Chapter 114: It's Too Cold Today, Isn't It?
"Bamboo hat? I will do this." Du Jiayue, who was a little bit disappointed because she couldn't go to the beach, suddenly jumped up.

People who have lived in the countryside since they were young know a little bit of simple crafts, and they basically learned them from the elders at home. After all, they lived in that era, and these crafts were their means of earning a living.

"Okay, then let's start making bamboo hats." Su Meng smiled, and found five coconut shells from the wooden shed, which Du Jiayue insisted on keeping, saying that coconut shells can also be used as bowls or water It can also be used to decorate the room.

So he brought back five coconut shells.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Su Meng directly handed over the teaching work to Du Jiayue, and slowly sharpened the knife by herself, and then made arrows.

Du Jiayue, who was a teacher for the first time, was a little nervous, even though the "students" below were all her good friends, she clenched her fists, wiped off the sweat on her palms, cleared her throat, and stammered Start teaching:
"First break the bamboo and cut it into chopstick-shaped bamboo strips, and then slowly peel off the green and yellow layers. The green part of the bamboo is relatively tough, while the part of the yellow part of the bamboo is more brittle. At this step, we should treat them separately. Then Let's cut the green and yellow strips into very thin bamboo strips, and then use a hatchet to scrape the bamboo strips smooth. Be careful in this step, so as not to cut your hands." Du Jiayue taught very carefully and seriously.

What she plans to make is the "Red Army Cone", which has a wide brim, which can not only protect from rain but also shade, and is very light and durable.

After making the bamboo strips, we start to weave the bamboo hat blank. This method is somewhat similar to the warp and weft yarns in weaving. In fact, the warp and weft are interwoven. One warp strip presses one weft strip, which is the most common technique of "pick two and press one" in bamboo weaving.

After the bamboo strips were picked and woven into shape, Du Jiayue placed it on the fixed coconut shell, and was ready to start making the dome of the bamboo hat, which is the part that accommodates the head.

The coconut shell is about the size of their head and just serves as a mold to fix the bamboo hat.

Occasionally, Su Meng would look up at Du Jiayue, watching her move the bamboo strips with her nimble hands, inserting her fingers between the bamboo pieces, and after a while, the top of the bamboo hat was woven.

Next is the brim of the hat, which is much simpler than the top of the hat. In less than half an hour, Du Jiayue was already finishing the first layer of the frame.

"Eh? Are you planning to weave a double-layered structure?" Su Meng looked up at Du Jiayue. She didn't expect that she would weave this kind of bamboo hat. She thought Du Jiayue would weave the ones in Sichuan and Chongqing. It seems that Du Jiayue Jiayue's grandfather is also an old man with a story.

"Well, the effect will be much better this way, and the service life will be longer." Du Jiayue replied with a smile, and then became distressed: "Generally speaking, bamboo leaves are used as waterproof materials for the middle layer of bamboo hats, but we There are no bamboo leaves here."

"You can use banana leaves, which won't rot after drying." Su Meng thought about it and gave his own suggestion.

Du Jiayue's eyes lit up when she heard that, she originally planned to fill it with thatch, but she didn't expect to have a better choice now.

After carrying the rest of the banana leaves, Du Jiayue turned the completed "bamboo hat blank" over, placed the top down between her legs, and then evenly spread the cut banana leaves on top, forming a "bamboo hat" commonly known as "bamboo hat". The gaps between the warp and weft strips of the bucket hole are covered, and then covered with a layer of banana leaves.

Then, she cut two bamboo pieces and put them in the brim of the hat, which is to support the brim of the hat and fix the banana leaves.

After doing this, it is the last step. She uses the same method to weave the second layer of bamboo hat frame, and then presses the second layer of bamboo hat frame on the banana leaves, sandwiching the banana leaves and bamboo slices in the middle, and then closes and presses Squeeze, and finally poke the banana leaves with bamboo sticks to lock the edges slightly, and then sew the upper and lower "hat bucket blanks" with bark rope to complete the work.

After thinking about it, Du Jiayue found two more ropes and tied them to the edge of the dome to fix the head. At this point, a bamboo hat with a diameter of about [-] centimeters was ready.

Du Jiayue put the bamboo hat on her head, stood pretty in front of Su Meng, and smiled sweetly: "Does it look good?"

Su Meng chuckled and nodded, "It's pretty, very cute."

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room became restless again.

"Ah ah ah, I will drink this cp first as a respect"

"Oh my god, this group is really big per capita"

"I didn't expect Miss Du Jiayue to be so skilled."

"I feel that everyone in this group has their own skill points. Miss Jiayue can weave, brother Su Xiang can make food supplements, and brother Daxian Baijing can dig holes."

"Laughing, are you serious about digging holes?"

"Nissan, the lilies in my hometown are blooming again"

"My brain learns, but my hands don't"

"Suddenly weeping, I thought of my grandfather. I think he was also a well-known craftsman in the village back then."

"At the beginning I was still doing it with Miss Jiayue, but now I have given up"


Du Jiayue shook her little head with a smile, and the bamboo hat shook, but it didn't fall off: "'s a bit heavy, but it's acceptable."

"It will be better when the bamboo is completely dry, and there is still some moisture in it." Su Meng looked at Du Jiayue who was suddenly childish with a smile.

"Then I'll give you this one, and I'll make another one for myself." After finishing speaking, Du Jiayue took off the bamboo hat and put it on Su Meng's head: "Hehe, you are cute too."

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing rolled their eyes silently, and continued to make bamboo hats stiffly.

After the four of them finished making the bamboo hats, it was noon, and the rain outside finally stopped.

Su Meng heaved a sigh of relief. This is the bad thing about being in the wilderness. If the weather is bad, they can't go anywhere without warm clothes. If they go out in the rain, they may catch a cold again.

At first, she also said to make coir raincoats, but after thinking about it, they didn't have the raw materials needed to make coir raincoats, and it would take at least two days to make a serious coir raincoat.

So she can only temporarily give up the idea of ​​making coir raincoats.

Originally, she had planned to take only one person out for hunting, because they really didn't have much food, and they only had two jackets, so if they had to go out in the rain, they could only go out with two people.

Fortunately, the rain has stopped now.

"Get ready, let's go to the beach." As soon as Su Meng said this, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue immediately cheered, and hurriedly put on their shoulder straps, carrying a basket, fully armed line up.

It had just rained in the jungle, and the temperature was still very low. Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing were shirtless again. As soon as they stepped out of the warm earthen hut, they immediately shivered.

"Isn't it too cold today?"

Su wanted to suck in a breath of cold air, shrank his body from the cold, and rubbed his arms vigorously with both hands, trying to warm up his body.

(End of this chapter)

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