Chapter 113: It's Raining Again

"By the way, tomorrow we have to find some herbs for making insect repellent powder, especially wormwood. We need to find more. Then we will fume the room with wormwood. This will not only dispel the mold, but also repel mosquitoes. It can kill two birds with one stone. "Su thought happily, but he didn't think about whether the rain would stop tomorrow at all.

Su Meng is too lazy to talk to Su Xiang, who is intermittently superstitious, she only cares about when she can have dinner.

In the jungle, Huang Ming and his party huddled in the narrow shelter, listening to the non-stop pattering rain outside, they couldn't suppress the restlessness in their hearts.

Ever since he met the four of Jeff five days ago, he felt that his group had turned into wilderness workers.

There is no way, Jeff's hunting is too awesome. He obviously went hunting together, but before he could shoot the arrow, the prey he was aiming at had already been shot to death by Jeff.

At that time, Jeff said that in order to thank him for leading the way, he was willing to pay him a deer leg as a reward. He was very happy at the time. He felt that this group was different from the Korean group.

So he enthusiastically brought people back to the camp, and then the four of Jeff built a new shelter near their camp.

However, within two days he was dumbfounded.

Because the survival rule that Park Sang-hoon and the five pursued was "you don't have to work too hard to survive", so they only collected some firewood these days, or picked some small fruits. To eat food, he was very generous and gave them half a piece of venison.

After getting the venison, the five members of Park Sang-hoon became even more aggressive. They used to go to the beach to try fishing, but now they lie in the shelter every day, waiting for Jeff to feed them.

This was originally a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer, and it had nothing to do with Huang Ming and the others, but Jeff alone couldn't support two groups of nine people, so he found Huang Ming and said that he wanted to talk to Huang Ming. They cooperate.

The way of cooperation is that he goes out hunting, Huang Ming, five people, Park Sang-hoon and his remaining three teammates are responsible for making food, building wooden houses, collecting firewood, etc. in the camp.

In other words, Jeff is trying to feed 14 people on his own!
These are not the main points, Jeff is willing to be tired, but the problem is that the five of Park Sang-hoon and his remaining three teammates don't work at all, and all the work is left to the five of them. When it comes to food, they get the least amount of food.

And Jeff doesn't hunt animals every time he goes out.


Huang Ming clutched his stomach, hunger was tormenting his stomach and interrupting his thoughts.

This jungle is beyond his reach.

After realizing this, Huang Ming poked Wang Xiang's sleeping bag, and after receiving Wang Xiang's response, he whispered: "Or... let's move."

"Move again?" Wang Xiang hesitated. Although he was inclined to relocate, he knew in his heart that people stick together. It would not be easy to persuade the other three teammates to relocate this time.

Sure enough, Zhao Lei who heard this was the first to express his dissatisfaction: "We have just moved here not long ago, and now we are moving again? Are we here to participate in the wilderness survival, or to participate in the wilderness move?"

In fact, it is normal for Zhao Lei not to want to move. Hua people like to live casually and pursue stability and peace. Even in the city, many people are unwilling to move, let alone in the wilderness.

Moving in the wilderness means unknown, and unknown means danger.

And as long as they survive another nine days, they can quit the show, there is no need to make it difficult for themselves at this time.

After hearing Zhao Lei's well-founded analysis, Huang Ming also began to hesitate. After all, he is the captain and has to be responsible for every decision he makes.

"Brother Huang Ming, do you still want to stay in this ghostly place for a year? No need, let's just bear with it." Zhao Lei tried hard to persuade, and finally Huang Ming sighed and didn't talk about the relocation.

However, he later paid a painful price for today's decision.

Of course, this is all for later, so I won't mention it for now.

As for Su Meng, she really didn't break her promise, and she really started teaching Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue how to make wooden shelves in the wooden shed.

In fact, the construction of the wooden shelf is also very simple, still using the mortise and tenon structure.

If the hole burned with charcoal fire is too big, tie it with a rope again. Before going to bed, five shelves like shoe racks are ready.


In the early morning, the sky was very dark, and the rain slapped in the jungle with a refreshing chill, covering the whole Taiji Island in a layer of wet mist.

Su Meng stretched and crawled out of the sleeping bag.

The room is very dry, and the sound insulation effect is considered good. There is still a little temperature left by the heat from the fireplace when you step on the ground.

This sleep can be said to be the most comfortable sleep she has had since coming to the wilderness.

She got up slowly, put on the deerskin vest, put on the jacket, and then began to check the condition of the earthen house to see if there was any rain leakage.

However, she searched around and found no water dripping down, which proved that the waterproofing measures of the roof were quite successful. Then she checked the five walls and found no water seepage. She immediately relaxed in one breath.


This is the first rainy day when the earthen house was built, and the earthen house has successfully withstood the first wave of tests.

At the same time, she was very thankful in her heart. Fortunately, they worked overtime to build the roof of the earthen house, otherwise the rain would definitely make the difficulty of building straight up.

"It seems that today's trip to the seaside will not be possible." Su Meng sighed, and sure enough, the flag can't stand randomly.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing who were awakened subconsciously covered their sleeping bags, and looked at the woman standing in their room, looking around, with blank and terrified expressions.

It took a while for them to realize that they were in the wilderness and did not return to the city. They blamed the bed for being too comfortable. The room was burning and warm, so it was so good to sleep.

"Su Meng, why did you come to our room so early in the morning." Su Xiang couldn't help complaining that the sleeping bag was too warm, and he still wanted to sleep for a while.

Su Meng squinted her eyes, and a nasty smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "I'm here to tell you some bad news."

"What?" Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing hadn't fully woken up yet, and their heads were in a daze. When they saw Su Meng talking, they subconsciously began to cooperate with each other.

"It's raining outside, so we can't have a seafood feast today."

As soon as these words came out, Su Xiang and the three felt as if they had been struck by lightning, and then there was a burst of howling.

Seeing this, the curvature of Su Meng's mouth became more obvious, and she said lightly: "In order for us to travel in rainy days in the future, let's weave coir raincoats and bamboo hats today. If it's still early when the rain stops, I'll bring How about you go hunting or go to the seaside?"

(End of this chapter)

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