After I crossed the interstellar space, I survived in the wilderness and engaged in infrastructure c

Chapter 141 I have never eaten such a sumptuous meal during Chinese New Year

Chapter 141 I have never eaten such a sumptuous meal during Chinese New Year
Du Jiayue glanced arrogantly in the direction of Luo Huan, and said, "Pine nut venison and wild vegetable snake soup."

Su Meng gave a "tsk", thinking in her heart that eating these two dishes at noon might be a little bit nourishing, and she didn't know if the three big men Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing could bear it, so don't eat them Then I got a nosebleed.

"Then what is simmering in your pot?" Su Meng suddenly noticed that the pot beside her was also steaming.

The expression on Du Jiayue's face was even more arrogant: "The cassava stewed wolf meat has been simmering since I came back, and it has been simmering for more than an hour."

"Good guy, it's you." Su Meng couldn't help but be astounded by Du Jiayue's arrogance, but she didn't feel distressed. For food, just go hunting after eating, and it's not that you can't hunt.

If there is no grassland, go find the group of wild boars. The jungle is so big, can we still lack animals?
Half an hour later, Du Jiayue placed all the dishes on the wooden table, and arranged them in a simple but delicate way, bringing the sense of ceremony to its fullest.

"Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing are back for dinner!"

Hearing Du Jiayue's shout, the trio of coolies who were still building the thorn fence responded without raising their heads, and then prepared to wash their hands and eat.

Xiao Tingting and Luo Huan were drooling when they smelled the tangy aroma, and wanted to go to dinner with them, but no one invited them, so they could only stare at Su Xiang and the other three.

Feeling bitter in my heart, shouldn't I be polite?Why are you not even polite?Has the Chinese tradition been forgotten?
Su Xiang seemed to feel the eyes of the two, and suddenly stopped in his tracks, showing a shy smile: "Well, you should be hungry too, right?"

Xiao Tingting and Luo Huan nodded with satisfied smiles on their faces. Just as they were about to speak, they heard Su Xiang continue: "It's a waste of time to burn the fire on site. Our fire is already empty, so you can cook directly on it." Come on, don't be shy."

After finishing speaking, Su Xiang hooked the corners of his mouth and showed a harmless smile again.

The corners of Zhang Lin's and Bo Jing's mouths twitched, why didn't they realize that this poor kid was so black-bellied before?
What Su wanted to say was that the wooden shed was not far away from the fire, and sitting by the fire could not only smell the aroma of food, but also see what food was on the table at a glance.

This is simply double torture.

Zhang Lin shook his head, smiled apologetically at Gu Yue, and said silently, "Next time I invite you to dinner, you can choose the restaurant."

Gu Yue smiled back, and nodded slightly. He didn't intend to eat away at all, after all, no one else has the obligation and responsibility to share his food with them.

Moreover, the Su Meng group had treated them very well, letting them take their first hot bath in the wilderness and using soap.

After washing their hands, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing came to the wooden shed, staring at the delicate and rich dishes on the wooden table, dumbfounded.

"Stir-fried bacon with matsutake, cold wild vegetables, stewed venison with pine nuts, snake soup with wild vegetables, stewed wolf meat with cassava, stir-fried pine nuts, good guy, I also have a palm core in hand. Is this the fruit after dinner?" Bai Jing said the name of the dish. One voice: "I haven't eaten so much during Chinese New Year."

Gu Yue and Liu Yuan passed by the wooden shed and began to prepare their lunch, which was dried bamboo rat meat and stewed bamboo shoots.

This is already their last bit of food, originally they wanted to save it to eat at the seaside, but now that Su Meng and the other five ate so much, they couldn't control their greed, so they gritted their teeth and decided to take their last bit of food directly. Good two kinds of food are cooked and eaten together.

"You said that except for the two women Xiao Tingting and Luo Huan, the other six people took the initiative to help us build the thorn fence?"

The five of Su Meng were chatting while eating, and Su Meng paused when he heard Bai Jing mentioning this matter.

"Yeah, speaking of it, Liu Yuan is really miserable. These two guys belong to his group." Bai Jing sighed, but didn't stop the chopsticks holding the meat: "Jiayue, your cooking skills are getting better and better. The better, when the show is over, you can use the bonus to open a private restaurant, and then I will join you every day."

Du Jiayue rolled her eyes: "With that one billion, why would I open a restaurant, deposit it directly in the bank, and earn interest every day is enough for me to live for the rest of my life. When the time comes, I will farm at home and chase after stars. Isn't it good to lie flat?" .”

"That's right, then I can get [-] million bonuses after excluding those messy things, right? At that time, I can buy a house in the city, build a villa in the countryside, and marry a beautiful wife. .”

As he spoke, Bo Jing started to giggle, his eyes bent into crescent moons.

Perhaps it was the news that Gu Yue and Liu Yuan were about to retire, which caused waves in the hearts of Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue. They actually discussed this topic for the first time.

The three talked and laughed, with bright smiles on their faces, and their eyes full of expectations for the future.

Su Meng and Su Xiang didn't participate in the discussion on this topic, they ate their dishes in muffled voices.

The attentive Du Jiayue soon noticed that Su Meng was absent-minded, so she asked, "Mengmeng, what's wrong with you? Is the food not to your liking?"

Su Meng quickly found an excuse: "No, the dishes are delicious, I was wondering if Gu Yue and the others helped us build the thorn fence, should I give them some food as a reward, and Gu Yue is still Zhang Lin brother, and one of your husbands."

Zhang Lin was a little moved at first, and felt that Su Meng was too considerate of him, but she didn't expect her to answer that sentence, and her head was full of black lines, and she was a little dumbfounded.

Du Jiayue smiled generously: "Mengmeng, you are so kind! Then let's serve a plate of cold wild vegetables and a bowl of pine... and a bowl of wild vegetable snake soup to Gu Yue and Liu Yuan."

After all, Du Jiayue was still reluctant to part with such good things as pine nuts and venison. Anyway, they had a lot of wild vegetables and snake meat, so she wouldn't feel so heartbroken to give these two kinds of food.

"It's not good to be your husband for a long time, even venison." Bai Jing teased, he had a good impression of Gu Yue and Liu Yuan, so he didn't have any dissatisfaction.

Seeing that the proposal was unanimously approved, Du Jiayue quickly said, "Then I'll send it to my husbands."

Gu Yue and Liu Yuan saw Du Jiayue and Zhang Lin walking towards them each holding a pottery bowl. They were a little confused at first, but when they saw the food in the bowl, they were all startled.

Gu Yue took the pottery bowl from Zhang Lin, pursed her lips, and there seemed to be sparkles in her eyes: "Thank you brother, I will remember this love."

"Thank me for what. This is Su Meng's proposal. The favor you owe is hers." Zhang Lin smiled, glanced at the steel pot with clear soup and little water, thought for a while and said, "I'll go and give it to you." Take salt, it tastes much better with a little salt."

(End of this chapter)

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