Chapter 147: Something is wrong

As time passed, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan began to become uneasy, and a hint of anxiety gradually appeared on their faces.

"It's been a whole morning, why hasn't the show crew sent a helicopter to pick us up?"

Hearing Liu Yuan's complaint, Gu Yue suppressed the dissatisfaction in her eyes, and said with a smile, "Maybe there are too many players quitting, and the helicopter will not be able to arrange it for a while."

On the other side, Su Meng and the other five had almost rested, and got up again to get busy.

As the sun sets, the twilight gradually spreads.

Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing returned to the camp with the last four bundles of brambles, planning to build a bramble fence before it was dark.

At this time, everyone present obviously felt that something was wrong, but no one dared to conjecture that the bracelet might be broken.

After dinner, seeing Gu Yue and Liu Yuan, who had been hungry for a whole day, were still sitting on the stone pile outside looking up at the sky, looking eager to see through, Su Meng sighed and motioned Zhang Lin to give them seven wild bananas as cushions. Stomach pad.

After all, others left all the tools to the five of them, and it is nothing to give back a little wild banana just for this kind of intention.

Gu Yue and Liu Yuan took the wild bananas from Zhang Lin, forced a smile and thanked them, but their eyes were full of sadness.

"Have you ever tried shouting to the camera?" Seeing that his friend was not in a good mood, Zhang Lin couldn't help but ask, and then comforted him:
"Don't worry, didn't we hear the sound of the helicopter's propeller turning last night? That must have been sent by the program team to pick up the retired contestants. It may be because of the earthquake last night that caused many casualties, so the program team gave priority to rescue Players who are trapped or seriously injured."

Hearing this, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan's eyes lit up, and they had a feeling of sudden realization. They quickly told the camera of the unmanned aerial camera that they would withdraw from the competition, and asked to send someone to pick them up.

At night, Su Meng lay in her sleeping bag, looking at the rewards issued by the system after completing the side missions, her brows were furrowed, showing a thoughtful expression.

What exactly does this system mean?The rewards offered were actually an intermediate-level basic martial arts introductory knowledge package and intermediate-level swimming skills, while the reward for Su Xiang was three intermediate-level body strengthening potions.

He has issued skills related to the sea several times in a row, and the system is so eager to let him go to sea?
Su Meng shook her head, and didn't think about it any more. She was determined not to go to sea until the sea monster was dealt with. That was no longer risking her own life, but a blatant delivery of food.

After receiving the gift package, Su Meng didn't resist at all, and just let herself pass out from the pain.

The next day, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan stood by the campfire before dawn, looking at the sky anxiously.

They stayed up almost all night, and shouted at the camera of the unmanned aerial vehicle from time to time, with uncontrollable anger and dissatisfaction in their eyes, as well as a hint of fear.

Even if you don't come to pick them up, at least come and tell them what's going on now, what's the point of hanging them like this?
The unknown is the most tormenting.

After practicing martial arts and taking a shower, the five of Su Meng sat at the wooden table and had breakfast.

"Mengmeng, why haven't you sent someone from the program team yet?" Du Jiayue's face showed a hint of worry: "I don't know why, but I always feel that something is wrong, and I feel a little flustered."

"The sound of the helicopter came from the seaside. If the program team hasn't sent someone over before noon today, we'll go to the seaside to see what's going on."

Su Meng frowned and swallowed the food in her mouth. She had a guess in her mind that something was wrong with the program crew.

But before verifying this guess, she dared not say it casually, for fear of causing panic.

"It's almost winter now, and we have to prepare food for the winter in advance, so I plan to go to the small grassland alone this morning, and you will build a thorn fence in the camp." Su Meng calmly arranged for today. The main work in the morning, and then non-stop carrying hatchets and bows and arrows, and embarked on the road to the small grassland.

When she came to the small grassland, Su Meng found that the grassland was full of messy animal marks. She frowned, walked through the small grassland, and then through the bushes in the middle. small prairie.

However, on this once bustling small grassland, not even a small animal can be seen at this moment.

Su Meng frowned even tighter.

She walked along the edge of the small prairie for another hour, but still found nothing.

"Where did those animals go?" Su Meng said to herself, "Could it be that they all hid because of the earthquake?"

She always felt that things were getting weirder and weirder.

But at this moment, she didn't have the time and energy to think about this problem. After walking for half an hour unwillingly, she finally sighed irritably and prepared to return to the camp.

Seeing that Su Meng came back empty-handed for the first time, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue all showed surprise on their faces. They knew Su Meng's work style. In the past, even if she didn't hunt animals, she would go to The camp brought some other things back, such as wild vegetables, herbs, and even thatch.

"I'll go to the pool to check it out." After drinking three bowls of water and replenishing the water, Su Meng left these words, held a wooden spear again, carried a wooden bow, a hatchet and an arrow basket, and got into the water. in the jungle.

Du Jiayue didn't even have time to stop her and told her to go out to check after lunch.

When he came to the water pool that he hadn’t seen for a long time, Su Meng first stared at the water pool, and found that there were still shrimps swimming in it, and his frowning brows relaxed a little. A little bit, you can also cook a pot of river fresh soup.

Then she came to the place where she found the wild boar traces for the first time, and her brows, which had been relieved a little bit, were frowned again.

There were no traces of wild boar activity, and the feces found had dried out. All the signs showed that there had been no wild boars here for a long time.

After thinking about it, she came to the place where the trap was set up to catch wild boars. Part of the trap had collapsed, probably because of the earthquake. Heaven has not been here.

This is not good news for them.

Returning to the camp empty-handed again, Su Meng looked extremely serious, and Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue also showed a trace of worry on their faces.

"I'll go to the seaside to check later." Su Meng washed her hands and sat down at the wooden table, ready to eat.

These dishes were simmered by Du Jiayue over a charcoal fire, and she did not serve all the dishes until Su Meng came back.

Su thought they didn't eat first, even though they were very hungry, they still waited for Su Meng to come back and insisted on waiting for everyone to arrive before eating at the table.

After eating, the five of Su Meng even forgot their daily rest after meals. They took their weapons, called Shang Gu Yue and Liu Yuan, and set foot on the road to the beach.

Along the way, everyone was a little depressed, no one spoke, but quietly followed behind Su Meng.

Drilling out of the jungle and looking at the scene in front of her, Su Mengzhu's lips parted slightly, her pupils dilated slightly, and an expression of disbelief appeared on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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