Chapter 127 Retting
Such as processing ramie.

The method of processing ramie tonight is very primitive, so the efficiency of peeling is very low, and the obtained ramie fibers are not very good, because there is no degumming.

While Su Meng was thinking in a mess, she dunked a little soap out of the ceramic bowl, soaked it in warm water, put it in her palms and rubbed each other.

I don't know if this soap has good decontamination ability, and if it can clean the color on my hands.

After a while, Su Meng sighed, the soap is good soap, and its decontamination ability is also good, but the color on her hands is not vegetarian, it is extremely stubborn.

Putting the earthenware bowl with soap away, Su Meng added a few thick firewood to the bonfire to ensure that the bonfire would not go out soon, and then returned to the earthen hut to prepare for sleep.

As for the color on the palm, we can only wait for it to fade away slowly.

In the early morning, when it was still daylight, Su Meng, who was soundly asleep, was woken up again by Su Xiang and the other three.

Looking at Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue who looked excited, Su Meng took a few deep breaths, and finally suppressed the breath of getting up.

What I promised myself is to get up early and do it.

Su Meng gritted her teeth and got dressed, and began to lead the four of Su Xiang to warm-up activities, reviewing the fighting moves taught yesterday morning, and learning new fighting moves.

But she still admires her four teammates, especially Zhang Lin.

After all, he is Shidi, he has both money and fame, he has many masterpieces, and his coffee position is bigger than himself. It stands to reason that he doesn't need to work so hard, and he doesn't need to listen to his own arrangements.

By the way, he is still the captain in name.

Thinking of this, Su Meng was a little embarrassed, because she was not familiar with Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue at the beginning, and she was afraid that they had many problems. After all, the most taboo things in the wilderness were arrogance, hypocrisy and coquettishness.

What she thought at the beginning was that if they got along well, they would form a team together; if they didn't, she would find an opportunity to take Su Xiang out of the team. She didn't want to take on the responsibility of taking care of her teammates. If you are the captain.

The three of Zhang Lin can withdraw from the competition at any time, but she and Su can only die if they can't live here. In front of life, she would rather be a selfish person.

After all, it is written like this in novels, the protagonist will always be surrounded by a group of people who don't know what to do and let the protagonist slap him in the face, and she is already mentally prepared for the three of Zhang Lin and her to sing against her.

However, what she didn't expect was that things would develop like this, cooperating to slap the face and slap the face, is it slapping the face of my majestic protagonist?

Su Meng sighed, pulled back her wandering thoughts, looked at the four people who were practicing their moves, and their eyes softened.

Yes, after all, this is real life, so how can there be so many plots that only appear in so many novels.

At some point, the relationship between her and Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue reached this point. During this month, those trivial daily routines narrowed the distance between them, and they even experienced two wild beast sieges together. The camp and the horror of the sea monster, now they can be regarded as revolutionary comrades who have experienced the same adversity, lived and died together.

And strictly speaking, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue had saved her life, and of course she had saved Zhang Lin and the others.

The relationship between the five people has long been unreasonable and chaotic. Although they are not relatives, they can be regarded as relatives.

When others treat her with sincerity, she will also treat others with sincerity. Su Meng firmly believes that apart from blood relationship, good things between people are mutual.

After breakfast, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing were no longer busy digging traps, because Su Meng gave them a new task - to dig a trap about 1.5 meters long not far below the reservoir. , a half-person-high small pond about one meter wide.

This is used to process ramie.

If you peel the skin directly without degumming, the efficiency is too slow, and the separated fibers are not very good.

Su Meng picked up the ramie fibers soaked overnight, divided them into small strands and put them on the clothesline to dry. After the sun dried the ramie fibers, they used them to rub the rope.

Ropes woven from bark are too easy to break and cannot withstand the ravages of the waves, but ropes made of ramie are strong and not easy to break, and can withstand the erosion of waves, so they are the first choice for making rafts.

Yes, she plans to use ramie rope to make a small raft and go out to sea to see, and wants to know what secrets are hidden in the sea, so that the system will not hesitate to expose a little secret, and it will also tempt her to go to sea like this.

That's right, the monthly sign-in gift package that the system gave her was an advanced navigation and intermediate shipbuilding experience package.

Coupled with the basic sailing experience package and basic shipbuilding experience package issued last time, the system is almost telling her the card, almost telling her that she must go to sea.

But there are sea monsters in the sea, she will never go out to sea at will without finding out the details of the sea monsters.

It is even possible that she wants to kill the sea monster first, and then talk about going to sea.

The small pond was soon dug, and covered with a layer of stone and clay, to prevent seepage.

After digging the small pond, Du Jiayue took Bo Jing, Zhang Lin, and Su Xiang to reclaim the fields, and planted the big potatoes and cassava that were dug yesterday.

Su Meng bundled ramie into small bundles and put them in a small pond, poured clean water into it, and sprinkled some plant ash into it, and when the water submerged the ramie, she began to throw hot stones into it again .

"Mengmeng, why did you throw stones into it?" Du Jiayue, who was instructing the trio of coolies how to reclaim the fields, looked curious when she saw this scene. She always asked questions when she didn't understand, and she was very eager to learn.

Su Meng continued to throw stones into the small pond, while popularizing science: "Throwing stones in it is to suppress the ramie and prevent it from floating, and the second is to heat the water temperature in the pit."

Before Du Jiayue could continue to ask questions, Su Meng cleared his throat and continued: "This step is actually retting, but the best time for retting is 20 days after the summer solstice, which is around July 7 in the Gregorian calendar. The temperature is the highest, the reproduction speed of bacteria is very fast, and the degumming of hemp bast is very clean."

"But now we have too much temperature difference between day and night, the weather is not good, we can only use warm water to retting, and we don't have such a large container and time to boil water, so we can only use this method to take advantage of the essence of retting. It’s using bacteria to degumming.”

Du Jiayue nodded half-understood, and today is another day to admire Su Mengmeng even more.

After lunch, the five of Su Meng came to the grassland to hunt again.

But for some reason, let alone deer and goats today, I didn't even see a pheasant or a hare.

Sure enough, good luck doesn't come all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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