Chapter 22 Failed?

Shu Ying almost failed to manage her facial expressions. She and Huang Ming have been secretly dating for three years, but Huang Ming never made their relationship public. , Treating her like a younger sister was vague.

This time she came to this show, in order to be able to force Mimi quietly.

After all, they have to get along for so long, and the whole process is live broadcast 24 hours a day. She doesn't believe that sharp-eyed netizens won't find out the relationship between the two.

At that time, when the netizen gave a real hammer, it would be difficult for Huang Ming not to admit it or to make it public.

Thinking of this, the corners of Shu Ying's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a fleeting smug smile.

"Brother Ming, we lack a sleeping bag, what should we do when we sleep?" Shu Ying didn't eat oysters, she leaned into Huang Ming's ear and whispered, "Brother Ming, I'm scared and want to sleep with you."

The scorching breath hit Huang Ming's ears, making his body a little numb, and his eyes looked a little erratically at Luo Shanshan who was silently adding firewood to the fire.

"Don't make trouble, it's a live broadcast, you sleep with Luo Shanshan tonight." Huang Ming, who had regained his senses, moved his body indistinctly, and refused with righteous words.

Just kidding, the five of them worked hard all day today, not to mention sweating, and the sleeping bags were soaked by the sea water, the smell of sweat and the smell of the sea, if they squeezed together again, the smell, just die in place.

Before Shu Ying could reply, Huang Ming said to Luo Shanshan first: "We need a sleeping bag, you and Shu Ying are both girls, why don't you sleep together tonight."

Although it was a question, the tone was beyond doubt.

Luo Shanshan didn't speak, but nodded her head in agreement, not knowing what she was thinking.

She really wanted to quit at this time, but when she thought of her mother's high surgery fee, she could only grit her teeth and persevere.

At this time, in Huang Ming's live broadcast room.

"I bet a pack of spicy strips, Shu Ying and Huang Ming definitely have an affair"

"Speak as you speak, why are you so close to my male god!"

"Wang Xiang and Zhao Lei are working too hard. Aren't you afraid of catching a cold to build a shelter in the rain?"

"So Huang Ming, a big man, just sits?"

"I feel sorry for everyone in this group"


In other places on the island, far more than one or two shelters were destroyed.

The night passed quickly in the wash of rain.

In the early morning, amidst the chirping of birds, Su Meng snorted, stretched, lazily opened her eyes, and signed in the system.

Today is the seventh day she has obtained the system. According to the rules, she can receive the first seven-day sign-in gift package today.

"Ding! Su Xiang, the host of the subsidiary system, has successfully signed in today and got a seven-day sign-in gift package"

"Ding! Host Su Meng has successfully signed in today, and got a seven-day sign-in gift package"

Seeing the yellow claim button on the virtual panel, Su Meng shrank her body into her sleeping bag, pretending to be still sleeping, and then clicked claim.

"Ding! Congratulations to host Su Meng for getting a shooting experience package (primary)"

"Ding! Congratulations to host Su Meng for obtaining a tool making method experience package (fragment)"

"Ding! Congratulations to host Su Meng for obtaining a trap encyclopedia (fragment)"

After confirming that there was no real reward, Su Meng didn't bother to click to collect it. If her head received too many things at once, she would feel severe pain and dizziness. She would have to go fishing and make salt later.

After staying in bed again, Su Mengcai reluctantly got out of the warm sleeping bag. As soon as she got out of the sleeping bag, she shivered. After taking a deep breath, she quickly put on her sports vest and jacket.

"Good morning." Su Meng got out of the palm-leaf hut, the jungle washed by the rain, the air was extraordinarily fresh, with a fragrance of soil.

"Morning." Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue responded in unison.

Su Meng was taken aback, and then felt a little embarrassed. She didn't expect that she would be the last one to wake up. Fortunately, she said last night that she would get up early today.

"There is hot water in the steel pot over there for washing. After washing, come and drink some Banlangen hot water to drive away the cold." Su Xiang greeted Su Meng with a smile. He is in a good mood today because he also opened Nice seven-day package.

"Isatidis?" Su Meng raised her eyebrows in surprise, she remembered that she didn't pick this one yesterday.

As if seeing Su Meng's doubts, Zhang Lin took the initiative to explain: "Du Jiayue and Xiaobai found it together. They woke up early in the morning, and then went to the pool to fetch water together, and then they were not far from the pool. Isatis root was discovered."

"Very strong." Su Meng gave a thumbs up, then squatted in front of an extinguished fire pit, holding a wooden stick and pulling in the embers.

"What are you doing?" Su Xiang leaned over and asked curiously.

"Yesterday, I made two small bowls to test the soil by the pool and the soil in front of the hut." Su Meng said vaguely.

"It's the two mud cups you put to dry by the fire yesterday?" Su Xiang frowned, with the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his phone.

"Well, what kind of cup is made of mud, this is a small bowl made of clay." Su Meng corrected: "After drying last night, I put them into the carbon pile, and lit a fire on it."

"Damn, are you wasting firewood like this? Do you know how hard we worked to get the firewood back? Do you know what we paid to get these firewood back? You don't know anything, you just want to play with mud, Su Meng, You have fallen." Su Xiang suddenly turned into a showman, with pain in his face, and said righteously.

"Pfft." Du Jiayue couldn't hold back, and took the lead in laughing.

"You know a hammer, shut up." Su Meng gave Su Xiang an angry look. The poor kid is getting worse, but she still explained seriously: "According to theory, a simple campfire can Reach enough temperature to sinter the clay, and after the small bowl is burned to glow red hot, it will not turn back to clay even when it comes into contact with water.”

"If this experiment is successful, then we will be able to live in a brick house soon." Su Meng picked up two small off-white bowls, looked at them carefully, and asked, "So am I still wasting firewood now? "

Hearing that they will soon be able to live in a brick house, the trio of Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue also became interested in watching a play, and they all came to Su Meng's side and asked, "So is the experiment a success or a failure? "

"I don't know yet. I'll test it with the pool later. If it doesn't disperse or leak, it means the test is successful. It also shows that the clay around the pool and thatched hut can indeed be used to make pottery. If pottery can be made, it means that it can be fired into bricks and tiles." Su After Meng finished speaking slowly, she got up and prepared to wash up.

After a simple wash, Su Mengren also woke up completely, and turned into a vigorous and beautiful girl again.

Today's breakfast is palm cores, not many, one per person.

It was Su Xiang and Zhang Lin who went to the palm grove early in the morning to cut it.

After breakfast, Su Meng took Su Xiang to the pool to fetch water and test the small bowl.

Coming to the pool, Su Meng put two small bowls into the water.

As soon as the small bowl enters the water, a ring of off-white things will immediately float out.

"Did it fail?" Su Xiang was a little disappointed, and when he was about to comfort Su Meng, he heard Su Meng say in surprise, "It succeeded!"

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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