Chapter 145: Completion of Side Quests
The sun slowly set to the west, and the sky gradually became dark, and the birds flapped their wings and returned to the jungle.

As the night fell, the time seemed to become difficult, and most of the amateur players fell into a strange state of mind, both entangled and relieved.

I want to quit the show with 100 million, but I also think about whether I can still grit my teeth and stick to it. As long as I stay for another 500 days, I can get the [-] million grand prize.

500 million, maybe most people will not earn 500 million in their lifetime.

What is 100 million enough for?
At most, I can buy a slightly better house in a second-tier city, do similar renovations, and then find a [-]-to-[-] job by myself. At most, there will be less pressure, and I don’t need to look at the boss’s face.

Don't you want to be a laborer who contributes to the boss's happy life?
If you go back to the countryside, 100 million is enough, but there is no land in the countryside, unless you go to the mountains to live, then living in the mountains is better than living in the wilderness, at least there is money in the wilderness.

And I can live on this island for 30 days, so it's not a big problem to stay for another 70 days, right?Grit your teeth and pass.

If you have 500 million, you will really have no worries about food and clothing after you go back. You can do whatever you want without having to work. After you buy a house or a car, you can still have a lot of money left over. Putting the money in the bank and earning interest can support you Own.

You can even start a small business, realize your dreams, realize your poems and distant places.

Throughout the year, you can go skiing if you want to ski, and you can see the sea if you want to see the sea. You no longer need to carefully plan the cost of the trip, and you no longer need to shop around when buying clothes and booking hotels.

Since then, there has been no difficulty in choosing.

Many amateur players hesitated.

People are like this, and it is difficult to be satisfied. For example, when I was a child, I hoped for the freedom of instant noodles, because I couldn’t afford instant noodles. When I grow up, I hope that fruits are free, then bags are free, shoes are free, and then cars are free. house free.

When you are poor, you want to get rid of poverty, when you get rid of poverty, you want to be well-off, when you are well-off, you want to be middle class, and when you are middle class, you want more.

Human desires cannot be satisfied.

"Su Meng, we're going to say goodbye after tonight." Gu Yue and Liu Yuan were a little sad, feeling that today was the happiest, most fulfilling, meaningful and meaningful day they had ever been on this island. Best fed, best day ever.

"We have nothing to repay you. By the way, all our tools were accidentally lost in the bushes. If you picked them up, the program team probably wouldn't be able to say anything." After Liu Yuan finished speaking solemnly, Showing a sly smile to Su Meng, the two little canine teeth are extremely cute.

Su Meng was a little surprised. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Gu Yue, Liu Yuan and the others. Seeing that they all smiled at her honestly, she couldn't help but smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and smiled knowingly again.

At nightfall, Su Meng and Su Xiang stayed to watch the night tacitly. Today is the No. 30 day for the players to come to the island, and it is also the day for the two to complete the side mission: Survive on the uninhabited planet for 30 days.

Su Meng added two thick pieces of firewood to the fire, and poked the bottom of the fire with a fire stick. Immediately, many sparks flew up, as beautiful as fireflies emitting faint light.

"BAA Baa baa!"

The well-behaved wild goat seemed to have been frightened by something, and suddenly went berserk, struggling desperately, even if the rope tightened its neck because of the struggle, it remained indifferent and tried to escape from this place.

Had some wild animal come in, having leaped over the trap and thorn fence, and tried to attack the ibex?
Su Meng picked up the bow and arrow that never left her body except when taking a bath, drew out the wooden arrow, put it on the wooden bow, and walked carefully towards the place where the wild goat was tied.

Su Xiang held the hatchet and followed closely behind.

"cluck cluck"

"squeak squeak"

The pheasants and hares also cried out, slamming into the cages frantically, trying to escape.

Su Meng's expression became more serious, and she exchanged a glance with Su Xiang, a bad premonition suddenly emerged in their hearts.

Always feel like something big is going to happen.

"My heart was beating so fast suddenly." Su Meng stopped her progress and tried to relieve the rapid heartbeat by taking deep breaths, but no matter how hard she tried, the heartbeat not only did not return to normal speed, but became more intense and faster .

It was so intense that she could hardly breathe.

At this moment, a cold system prompt sounded in the minds of both of them:
"Ding! Congratulations to host Su Meng for completing the side mission: Survive on this uninhabited planet for 30 days!"

"Ding! Congratulations to Su, the owner of the subsidiary system, for completing the side mission: Survive on this uninhabited planet for 30 days!"

"Ding! The main task: to create a civilization on an uninhabited planet is currently 30% complete!"

"Ding! Congratulations to host Su Meng for getting a reward package for completing a side mission! Do you want to open it to check?"

"Ding! Congratulations to Su, the host of the subsidiary system, for getting a reward package for completing side missions!"

Just when the prompt sounded, Su Meng and Su Xiang only felt the ground shaking, as if the whole island was trembling.

Su Meng and Su Xiang's eyes were full of horror and fear.

earthquake!But Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue are still sleeping in the earthen hut!
The two rushed towards the earthen house, staggering and shouting heart-rendingly, "Get up! Get up! There's an earthquake!"

Gu Yue and Zhang Lin were the first to be woken up. Feeling the violent shaking of the ground, their faces turned pale with shock, and they almost crawled out of the hut.

Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue were soon awakened by the commotion here, and ran out of the earthen house in a hurry, with a look of shock on their faces.

"Don't panic, just find an open space to stay, it's okay, don't be afraid." Su Meng shouted loudly, comforting the panicked people.

Strange to say, since the earthquake started, her heartbeat has miraculously gradually returned to normal, but she didn't have time to think about it this time.

The duration of the earthquake was very short, only about [-] seconds, but Su Meng and the others felt as if it had passed for a long, long time.

The whole ground is shaking, it seems that the whole island will fall apart in a second, and the terrifying feeling of sinking into the sea is impossible for those who have not experienced it to imagine.

Rao often teases himself about a small earthquake in three days and a big earthquake in five days. Don’t panic when you encounter an earthquake. Du Jiayue, a Sichuan girl who took out her mobile phone to take a picture of Moments, was also frightened this time, her legs were weak, and she almost fell to the ground. fell to the ground.

"How... how could there be an earthquake?" Gu Yue, Liu Yuan and the others were terrified, let alone such a big earthquake, they had never encountered even a small one.

"Don't go back to sleep tonight, I'm afraid there will be aftershocks later." Su Meng said in a deep voice.

Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, Du Jiayue, Gu Yue, and Liu Yuan nodded in agreement like chickens pecking at rice. What happened, they couldn't sleep even if they wanted to.

(End of this chapter)

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