Chapter 107: Unexpected Discovery
Hearing this question, Su Meng was silent for a while, and the corners of her mouth twitched. For a moment, she didn't know whether Su Xiang was exaggerating how good Zhang Lin and Bai Jing sang, or burying them for their loud voices.

"Eh? It's okay for other groups to come over, right?" Du Jiayue was fascinated by what she was listening to and watching, as if she was watching a movie about working people in the 90s.

Hearing what Su Xiang said, he asked his own doubts with a puzzled face.

She is a simple person, and treats others with her own way. In her opinion, even if other groups come over, it should not have much impact on them. At most, there will be less wild vegetables to eat.

She is not worried about hunting at all. She firmly believes that no one's arrow skills can be better than Su Meng's. Anyway, hunting is all about fairness and justice, and it is live broadcast. It is estimated that no one can rob under the camera. things like that.

Zhang Lin didn't speak, but just gave Du Jiayue a meaningful look. He has been in the entertainment industry for several years, and he hasn't seen anything. People's hearts are very complicated.

Su Meng quickly adjusted her emotions. She snorted expressionlessly: "Don't worry, my territory is up to me. As long as I have no morals, they can't kidnap me."

Seeing the evening sky, Su Meng sighed, and said that she would move into a new house tonight, but she didn't expect that just the last bit of earthen wall would take a whole day's work.

Moreover, she plans to use wood to build the frame of the roof of the earthen house, and use thatch mixed with clay as the roof. These things have not been collected yet.

Thinking about it, Su Meng said helplessly: "It seems that I have to go out again tomorrow, and those sour vines must be picked up as soon as possible, otherwise they will fall to the ground and be damaged. It's a pity."

"I'm going too!" Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue said in unison, for fear that Su Meng would leave them in the camp to dig a hole, or let them collect firewood around the camp.

"No problem, go if you want. It just so happens that the sour vine fruit jam is quite delicious. This time, I can make more than [-] million points." Su Meng was thinking about how to allocate tasks in order to maximize the benefits.

On the other side, the four of Gu Yue were sitting around the campfire, discussing the route for tomorrow.

It turned out that this afternoon, the four of them found a tall mango tree. Although most of the mangoes were still green and not ripe, only a few at the top were faintly yellowed.

But anyway, it was the same food that could fill one's stomach, so Gu Yue and Cao Xuyang climbed to the tree and started picking mangoes.

The reason why I chose to climb the tree instead of knocking down the mangoes with a wooden stick is because I am afraid that those mangoes will fall from the tree and rot. You must know that the rotten mangoes are stored for a short time.

And their plan is to pick all the mangoes and use them as food on the way of migration.

This mango tree bears a lot of mangoes. It was not until the sun was about to disappear that the two men picked most of the mangoes on the tree, leaving only some mangoes hanging on the top that could not be touched at all.

Just as the two of them hugged the tree trunk and were about to slide down the tree slowly, Gu Yue suddenly noticed that there were many birds flapping their wings and rushing towards the sky in the jungle not far away, as if they had been frightened by something.

He frowned, always felt that this scene was a bit strange, so after remembering the approximate location of the smoke in his mind, he climbed down the tree with Cao Xuyang.

And what they are discussing now is the way forward tomorrow.

Gu Yue was a little inclined to walk towards the hill, while Cao Xuyang, Cao Zhixiang, and Chen Yongjiao were more inclined to continue walking along the creek.

It's not the fault of the three of them, because Cao Zhixiang and Chen Yongjiao didn't go up the tree this afternoon, they just stood under the tree to respond, their sight was completely blocked by the leaves, so they didn't witness the scene of the birds taking off with their own eyes.

Although Cao Xuyang climbed to the tree, but because his back was facing there, he didn't see the wonderful scene.

Even after Cao Xuyang, Cao Zhixiang, and Chen Yongjiao heard what Gu Yue said, the three of them still had a skeptical attitude and were unwilling to take risks.

After all, it's not just contestants who can startle birds, many beasts can too.

Maybe it's over, and what's waiting for them is not some player, but a hungry beast.

At least walk along the creek, without worrying about the water source, and occasionally catch a few finger-thick small fish in the creek.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they were scratching their heads and scratching their heads.

"Brother Yue insists on his own judgment! The other side of the mountain is Su Meng! It's Su Meng, the richest woman on the island!"

"Choose the right route and go directly to the pinnacle of life"

"Laughing, why do you think that Su Meng will accept Gu Yue and the others? Su Meng is not doing charity."

"My Brother Yue and Daxian are brothers, Daxian and Su Meng are friends, and even Brother Yue and Su Meng are brothers and sisters."

"Can rounding be used like this???"

"Brother Yue, don't go, Su Meng is a ruthless capitalist who only squeezes his teammates."

“But people can have enough food there”

"Yes, it's still the kind that works from morning to bed."

“But people can have enough food there”


In the early morning, when the sky was still dim, Su Meng and five people were already standing at the door of the earthen house, ready to start cleaning.

Now there is no roof built in the earthen house, and the lighting is very good, so that the five people can see the scene inside the house at a glance.

The ground is full of mud and grass clippings, or some dried loess clods.

"Why don't we clean it together after the roof is built?" Bai Jing asked tentatively, "Otherwise, after cleaning now, when the roof is built, some dirt and grass will leak down again, isn't that right? Wasting human time?"

Su dreamed about it and thought it made sense. Anyway, they are not in a hurry to move now, as long as the earthen house is built before the rainy season comes.

Thinking of this, she walked up to the wall and touched the earthen wall with her hands, and found that her hands were cold, not as dry as touching mud, but as smooth as touching pottery.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue couldn't help but reach out and touch it, with satisfied and proud smiles on their faces.

This is a house they built with their own hands, which is great.

"This reminds me of my grandma. I used to live in such a mud house with my grandma. It's cold in winter and cool in summer, but it's the best house I've ever lived in." Bai Jing fell into the memory, with a faint smile on his face A smile, and then as if thinking of something, the smile on his face gradually turned into sadness and pain.

"Then you don't know how to build earthen walls? I want my sister to teach you." Su Xiang poked Bo Jing with his elbow, and teased deliberately.

Hearing this, Bai Jing forced a smile, but the sadness and pain on his face obviously faded a lot: "Oh, how old is that, what can a five or six year old remember."

Seeing that Bo Jing was still in a bad mood, Su Meng could only sigh silently, and adjusted her plan for the day again: "After breakfast, let's go directly to pick sour vines, and then go to collect materials for building houses."

(End of this chapter)

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