Chapter 144: Exchanging labor for food

Bai Jing smiled, not knowing how to answer the conversation, he always felt that everything he said was showing off.

"Then after what happened today, have you ever thought about quitting?" Liu Yuan didn't know the reason why Bai Jing came to participate in this show, he was just purely curious.

Seeing that Bai Jing shook his head, he continued to ask: "Then aren't you afraid?"

"It would be a lie to say that you are not afraid." Bai Jing showed a faint smile: "But in fact, this is the second time we have fought sea monsters."

Seeing that Bai Jing didn't intend to continue, Liu Yuan also changed the topic very wittily, and began to ask about their daily life.

However, Bo Jing's heart was extremely restless at this time. He knew that the five of them were doing well, but subconsciously felt that the other players should be doing well.

However, after seeing Gu Yue, Liu Yuan and the others today, he realized how wrong this idea was.

Those who didn't know thought that Gu Yue and his party had gone to a weight loss program.

But at this time, he was also very lucky, glad that Su Meng was not buried in the sea last time, although this may sound a bit ruthless and indifferent, but it is the most sincere thought in his heart.

He can accept Xiao Tingting dying in front of his eyes, because he is not familiar with Xiao Tingting, but he absolutely cannot accept Su Meng dying in front of his eyes, because Su Meng is not only his family, but also his and his grandma's savior.

Thinking of this, Bai Jing's eyes became more determined.

Decided, get up an hour earlier tomorrow to exercise and practice fighting skills!
The next day, before dawn, Su Meng was woken up by Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue.

Seeing the four people who had finished the laps and warm-up exercises, Su Mengsheng climbed out of the sleeping bag helplessly and started a new day of teaching.

Gu Yue, Liu Yuan and the others were also awakened by their movements, and they came over to watch. Cao Xuyang and Chen Hao looked at Su Meng's decomposition action tutorial with solemn eyes.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the way.

After all, the two of them are also retired special forces, and they have mastered a lot of fighting skills, so they subconsciously put themselves into it, simulating in their minds how to deal with Su Meng's moves.

is a master.

Cao Xuyang and Chen Hao looked at each other, and immediately suffered an occupational disease. They scratched their heads and walked up to Su Meng with some embarrassment: "Well, can we learn together?"

Su Meng nodded casually, and continued to teach Su Xiang the fighting skills of the four.

You have to lay the foundation first, so that you can learn the basic martial arts later, and you can achieve success step by step.

After practicing all the moves, a layer of sweat broke out on several people's bodies, so they lined up to take a shower again.

After taking a shower and eating breakfast, Gu Yue, Liu Yuan and the others embarrassedly approached Su Meng again and asked to exchange labor for food. Su Meng thought about it for a while, and after analyzing the pros and cons, she nodded in agreement.

What they lack most now is labor, and what they lack the most is food.

She didn't forget that there were a group of cute little wild boars waiting for her favor near the water pool.

Moreover, seven laborers can be exchanged for two catties of meat, which is a huge profit. Of course, if someone fishes, then don't blame her for deducting wages.

"Gu Yue, Liu Yuan, Cao Zhixiang, Chen Yongjiao, Luo Huan, the five of you are in charge of building fences in the camp, and that is to throw these logs and stones into the potholes."

"Cao Xuyang, Chen Hao, you two are in charge of cutting trees, and the standard for cutting trees is based on the thickness of your wrists."

"Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, the three of you will go with me to cut down the thorn tree, and Jiayue will stay and take care of the camp."

Su Meng quickly assigned everyone's work, and also assigned the minimum amount of tasks to Gu Yue and Liu Yuan.

As usual, Du Jiayue fed grass to the hares, pheasants, and wild goats. She found that the litter of cubs had grown a lot, and she had to find a time to make a few larger cages.

Then she began to change the water for the small pond, or it is more appropriate to say that the retting pond was replaced by stones.

Then I went to water the vegetable garden and change the water in the rattan basket soaked with black beans.

After doing this, more than two hours have passed, and she has to start preparing today's lunch again.

Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bai Jing had already cooperated and reached a tacit understanding. They had already dragged the thorn tree back and forth five or six times, but Gu Yue and Liu Yuan, because they were not familiar with the work process, and they had been I haven't had a full meal, and my physical strength seems a little weak. I need to stop and rest for a while after working for a while, otherwise I will feel dizzy for a while.

Du Jiayue brought out a pot of mint and pine needle tea, and said to Gu Yue and Liu Yuan with a smile, "Drink some water and replenish your energy."

After finishing speaking, she quietly stuffed a small handful of pine nuts into their hands.

This is what she saves from her own share, trying her best not to affect other people's abilities, and being good to husbands~
Feeling the things in their hands, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan froze for a moment, then quickly came to their senses, smiled at Du Jiayue, did not pretend to refuse, and readily accepted the love.

They had already learned from Zhang Lin and Bo Jing that Du Jiayue was their fan, so they had no reason to reject the fan's overtures to them.

At noon, Su Meng checked the completion progress of various tasks, frowned, but still didn't say much, and took half a catty of venison to Gu Yue, Liu Yuan and the others.

Seeing that Su Meng was so forthright, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan felt a little embarrassed and said in a low voice, "We will work harder this afternoon."

Su Meng raised her eyebrows, a little surprised, but still nodded expressionlessly.

Damn, she thought that Gu Yue and Liu Yuan's condition was to pay a catty of meat for a morning of work, but she didn't expect that it was a catty of meat for a day of work.

For a moment, she didn't know if it was her loss, or Gu Yue and Liu Yuan's loss.

After lunch, Su Meng and the others got busy again according to the division of labor in the morning.

Maybe it was because they were full, except for Luo Huan, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan worked extremely hard, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were sweating profusely.

After feeding the livestock in the afternoon, Du Jiayue sat at the door of the wooden shed to weave rabbit cages, and the atmosphere of the camp became warm and peaceful again.

(End of this chapter)

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