Chapter 148: Corpse
"My God." Su Xiang stood next to Su Meng, his eyes were full of shock, and he murmured tremblingly: "What a big corpse..."

Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, Du Jiayue, Gu Yue, Liu Yuan and others were also stunned by the scene before them.

Not far away, on the sandy beach close to the cliff, lay an extremely huge corpse. Dozens of white seabirds hovered over the corpse, landed on the corpse from time to time, and pecked at it.

Su Meng looked at the corpse that looked like a small hill, and couldn't help but shuddered, her eyes showed a touch of fear and joy, she used to fight against such a thing?
So creepy.

Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue walked towards the corpse first. The closer they got to the corpse, the more they felt how small they were.

The white waves slapped on the corpse, but did not move the corpse's arms and legs, as if it was not a corpse, but a rocky hill standing on the beach.

Su Meng and others finally walked in front of the corpse, a stench immediately filled the surroundings of them, many flies and countless flying insects the size of pinholes were flying around the corpse in a disorderly manner, the seabirds saw them approaching, and continued It was pecking at the corpse without any intention of running away.

Su Xiang poked the corpse with a wooden spear, and was completely relieved when he found that the corpse did not respond.

When she really got close to this giant monster, Su Meng realized that she still underestimated the monster. She walked up to the monster's eyes, which had become yellow and loose, and the bloodshot light brown pupils were like a hanging fitting mirror, reflecting her figure.

She looked at herself in her pupils, and muttered to herself: "Is this really an uninhabited planet like Earth? Obviously, most of the animals and plants on this island are the same as those on Earth... But why, there is such a thing?" The monster...even the legendary king squid is far from being so huge..."

As she said that, she glanced sideways at the arm not far away. On that arm, the biggest suction cup was even bigger than a millstone.

At this time, Su Xiang and Bo Jing had already climbed onto the blue-gray arms and feet of the sea monster with their wooden spears, and said excitedly, "Quick, take a photo! We are the sea monster killers!"

"With so much meat, we can cut it off piece by piece and bring it back to the camp for storage. With this meat, let alone 600 days, we can stay for another 800 days without any problem."

Listening to the conversation between Su Xiang and Bo Jing, there was no trace of joy on Su Meng's face, but the expression on his face became more dignified.

How did such a big sea monster die?By whom?

It can't be a natural old age, can it?

Standing behind Su Meng, Zhang Lin said in a very calm tone, "We can't go back, can we?"

Su Meng still stared at the monster's pupils, wondering what she was thinking.

"You should have guessed it a long time ago, that's why you went out to hunt in such a hurry in the morning, not only for hunting, I think you are more to investigate the situation." Zhang Lin took two steps towards Su Meng and stood by her He looked at Su Meng with sad eyes that suppressed fear and confusion, but his tone was as calm as before: "Are we really unable to leave this planet? The program team, the earth...really Abandoned us?"

"I don't know if we are abandoners." Su Meng took a deep breath, lowered her eyes, and covered the expression in her eyes: "But don't be afraid, even if we are abandoned by civilization, we still have the ability to create a new world on this island. Civilization, a civilization that belongs to us."

Speaking of this, she turned her head to look at Zhang Lin, her eyes were full of firmness and confidence, and there were some things that Zhang Lin couldn't understand: "Sometimes things repeat themselves, and so do civilizations, and you and I are the witnesses. All of us are witnesses, participants."

"After that, please take care of me, my lord Queen of the Wilderness." Zhang Lin showed a smile. After confirming his guess, he unexpectedly calmed down, and even had the mood to tease Su Meng.

Su Meng also showed a smile. Although she was a little surprised at Zhang Lin's ability to adapt and accept, she still couldn't help admiring in her heart. She deserves to be in the entertainment industry and has never had a bad review. This character and responsiveness deserve to be popular.

"Should I tell them this conjecture?" Zhang Lin looked at Su Xiang, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue who were walking on the corpse of the sea monster, and then looked back at Gu Yue and Liu Yuan who were standing behind them and dared not come over. Seven people.

"Tell them, they have the right to know, and if they really can't go back, then this island will become extremely dangerous, and they must be vaccinated first."

Although Su Menghua didn't speak very clearly, but Zhang Lin is so smart, he instantly understood the hidden meaning of this sentence.

There are definitely not a few contestants who press the exit button, and once they find themselves abandoned by the program group, deceived by the program group, and unable to leave the island forever, they lose hope, in order to survive and satisfy their desires, they will no longer Subject to legal and moral constraints.

Don't say that there is an unmanned aerial camera monitoring, that thing is not impossible to shoot down.

There is a saying that has been said badly, don't test human nature, because most human nature cannot stand the test at all.

"Su Meng, come here and have a look, is this the trace of being burned by the flame?" Su Xiang suddenly shouted loudly, interrupting the conversation between Su Meng and Zhang Lin.

"I'll go and have a look." After speaking, Su Meng jumped onto the sea monster's arms and looked towards the place Su Xiang pointed at.

She inspected it carefully, and found that the sea monster not only had traces of being burned by flames, but also had countless large and small scars, and even one arm was obviously shorter than the other arms, as if it had been burned by something. The same thing cut off.

"It's the marks left after being burned by the flames, but what happened to leave such a large mark on such a huge body?" Su Meng frowned and thought.

"It doesn't matter who left the mark." Bo Jing said nonchalantly, then jumped off the sea monster's body, stood in front of an arm that was almost as tall as him, drew out the hatchet from his waist, It is about to cut off the arms and legs: "Although it looks disgusting, and it can't make people appetite, but no matter how big it grows, it is still an octopus, as long as it can be eaten."

Thinking of eating such disgusting meat in the future, Su Xiang immediately showed the expression of a subway grandfather looking at his mobile phone.

After thinking for a while, he suggested: "How about we take the meat back and store it, since there is really no food to eat, and let's take it out to save lives?"

Bo Jing also didn't want to eat such a disgusting thing, so the two hit it off and reached a consensus.

Su Meng rolled her eyes angrily, and directly punctured their beautiful fantasy: "I don't know how long this monster has lived, and I don't know whether it has been dead for a day or two, but these are not important, the important thing is you Don't you two smell that this thing stinks?"

When Bo Jing and Su Xiang heard the words, they immediately smiled coyly, and pinned the hatchet back to their waists with disappointment on their faces: "I thought this was the normal fishy smell of the sea..."

(End of this chapter)

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