host of the subsidiary system, has successfully signed in today and obtained a genetic liquid (primary)"

However, the claim column is grayed out, indicating that it cannot be claimed.

Su Meng was a little confused, so she tried to click to claim, to see if there would be a system prompt like an online game, but it turned out that she was thinking too much, no matter how she clicked, the system did not change at all.

In the end, she was so annoyed that she accidentally clicked on an interface similar to a calendar, and then she saw a series of new system prompts:
"Ding! The host Su Meng has successfully signed in today and obtained a genetic liquid (intermediate)"

But this time, the claim bar is no longer gray, and the status has changed from unclaimable to an orange claim button.

At this moment, the system prompt is refreshed again:
"Su, the host of the subsidiary system, wants to successfully receive the genetic liquid (primary)"

Su Meng looked at Su Xiang in astonishment, and saw the young man shaking a test tube containing azure liquid towards her, smiling brightly and proudly.

Su wanted to raise his head and drank the liquid in one gulp, and at the end he smacked his mouth, with a look that was still unfinished: "Su Meng, now you can't stop me from protecting you, right?"

Su Meng snorted, and after carefully checking the instructions of the medicine, she clicked to receive it.

Her potion is red, like a churning magma, and there seem to be fine diamonds shining in it, shining brightly.

He raised his head and drank it in one sip, without any taste, as if he drank it lonely.

This primary gene liquid will double the body strength of a person slowly and without side effects. That is to say, after Su Xiang takes it, he will change from a weak and beautiful boy to a physically stronger one.

The intermediate gene liquid increased the strengthening factor to 5 times, which means that Su Meng will be a serious girl with strange power in the future.

"Damn, I knew we should have exchanged. I'll drink intermediate potions, and you drink primary potions." Su Xiang regretted his impatience, but he didn't pay too much attention to such things.

And the test tube, after drinking the potion, disappeared strangely, just like it suddenly appeared.

After confirming that the system is shared by himself and Su Xiang, Su Meng began to study the functions of the system without any concealment.

She was worried about how she would explain it to the outside world if she succeeded in the challenge. After all, the original body was indeed a weak woman with no experience in survival in the wild.

Now there is a younger brother covering up, everything is silent.

Just when Su Meng was about to open the newcomer meeting gift bag, Su Xiang suddenly said excitedly: "The live broadcast has started! Do you think we will be drawn? Will the team members announce it together today?"

"Emmmm..." Su Meng regained her attention from the system, and also stared at the TV. There were five people inside, two men and three women.

The two male hosts are familiar faces, one surnamed He and the other Wang. Although their aura has been shattered in recent years, it is undeniable that their hosting skills can be called textbook level.

She also knew those three actresses, and one of them named He Ruixin was trampled by her company in a press release.

After a long series of oral sponsorships, Mr. He began to repeatedly introduce the rewards of "Survival in the Wilderness 600 Days", explaining the educational significance of this event. After forcibly sublimating the theme, he revealed the detailed rules for the first time.

"In this program, each contestant can only bring three tools into the uninhabited planet. At the same time, this program will use the world's first drone aerial photography for tracking and shooting. Of course, in order to ensure the personal safety of the players, we will give each player a positioning necklace developed by the latest technology."

Speaking of this, Mr. He took out a brown hollow ball tied with a black rope and showed it in front of the camera: "This necklace can not only accurately locate the specific position of each player, but also has a radio function and a help function. "

Speaking of this, Teacher He's face became serious: "Although it is an earth-like planet, everything there is unknown to the contestants. In addition, the program group does not set up follow-up personnel, so there may be There are some emergencies, and the rescuers deployed by the program group sometimes cannot arrive in time for rescue due to the distance, so please also consider whether to participate in the competition, and hope that everyone will do what they can."

Teacher Wang also added with a serious expression: "Yes, all contestants, please remember that life is the most important thing. When you encounter danger, you must press the SOS button on the necklace at the first time. Our rescuers I will find you as quickly as possible, of course, the moment you press the help button, it means you have been eliminated."

"Three pieces for one person? Is it that simple?" Su wanted to give full play to his attributes of a powerful king: "Give me an ax at the beginning, and I will directly create a civilization."

Su Meng rolled her eyes. If she hadn't been sure that there were no pseudo-documentaries and tutorial films like primitive life in this world, she would have thought that Su wanted to watch De Ye Bei Ye, the Australian brother.

However, one person has three tools, and a group of five people, as long as the things brought by the five people are not repeated, that is fifteen tools!

Compared with the generous rewards, this rule is indeed somewhat simple.

In fact, Su Meng was always a little uneasy.

"As long as the challenge is successful, the bonus of 10 billion plus the permanent ownership of part of the planet's land will be yours!" It was Mr. Wang who was speaking now, and his originally calm tone became passionate and full of temptation: "This is enough A life-changing challenge!"

"No, it's not just changing a person, it's a challenge to change a family. After all, the permanent ownership of part of the land on an uninhabited planet, even if you want to build a country on it, no one cares. Just kidding." Teacher He slapped It's a bit off, but it's good enough to make people look forward to becoming that lucky goose.

"This is an unprecedented challenge and the first in the world. If you succeed, you will become No.1 in the world!"

As Teacher Wang's voice fell, the electronic screen behind the host suddenly jumped, and countless names flashed past.

"If the selected people do not want to participate, they can call the number at the bottom of the screen before 12 o'clock to call the instructions and provide the corresponding certificates. After our staff verify that they are correct, they can withdraw. We will draw again until 300 people are drawn. until!"

After Mr. He finished speaking, the screen behind him also slowed down the flickering frequency.

"Yes, at the same time, you can also go to our official website to view the list of the lucky geese who were drawn. There will be photos of the contestants registered when they signed up and the registration declaration. Again, this program is dangerous. Please treat it rationally. If you don't want to participate Be sure to call in time to explain!"

As soon as the voice fell, a page of forms appeared on the screen behind him, and the forms were full of names that had been drawn.

"Congratulations to the above contestants, congratulations on getting tickets to change your life and change your destiny!"

The five hosts shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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