Chapter 24: Waiting for an Opportunity to Escape

The sandy beach here is different from the sandy beaches seen in the past. It is not golden yellow, but a dark brown color, and there are many reefs exposed.

Even though they were wearing sandals, Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing still walked very carefully, because the reef would cut the soles of their feet if they were not careful.

After being cut and then soaked in sea water, the wound can easily cause infection.

After the five of them walked along the black coastline for a certain distance, they finally chose a temporary resting place.

It was a huge black rock standing on the coast, and the stone surface was relatively smooth and clean, like a pure natural wall.

The wind at the seaside is very strong, and the air is also somewhat humid. In this environment, even with tinder, it is difficult to successfully start a fire.

And this rock can just be used to block the sea wind and the scorching sun.

"Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing, the three of you go and collect enough firewood first. I have built a simple sunshade here and already made two tripods. As for Jiayue, you can use a steel pot to fill the seawater. Pay attention. Don't fill it up, fill it up to a third of the steel pot, and then you'll be in charge of boiling the salt."

After Su Meng arranged everyone's temporary tasks, she came to the jungle not far away with a machete, and chopped down a few trees as thick as three fingers.

Because it is a one-time sunshade, it doesn't need to be built very well. With this rock as a wall, Su Meng quickly built a very simple small wooden shed.

The roof of the shed is still covered with wide leaves, and the leaves on it are not very dense. The sunlight passes through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadows on the black sandy beach.

Then, she cut off the excess branches of a tree, then cut it into six-section wooden sticks of equal length, and then used vines to make two simple tripods about half a meter high.

After making the tripod, she placed a wooden stick between the two tripods, and the steel pot was hung on the stick.

At this time, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing had already collected a lot of dry branches, so Su Meng began to drill wood to make fire.

She carried a fire-drilling suit with her, and since she was in the leeward direction, she was not affected by the sea breeze, so it took only ten minutes to start the fire.

Du Jiayue watched intently from the side, looking like she really wanted to learn.

Su Meng tugged at the collar, the weather is really hot, she had the urge to take off the jacket, but unfortunately, she didn't have jacket pants, if she took off the jacket, she would be in a bikini.

"I'm going to check the surrounding environment." Su dreamed that everything was on the right track, so he said to Du Jiayue, and started to explore along the coastline with a hatchet.

Not long after she left, a black and white snake suddenly appeared in front of Su Meng along the waves.

"Hook-billed sea snake?!"

Su Meng was taken aback, and felt a sense of gratitude in her heart. She was only one step away, and she stepped on it.

Sea snakes like to live in shallow water, usually in muddy water with sandy or muddy bottoms, and some sea snakes also like to live in clear water around coral reefs.

But these are not important, what is important is that sea snakes are generally highly poisonous, and their venom can even be called the strongest animal poison.

Especially the hook-billed sea snake, its venom is twice that of cobra venom and 80 times that of sodium cyanide, and there is currently no serum to detoxify it.

Humans can die within hours of being bitten.

This feeling of brushing shoulders with death almost scared Su Meng into a cold sweat.

It seems that he is still too careless.

After taking a long breath of relief, Su Meng carefully stepped back a few steps, keeping a distance from the hook-billed sea snake.

At this moment, a sea eagle suddenly swooped down from mid-air, picked up the hook-billed sea snake, and flew straight into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Su Meng breathed a sigh of relief. Generally speaking, sea snakes would not take the initiative to attack humans, but everything should be done just in case.

Encountering such a thing, she lost the intention to continue exploring, so she picked up some dry firewood and went back to the awning, ready to tell Su Xiang and the others what happened just now, and ask them to pay more attention to their feet and stay away from the sea as much as possible. .

After returning to the wooden shed, Su Meng found that the seawater in the steel pot had boiled, so he took out the bamboo tube from the back strap and handed it to Du Jiayue, saying: "When the salt is boiled, put the salt into the bamboo tube , and then remove magnesium ions and calcium ions.”

The bamboo tube was made by Su Meng yesterday.

The material used is exactly a kind of bamboo called giant dragon bamboo, which is also one of the three treasures she found in the camp.

Julong bamboo is tall, straight, majestic and burly, with a height of more than 30 meters and a diameter of more than 30 centimeters. It is the thickest bamboo among the bamboos discovered so far, and it can be called the "Bamboo King".

And these bamboo tubes have been boiled and sterilized by her, so they can be used with confidence.

"It sounds complicated. It's magnesium and calcium." Du Jiayue said with emotion, admiring Su Meng even more.

I always feel that she knows everything, and she looks like she can do everything, so amazing, not at all like the legendary vase.

Someone must have deliberately slandered Sumeng, it must be so!

"It's actually very simple, just do this first, then do that, and the edible salt is refined." Su Meng laughed and teased, with an unscrupulous look.

Seeing the trio of picking firewood come back, Su Meng patted Zhang Lin and Su Xiang on the shoulders old-fashionedly, and told what happened just now with a very serious expression, and seriously told the four of them to pay attention to safety.

Then, she took off the bamboo tube from her waist again, took two sips of cool white water to moisten her throat, then touched her stomach which started to protest, with a serious face:
"Don't move around here, I'll go to the beach to find something to eat."

Zhang Lin rolled his eyes angrily, and didn't bother to pay attention to Su Meng who suddenly started playing tricks to take advantage of them.

Holding a wooden stick in one hand and a hatchet in the other, Su Meng walked on the beach, but this time she stayed a little away from the shallow sea area, and paid special attention to whether there were any hidden dangers around her, especially under her feet.

The periphery of this beach is full of reefs, and after turning over the reefs, Su Meng was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a small tidal flat not far away, and a dead tree lay horizontally on the tidal flat.

Su Meng was an outdoor anchor in her previous life, and she also went to the sea for a while, so she still has a certain understanding of these, and there is also some relevant knowledge in the knowledge and experience package rewarded by the system.

She knew in her heart that usually there were big goods hidden under this kind of dead wood.

Walking forward, after carefully turning over the dead wood, a big blue crab held up its double pincers while demonstrating, and at the same time it was about to burrow into the soil continuously, trying to slip away.

This is the green crab, which looks very big. The crab claws alone are as thick as three fingers, and it is estimated that it can weigh two catties.

Su Meng sneered, secretly wanted to run after meeting me, there was no door, the moment I saw you, the ending was already doomed.

She stepped on the blue crab with her foot lifted, and quickly pressed its fateful back with her right hand, then took out a rope and neatly tied up the two crab claws, and threw it into the basket.

In addition to the blue crab, there is also a snake-like thing twisting its body, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

Su Meng recognized at a glance that it was a large eel.

(End of this chapter)

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