Chapter 126: The Forgotten Soap
Unexpectedly, the food that was very common in the past has become a scarce commodity now.

"Hey, I'm going to quit in a few days anyway, why don't we go to the beach, we haven't eaten salt for almost a month, our mouth is so salty, and maybe we can catch fish and have a seafood feast, I It’s easy to watch those sea catching videos.”

After he stopped worrying about food, Liu Yuan's escapism was fully exposed.

The eight of them discussed that they would quit the show after 30 days, and leave with a bonus of 100 million. After all, winter is coming soon, and they don't have warm clothes, so staying any longer is just torturing themselves.

There is really no need for that, the most important thing for a person is self-knowledge.

It's a big deal to fight again next time.

"Then we need to collect more food. The seaside must be far away from us. Maybe we have to walk for two or three days." Chen Hao thought for a while and gave his own suggestion. Anyway, he doesn't care. After all, Liu Yuan is his employer.

"That's just right. Counting today, there are still five days until 30 days. Today, let's dig more bamboo shoots, catch more bamboo rats, and then smoke the bamboo rats into jerky. Let's go all the way to the sea, and we can have a good time along the way." How about admiring the scenery of this island, and then just spending the last night by the sea?"

The more Liu Yuan talked, the more excited he became, his eyes were sparkling, and the light called "romantic" shone inside.

Hearing that he could enjoy the scenery along the way, Gu Yue was also a little moved. He came to this program to find his original self, let his mind go, and feel the charm of nature.

Now that the opportunity was right in front of him, he naturally didn't want to miss it.

So he nodded: "I think it's okay, but I still have to ask the three ladies what they think. If they don't agree, then just forget it."

Hearing this, Liu Yuan's blood slowly cooled down, yes, how could he forget those three women?
The five of Su Meng carried ramie with five backs on their backs, and a few bunches of ripe wild bananas around their waists, and walked back to the camp in the afterglow of the setting sun.

After putting the things away, Du Jiayue went to prepare dinner. Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing continued to dig a hole, while Su Meng was peeling bamboo.

These bamboo pieces are to be inserted into the trap together with the sharpened wooden sticks, so it must be sharp enough to increase the lethality of the trap.

The evening breeze was blowing until the sky completely darkened, and the three of Su Xiang crawled out of the trap, just as dinner was already ready.

Today's dinner is as simple as ever, stewed venison with wild vegetables, scrambled eggs with wild vegetables, and wild vegetable egg drop soup. Because the amount of cassava dug is not much, I didn't cook the cassava for dinner.

"Mengmeng, what are we going to do with those ramies." Du Jiayue swallowed the venison in her mouth and looked at the ramie piled up in the wooden shed with curiosity.

"Ramie leaves can be used to feed rabbits and goats. I don't know if goats eat them or not. Anyway, rabbits like to eat them, and what we need is the layer of skin on the ramie stalk." Su Meng said without any haste. But what Su Xiang said made the four of them want to cry: "So later we need to peel off all the shells of these ramie stalks."

Looking at the pile of ramie that formed a hill, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing could only let out a long sigh, turning their grief and anger into appetite.

At night, the five of Su Meng sat around the bonfire and peeled the ramie stalks by the light of the fire. The peeled stalks were kept in the sun to be used as firewood, and the stalks were used as raw materials for making linen.

Because of the lack of tools, Su Meng could only make himself a longer and thicker version of the bamboo wrench, and wear the kind that can cover the entire thumb.

After wearing the bamboo finger, Su Meng used a hatchet as a hemp knife, and pressed the blade against the bamboo finger with the ramie skin peeled off from the ramie rod in the middle, and then quickly pulled it from head to tail to remove the ramie skin on the surface. The layer of blue skin was scraped off.

This step is called "scraping green" in technical terms, and after this step, what is left is ramie fiber.

However, this step is very exhausting, it looks like nothing, it seems to be very easy, but it is not, because it is necessary to take into account both strength and speed when scraping green, if you do not pay attention to the blade, the ramie skin will be cut off directly.

"Ha~" Bai Jing yawned big, and rubbed his sore eyes with the back of his hand.

Even if the four of them peeled together, there would still be nearly two-thirds of the ramie stalks that had not been peeled. The main reason for the low efficiency was that Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue had just Getting started, still can't master the skill of peeling.

Like Su Meng, her shaving speed can keep up with the speed of the four of them peeling skin together. After all, she did this a lot in the live broadcast before.

"Go to bed if you're sleepy, that's all for today, let's continue tomorrow."

Sleepiness is contagious, especially after four people have worked for a day, they will be doing mechanical repetitive work again. After the initial excitement is over, there is only boredom and dullness left.

Su Meng glanced at the four people who started to yawn one after another, her tone was light and light, she felt that she was still very humane, even if she was a capitalist, she was also a very considerate capitalist.

Hearing this, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing immediately stood up, dropped the ramie stalks in their hands, washed their hands, and ran to the earthen house.

Su Meng rolled her eyes angrily, put the ramie fiber in a clay pot, poured enough warm water and an appropriate amount of plant ash, soaked the ramie fiber to soften it.

After finishing all this, she said to Du Jiayue: "It's getting late, you should go to bed quickly."

Hearing this, Du Jiayue just put down the ramie stalk in her hand, and after tidying up the wooden shed, she went to wash her hands and went back to the earthen hut to get ready to sleep.

Su Meng watched the meeting night until the system showed that she had successfully signed in and received a 30-day sign-in gift package, then she slowly put down the ramie pole in her hand to wash her hands.

Then, sadly, I found that my palms were stained black and blue, which couldn't be washed off even with charcoal powder.

Su Meng sighed faintly, sure enough she should find something to wrap her hands when shaving.

At this time, she suddenly remembered the piece of soap she had forgotten.

After so many days, the bar of soap should have solidified and formed, right?

Thinking of this, Su Meng immediately rummaged out the clay bowl containing soap from a corner of the wooden shed. She looked at the soap in the clay bowl, poked it lightly with her fingers, and found that it was already very hard, and the top It was also covered with a layer of dust.

It was embarrassing.

Su Meng picked up the pottery bowl, blew hard to blow away the dust on it, and then sniffed it with her nose. After finding that there was no smell, she curled her lips, thinking that she had miscalculated.

If I had known, I should have added flower petals and herbs to make a scented medicated soap.

But she also understands in her heart that there are too many uncertainties in the wilderness, and it is impossible to do everything to the best at one time. Many materials can only be collected later, and they need to be prepared in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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