Chapter 142: Delivering Food
"Then I owe each of you five people one favor." Gu Yue grinned, showing a very sunny smile, watching Du Jiayue on the side, making the villain in her heart scream wildly.

Zhang Lin and Du Jiayue didn't actually serve many dishes, and each of them could only hold one chopstick.

But apart from Xiao Tingting and Luo Huan, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan still ate very satisfactorily. Even the bamboo rat and bamboo shoot soup seemed much better than before.

After lunch, Du Jiayue was about to wash the dishes, when Chen Yongjiao from the Gu Yue team took the initiative to come over and said, "Thank you for your hospitality at noon today, I will wash the dishes."

On the other side, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan picked out some dried mangoes, and then handed all the remaining dried mangoes to Su Meng: "We will leave after tomorrow, please accept these dried mangoes." .”

"Do your teammates have any objections?" Su Meng didn't pick up those dried mangoes, not because he looked down on these things, but because he was afraid of bringing unnecessary troubles and disputes to Gu Yue and Liu Yuan after collecting them.

Seeing that Su Meng didn't show a disgusted expression, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and their tone became more sincere: "Don't worry, this is a decision we made together, after all we all ate the food you sent .”

Su Mengmiao understood the meaning of this sentence, so she smiled, took the dried mango with both hands, and put it together with the dried wild banana.

Since she has received something, she is embarrassed to take advantage of it. In addition, she has a good impression of these two people, and thinks that they know how to advance and retreat, understand etiquette, and have a sense of proportion.

In addition, he is still Zhang Lin's friend, so he mentioned again: "I advise you not to camp by the sea, first, there are really monsters in the sea, and second, the tide will rise at night, if you want to wash in the middle of the night If you have a sea bath, then just pretend I didn’t mention it.”

Hearing that the tide will rise, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan's expressions became serious.

Su Meng glanced at them, and said lightly: "If you don't mind, you can squeeze in the wooden sheds and palm leaf huts. Our camp is still very safe."

"Thank you for your kindness, but we still want to go to the beach." Gu Yue discussed with Liu Yuan, and decided not to just give up like this, and must draw a successful conclusion to their journey.

Seeing that the two were determined, Su Meng didn't bother to persuade her, so she shrugged her shoulders and said, "Whatever you want, anyway, we will go to the beach to fetch seawater to boil salt later, so you just follow us."

After resting for a while, Su Meng and the other five carried the small water tank, steel pots and clay pots, and embarked on the road to the seaside, followed by Gu Yue and Liu Yuan.

The plants in the jungle grow very fast, and now the path is full of vines and small trees. Su Meng walked in the front as always to open the way.

Coming to the beach again, feeling the sea breeze blowing in front of them, and smelling the fishy smell of the sea in the sea breeze, Su Meng and the five felt that things were different.

When they came to this beach before, the five of them were so happy and wished they could spend the whole day here, but now, they just want to stay away from the sea, and they are full of fear of the sea.

Gu Yue and Liu Yuan didn't have so many thoughts. They looked at the endless blue sea, the pristine and unpolluted beaches and reefs, and felt the cool sea breeze blowing over their cheeks with moisture. I just felt boundless joy and satisfaction rising in my heart.

I feel that my hard work these days is worth it.

Su Meng pointed to the trunk of a big tree and said to Gu Yue and Liu Yuan: "See if there are any white particles on it. This is the sea salt left by the sun after being soaked in sea water. This means that the sea water will at least directly rise to This location."

Gu Yue and Liu Yuan sighed and did not speak.

Su Meng didn't say anything more, anyway, she had already reminded all that should be reminded, even if something happened to the eight of them at the beach, she could say she had a clear conscience.

"Mengmeng, there are a lot of laver and kelp on the reef again." Du Jiayue looked at the reef not far away, thinking of the delicacy of laver and kelp, her eyes filled with longing.

But she also understood that that bit of appetite was insignificant in front of An Wei, so she swallowed, forced herself to look away, and continued to hit the sea water quickly.

The five people quickly filled all the containers they brought with seawater, said goodbye to Gu Yue and Liu Yuan, and when they were about to return to the camp, Du Jiayue looked at the pile of rocks again reluctantly.

It was this look that made her stop.

"Mengmeng, there seems to be something washed up by the waves on that piece of rock. Are those bamboo and rattan baskets? There seem to be fishing nets?"

It was too far away, and Du Jiayue couldn't see clearly. She could only vaguely see something black wrapped in the fishing net, but she didn't know what it was.

Su Meng tightly held the hatchet in her hand, and a flash of struggle flashed in her eyes.

At this moment, Xiao Tingting and Luo Huan walked towards the rock pile one after the other: "You don't want the food delivered to your door, you are a fool."

"Sister Ting, do you think there are really monsters in the sea?" Luo Huan was still a little guilty, so she deliberately slowed down and followed Xiao Tingting, thinking that if there was any danger, someone in front would be able to Give her a push and help her win a chance.

"Can there be any monsters? You don't really believe that there are giant monsters in the North Sea, do you? They are all special effects in movies, and they can appear in real life..."

Before she finished speaking, a purple-black tentacle appeared out of nowhere and wrapped around her ankle.

A high-pitched screech startled the birds.

Su Meng quickly put the hatchet back into her waist, took out the wooden bow from the back sling, and then took out a wooden arrow from the arrow basket at her waist, and bent the bow and set the arrow in one go.

"call out!"

The arrow flew out, making a sound of piercing through the air, and the arrow went straight into the purple tentacle, but soon, the arrow was pulled out by another tentacle.

"It's pretty smart." Su Meng snorted coldly, and ran quickly towards the rock pile, while running, she bent her bow and arrow again to prepare to shoot.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue also reacted quickly. They quickly put down the clay pots and the wooden sticks carrying the small water tank, picked up their bows and arrows, and rushed towards the rocks.

Gu Yue, Liu Yuan, Cao Zhixiang, and Chen Yongjiao were all stunned by the sudden scene in front of them, and stood there dumbfounded, at a loss.

Both Cao Xuyang and Chen Hao were retired special forces soldiers, and their ability to react was fairly quick. After running a few steps towards the rocks by reflex, the two of them stopped slowly, hesitating whether they should go forward or not.

After all, it was a monster that could roll up an adult woman and swing it in mid-air with only one tentacle. Even if they passed by, could they really save the person?

It's just to deliver food.

(End of this chapter)

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