Chapter 23: A Smile

It turned out that although the two small bowls released some off-white things after entering the water, those off-white things disappeared quickly. As the water became clear again, the original off-white small bowls finally showed their proper appearance.

The whole body of the small bowl taken out of the water was dark red, the mouth of the bowl was a little undulating, not so smooth, and the body of the bowl was very rough to the touch, but no water leaked out.

After the test, the two returned to the camp with full water, and happily shared the good news with Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue.

"After boiling the water and letting it cool down, bring the guys, and we will all set off to the beach to collect supplies and make salt by the way!" Su Meng said with great enthusiasm about the next itinerary: "This time we will go in a different direction and go to the cliff. Look at the situation from the other side."

The five of them sat for a while, and after the water cooled down, they were ready to officially head to the beach.

Su Meng still had a wooden stick in one hand and a hatchet in the other, with an engineering shovel on his waist, and stood first in charge of opening the road, followed by Du Jiayue, who was carrying a sling on his back.

The back sash is covered with wide leaves, which is to prevent the five pairs of chopsticks and tools for drilling fire from accidentally falling out of the gap.

Behind them are Zhang Lin and Bo Jing, each carrying a steel pot. The steel pot is a bit heavy because it is filled with cold water, so that when you are thirsty on the road, you can drink water immediately without dehydration.

Su Xiang is dressed like Su Meng, and he is in charge of pressing the back.

"Crack clap..."

After walking for about an hour, Su Meng suddenly stopped and fanned her nose lightly. She seemed to smell a very faint smell of sea.

It seems that they are not far from the sea.

However, the closer to the beach, the greater the humidity, and the air became more stuffy with the passage of time. After walking for a while, the five of them were sweating.

"Take a break where you are, and everyone drink some water to rehydrate." Su Meng learned the lesson, and took the initiative to stop, and then heard the sound of relief coming from behind.

Although they haven't walked for too long now, the vegetation on this road today is very dense, even with Su Meng opening the way ahead, it is still very difficult to walk.

Especially in the weather environment of the island, the rain is abundant and the land is fertile, so all kinds of plants grow very well, surrounded by tall and huge trees.

"Su Meng, there are fungus here! And mushrooms!" Du Jiayue suddenly shouted in surprise. She is from Sichuan Province and lives in the mountains. She often goes up the mountain to pick up fungi after the rain, so she subconsciously searched for them today. , I didn't expect to be discovered by her.

"Huh?" Su Meng was also a little surprised. You must know that whether it is fungus or mushrooms, they are all very delicious ingredients.

Du Jiayue walked to the side and carefully peeled away the wet rotten leaves. Underneath was a mushroom with a red cover and a white handle. The cap was about the size of an adult's palm.

Su Meng took a closer look and found that the mushroom cap was flat and hemispherical, with a concave middle, the cap was dark vegetable red, and the fungus flesh was white. Quickly comparing the knowledge in his brain, Su Meng was a little shocked and said: "This will not Is it a red mushroom?"

Russula, also known as Russula, Russula, Russula, Russula, is a rare wild edible fungus that is very particular about growth conditions. The root system of trees such as chrysanthemum, castanacea, and vertebrae grows on the root system, and there are only a few growth periods every year, and each period is only a few days to more than ten days.

It is said that it has the effect of calming the nerves, nourishing blood and anti-cancer, and its taste is incomparably sweeter than any mushroom.

"Hmm! It's red fungus. It's common in our place. I've eaten it several times." Du Jiayue nodded very positively.

Bai Jing said suspiciously: "Are you sure? Didn't you say that the red umbrella and the white pole were eaten together?"

Hearing this, the barrage was full of hahaha, Su Meng and Du Jiayue rolled their eyes angrily.

"Hahaha I sit at the child's table during the meal"

"This mushroom is not safe at first sight"

"This color? Daxian, don't worry about it. We are still waiting for you to come back for a concert."

“Little Jiayue picking mushrooms is so cute”

"I want to sit at the table of the young lady on the coffin and sleep on the coffin."

"Wait for the whole village to start the banquet, and I will sit at the widow's table by the way"

"Popular Science: This is Russula, edible, and very expensive! Focus: Very Expensive!!!"


After Du Jiayue picked the red fungus, she found another fungus called burdock mushroom. According to her, it was also very delicious, but she didn’t know the scientific name of this mushroom. Anyway, it’s called this in her village. name.

After picking more than a dozen red mushrooms, Du Jiayue reluctantly looked away and was about to move on. She made a note of this place in her heart and planned to look for mushrooms if she was free when she came back.

You know, people in Sichuan and Chongqing have very deep and special feelings for fungus, especially her family is still close to Yunnan, which is a big eater of fungi.

Every year during the peak season of mushrooms, there are always cases of poisoning from eating wild mushrooms in Yunnan, and even Jianshouqing, which is daunting to outsiders, is a delicacy on the table of Yunnan people.

Even the well-meaning Yunnan people have prepared the three-cooked rule of eating mushrooms for the famous foreigners: the type of mushrooms must be cooked, the mushrooms must be fried when eating, and the way to the hospital must be cooked.

After the five of them rested, they continued to walk forward.

Su Meng chopped the surrounding vines and branches with a hatchet. As the smell of the sea in his nose became stronger and stronger, the surrounding trees gradually became thinner, and the sound of waves beating against the rocks could be vaguely heard.

After walking for about five or six minutes, the five people found that the trunks of the surrounding trees had been soaked by sea water again.

"Is it coming?" Du Jiayue asked in surprise.

"Probably." Su Meng showed a shallow smile and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The five continued to walk forward for a few minutes, and the sound of waves beating against the rocks became clearer.

Finally, they saw the blue sea.

Su Meng took the lead and walked out. She scanned the area with her eyes and found that the cliff was on the left, and several seagulls were soaring in the air with flapping wings.

"Let's go, let's take a walk along the coast first and see if there are any good things." Su Mengmeng comforted everyone with a smile on their faces.

After all, before they came, they were still fantasizing about encountering a tidal flat with rich products, preferably the kind with a lot of crabs and oysters, so that they could catch the sea and play.

As a result, it turns out that fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

"Don't be discouraged, old iron family members!" Su Meng cheered up with a smile: "Maybe there is a large wave of ingredients waiting for us to harvest under this sea cliff."

Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, Su Xiang, and Du Jiayue were all infected by Su Meng's optimistic mood, and they also smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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