Chapter 4 I Haven't Seen the Starving Protagonist

On the TV, the five hosts were so excited that their voices broke.

Teacher He repeated the amazing reward again, while Teacher Wang once again added persuasion to face the challenge rationally.

One sang the red face and the other sang the bad face, but the atmosphere became more enthusiastic, giving people the illusion that a fool would give up.

As early as the moment the form appeared, Su Xiang took out his mobile phone and logged into the official website of "Survival in the Wild 600 Days", and began to check the detailed list of lucky geese. When he found himself in it, he couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the laughter, Su Mengchang heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Su Xiang was drawn, otherwise she really didn't know how to bring Su Xiang to participate in the show.

After all, if Su didn't want to participate in the show, both of them would be obliterated.

After recovering from his excitement, Su wanted to study the gift pack for beginners, but found that he could only look at it, but could not receive it.

"Su Meng, hurry up and see if you can get the novice gift bag." Hearing Su Xiang's anxious voice, Su Meng, who was still eating slowly, expressed that she was not panicked at all.

She said absent-mindedly: "You can get it, I almost got it just now, can't you get it?"

"Damn, I can't!" Su Xiang was a little annoyed, and then quickly said: "Get it quickly and let me see what I have, whether I can use it."

In fact, Su Meng was also a little curious, and no longer had to pick up his tone, and said silently in his mind: "Open the novice gift package."

Then she frowned.

She can understand the basic primitive civilization construction experience package and the plant identification knowledge experience package. There is nothing unusual about conventional external information.

What got her attention was that prefix.


What is the name of that uninhabited planet?Why does the system block the name of that planet?
Soon her thoughts were interrupted by Su Xiang's voice: "It's strange, I can see something rewarded, but I can't claim the two experience packs, only the deworming medicine formula shows that I can claim it."

"It seems that only the marked person can claim the items with names marked by the system. If the marked is you, then I probably won't be able to claim them." Su Meng came back to her senses, with a thoughtful expression on her face: "There is also a sign-in. Both of us need to sign in to receive the reward."

After realizing this, Su Xiang obviously became less interested, and muttered in his mouth: "You will get a gift bag only after signing in for 7 days, and you can't break the sign in the middle, and it's not interesting to get a gift bag every day. It's the main character."

Su Meng didn't bother to talk to this showman brother, and ordered to receive the experience pack directly in her mind.

In the next moment, a lot of knowledge and vivid pictures flooded into her head, and her brain swelled up a little bit.

His temples throbbed violently, and his whole head seemed to be about to explode.

This pain lasted for a full 10 minutes before it slowly dissipated, but my head was still a little swollen, as if I hadn't slept for three days and three nights.

"Lucky geese, please arrive at the Chengdu Sports Center before 2 am on February 1st. In order to ensure the safety of the players to the greatest extent, the program team will conduct a three-day intensive training and physical examination for the players. In the early morning of the 10th, all contestants will set off together to go to the uninhabited planet through the interstellar portal."

"At the same time, viewers can watch this program on Douge TV or Douge Video. This program will be broadcast live 600 hours a day for 24 days!"

"The above is the whole content of this live broadcast. If there is a supplementary draw in the future, it will be held at 23 o'clock sharp. Friends, remember to pay attention to the dynamics of the live broadcast room!"

As the hostess's sweet voice fell, Su Xiang turned off the screen projection without hesitation.

"Su Meng, what do you think we are going to bring? Will the two of us be grouped together? What will our teammates be like?"

Su Xiang was like a little sparrow, chattering non-stop.

But Su Meng doesn't hate this feeling, on the contrary, she likes it very much.

Because whether it was her or the original body's memory, Su Xiang had become a little taciturn since the death of his parents, and the communication between the siblings had also become rare, and sometimes they couldn't even speak three words a week.

But the relationship between the siblings is extremely sincere, because they know each other is each other's only relatives in this world.

However, the situation like today is still rare.

"I'll buy the tools when I get to Rongcheng, otherwise it's not easy to carry so many things on the road, and some things are controlled items, so I can't take them on the plane." Su Meng finally finished her meal, she leaned on the back of the chair, and the whole Everyone relaxed and looked contented.

Su wanted to hear it and found it very reasonable, so he took out his mobile phone and started to book the ticket: "Then I will book the ticket directly, how about booking the flight tomorrow morning? Will you go there with me?"

Su dreamed about it, and felt that the company had completely broken up with the company now, and the company would definitely not care about his own life, so he nodded in agreement, and transferred three thousand to Su Xiang by the way: "It's not that you don't know, I and The company has terminated the contract, and the air ticket money and hard work have been transferred to your prestige."

Seeing that Su Meng didn't stop her from booking an air ticket, and confirmed that Su Meng had terminated the contract with the company, the smile on Su Xiang's face deepened. In the past, Su Meng would always stop herself, saying that the company had arrangements and she had to obey the company. s arrangement.

He didn't like that company at all.

Because that company always forced Su Meng to do something she didn't like, but Su Meng had to do it for him, which made him feel very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

Just when Su wanted to book the tickets, Su Meng suddenly asked, "Wait, I thought of a question. Is it because you don't want to study hard that you want to participate in this program so much?"

"How is it possible, I study to make me happy, I love to study." Su Xiang replied calmly, booking tickets in his hand very quickly.

"Really? I don't believe it." Su Meng's face was calm, with a slightly melancholy expression, "It's a pity that you can't take the college entrance examination, and the previous books can be regarded as wasted..."

"Uh..." Su Xiang was stunned, and said in surprise: "What you said is quite reasonable, but our mission is there, and our lives are gone. What's the use of studying?"

"What do you know, knowledge changes destiny, and you don't want to protect me now?" Su Meng looked at Su Xiang with a half-smile, but there was a slight smile and tenderness in her eyes.


In the morning, Su Meng and Su Xiang, who woke up from hunger, finished packing and came to a breakfast shop with their suitcases.

The two quickly finished 4 tea eggs, 2 bowls of bean curd, and 8 cages of xiaolongbao, and packed 6 cages of xiaolongbao, before fleeing under the astonished eyes of the proprietress.

On the plane, Su Xiang was a little restless, and he said softly, "Su Meng, do you think our appetites have grown, especially you, you used to eat shrimp according to one..."

"I ate the steamed buns today as well." Su Meng interrupted Su Xiang, she was a little unhappy, so she didn't want to admit that her appetite had grown.

"I'm afraid that there won't be enough food, and we both have a bigger appetite and eat more, and then the teammates will be unhappy..."

"I didn't ask him to look for food, don't worry, my sister won't let you go hungry." Su Meng was so proud that she completely forgot that she was ridiculed by her old fans before and starved for nine meals in three days.

Besides, what are you afraid of if you have it on your body?She has never seen a starving protagonist in such a big age.

(End of this chapter)

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