Chapter 108: Hemp Garden
More than half an hour later, the five of Su Meng finished their breakfast, carried their own backpacks, and came to the side of the pepper tree fully armed.

After these few days, a lot of sour vines had fallen on the ground, indicating that they were ripe, and it was a pity to see Su Meng and five people.

"Mengmeng, are we picking all these peppercorns and sour vines back?" Du Jiayue looked excited, looking at the pepper tree as if she was looking at glowing gold.

"You can pick all the sour vines and take them out to make jam. As for the peppercorns, you can save some for them to grow. After all, green peppercorns and cooked peppercorns have different tastes." Su Meng couldn't laugh or cry. Her teammates have also acquired her habit of liking "Sanguang". Whenever they see something good, they want to take it home and put it away.

"Okay." Du Jiayue was a little disappointed, but soon became excited again: "Then I can pick these peppercorns and dry them in the sun. When I cook in the future, put some dried peppercorns, the taste will be even better!"

Su Meng smiled helplessly, but rather liked the feeling of treating the team as a family.

After picking the sour vines and peppercorns, the five returned to the camp to put away their things, and then walked towards the wild banana forest without stopping.

It's not to cut the stems of banana trees and draw them, but to collect banana leaves.

The leaves of that palm tree have been plucked by them, and they have to replace it with another tree.

The banana forest is undoubtedly the best choice.

After all, the quantity is there, and cutting a few banana leaves will help the banana tree grow.

After the five people came to the banana forest, looking at the lush green banana trees, they had the illusion of being in Southeast Asia for a while.

"Mengmeng, are these the raw materials we use for weaving? How do you draw the silk?" Du Jiayue, who was extremely thirsty for knowledge, looked at Su Meng again and asked her own questions.

"Drawing needs to cut off the banana tree, and then peel off the bark of the banana tree layer by layer. The more you peel it, the thinner and glossier it is. Then the silk needs to be boiled with plant ash and then dried. It needs to be dry before it can be used, it is quite troublesome anyway.”

Speaking of this, Su Meng sighed: "Actually, the way to maximize the benefits is to wait for the bananas to mature in October, and then we have collected all the wild bananas before cutting down the trees. But there is a way of safety in the world, and you can get both clothes and wild bananas."

In fact, drawing is the best way, because the weather is not very hot now, the quality of the drawn silk will not only be better, but also easier to handle.

Under normal circumstances, the stems of a hundred banana trees can produce a piece of silk.

Thinking of this, Su Meng couldn't help but sighed again, still reluctant to give up the wild banana: "It seems that we still need to continue to look for plants that can be made into fabrics."

Du Jiayue also sighed, obviously she also understood that they were in a very embarrassing situation at the moment.

If you want to get wild plantains, you can't get plantain fiber before summer, and if you want to get plantain fibers, you can't get wild plantains.

You can't have both, it all depends on their choice.

Who made it too hot for the island to wear a jacket in summer, and if you don't wear it, you will be sunburned by the hot sun.

Moreover, spring has not yet begun, and the temperature difference between day and night is still large. They urgently need clothes to keep warm.

"Forget it, let's take it step by step. At worst, after you master your archery skills, let's go and bring the wolves to a pot together. By then, we will have food for the rainy season, not to mention the clothes to keep out the cold." Su Meng After reassuring Du Jiayue, she began to harvest banana leaves.

She does not cut too many banana leaves. She only cuts four or five leaves from each banana tree, leaving some for the photosynthesis of wild bananas.

Five people worked together, and the efficiency was very fast. In less than half an hour, they cut all the banana trees, and tied the cut banana leaves into a bundle with rope.

Just as the five of them were about to return to the camp, Zhang Lin suddenly stopped Su Meng: "I was over there and found marijuana."

When Zhang Lin said this, the expression on his face was very serious, and his tone was unusually dignified.

He is in the entertainment industry. Although he has never been in contact with this kind of thing, he knows what this harmful thing looks like.

Unexpectedly, Su Meng was not surprised when he heard the words, but was delighted: "Are you serious? Where is it? Take me to see it."

After the two came to the place Zhang Lin mentioned, Su Meng couldn't help but gasped.

There is actually a lot of hemp here!
Not only hemp, but also ramie (zhu) hemp and velvet (qing) hemp!

Made it, and now I'm completely rich.

Su Meng was so excited that she wondered if she was dreaming. This was like giving away pillows when she fell asleep. With these numbness, they don't have to worry about having no clothes to wear in winter.

Seeing Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue staring at him in bewilderment, Su Meng didn't hold back, pointing to a tall, slender plant with sparse branches and said: "I believe you They all look familiar, yes, it is the harmful hemp, but it also has another function, that is, it can be used for weaving!"

"Hemp is a dioecious plant. The male hemp fiber is fine and strong. It has natural antibacterial and hygienic properties. It can be used to weave cloth and make clothes, and it can also be used as a filler for winter clothes. Made into hemp rope, we poor people in ancient times used the clothes to keep out the cold and winter, and the stuffing inside is the robe made of hemp.”

"And the seeds of female hemp can be used to extract oil, used as oil or for lighting lamps. Although we don't need it right now, it's hard to guarantee that we won't need it in the future."

Su Meng talked eloquently, and made Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue stunned for a moment. They only knew that hemp was a drug and a thing that harmed people, but they didn't expect such a thing to exist. Great use.

Then, Su Meng pointed to another plant and said, "This one is even more powerful. It is called ramie. It is a high-quality and high-yield fiber crop, and its roots have high medicinal value. It can not only treat colds and fever, It can also treat bruises, fractures, snake bites, etc.”

"This plant is called velvet hemp. Although it is not as valuable as ramie and hemp, it is also a good textile fiber, which can be used to weave sacks, twist ropes, and weave hemp shoes."

The four of Su Xiang couldn't help but sigh after hearing this: "This is too amazing. This large area is actually full of hemp. Those who don't know think we have entered a textile material plantation. Let's call this place a hemp garden." .”

Hearing this, Su Meng was stunned for a moment, yes, this is too much of a coincidence, you must know that plantain fiber is also called abaca.

Is this a gift from nature, or a script arranged in advance by the program group?Or, this is not an uninhabited planet at all, and there are other intelligent creatures on this island?
However, what Su Meng didn't know was that their live broadcast room was blocked the moment Huo Ma appeared, and the reason for the ban was drug-related.

In the next few days, the country suddenly began to vigorously rectify the chaos in all walks of life. After a while of flying around and everyone in the industry was in danger, another big news was released, declaring that there will be a planet in the near future. When it hits the earth, it will have a certain impact suddenly.

Of course, these are all things to say, and have nothing to do with Su Meng and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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