Chapter 31: Making trouble on purpose

In Penguin tv's "Survival in the Wild 600 Days" sub-column, the popularity of Su Meng's live broadcast room has rushed to the third place, with more than 6000 million netizens watching online.

And the number one live broadcast room at the moment is naturally the live broadcast room of the refueling group headed by Mr. He.

"Good evening, friends in the live broadcast room, I am very glad to meet you again." After the opening remarks, Mr. He greeted other guests for a while.

Today's guests have not changed, they are still Zhou Nanfei, Huang Aide, Lan Yin, and Xiao Tingting.

When introducing Zhou Nanfei, Teacher He even joked: "The promised flying guest, why is it you again?"

Zhou Nanfei put on an aggrieved look, and replied innocently: "I don't know, maybe it's because most of the seniors in the entertainment industry have gone to the show, and the show crew can't find anyone..."

After chatting for a while, Mr. He naturally brought the topic to the contestants.

"Feifei, do you know that even though it's only been two days, many players have already been eliminated." Teacher He sat on the main seat with a look of regret.

"No way? It's only been two days, is it so cruel?" Zhou Nanfei asked very cooperatively.

"I really want to know how those contestants were eliminated." Xiao Tingting covered her mouth and frowned lightly, with a look of incomprehension: "If it were me, I would have to persist for 7 days and take [-] yuan. Participate in the award."

"If possible, the contestants are definitely not willing to withdraw from the elimination. Who doesn't want to own one billion and permanent land ownership?" Teacher He glanced at Xiao Tingting lightly. If there is no accident, Xiao Tingting will be on the hot search.

As long as this woman has a brain, she will not say such a thing, and she can tell that she didn't read the script in advance.

The script explained the reasons for the elimination of each contestant, and she also openly used such mocking and provocative words to shake her wits. If she read the script and said such things, she would be stupid.

This kind of woman can't be praised, it will only waste resources.

"Yes, I'm actually following the live broadcast in private. I know that there is a retired soldier named Ringer who was eliminated on the first day because he accidentally fell from a tree while helping his teammates cut down a tree to build a shelter. I fell down." Lan Yin sniffed and frowned slightly, looking sad.

"At that time, his knee was twisted and fractured. Really, I looked very painful, but he kept saying that he was okay and didn't want to quit. In the end, he chose to quit under the persuasion of his teammates."

"Yes, there is also a girl named Xiao Qin. She accidentally cut her leg. The wound was at least as long as a finger, and the blood flowed profusely. In order not to delay and trouble her teammates, she also chose to quit with tears in her eyes. .” Teacher He took the words and continued with the procedure.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also refreshed rapidly.

"The other one had a high fever because of the rain"

"Xiao Tingting really has no brains, I don't even bother to spray it, it's boring"

"It's not that I look down on Xiao Tingting, just like her, she has to go home crying to find her father on the first day"

"I went to the official website to check, but I didn't expect that 20 people have been eliminated now."

"I went to see it too, and there wasn't even a star who was eliminated. I was shocked."

"There's nothing to be surprised about. Those celebrities are lazy, and they're all amateurs working. If they can be eliminated, there will be ghosts."

"Please don't generalize, Su Meng and Zhang Lin are very bad, okay?"

"Liu Yuan didn't thank you either"

"Wang Kai didn't thank you either"

"Huang Ming didn't thank you either."


"Okay, let's review together what wonderful performances the contestants had today." Teacher He looked at the big screen after finishing speaking.

The first piece of material played was from Wang Kai’s group. They first discovered a small bamboo forest, then cut some bamboos of different thicknesses and went back to make five armchairs and bamboo cups.

Then Cai Meimei discovered an edible mushroom, fungus, guava and fuchsia.

In the end, Zhang Zhong also caught a non-poisonous snake.

There are meat, vegetables, and fruits after meals. Wang Kai took advantage of the hot weather at noon to take a bath. Apart from still not being full, life can be lived with gusto.

But what if you are not full?It's as if he can get full without being on the show.

Which first-line star will not carry out body management.

"Xiao Kai was so cute when he went swimming, and he told the audience in the live broadcast room that I went to take a shower, and you are not allowed to peek." Teacher He smiled kindly, as if he was looking at his own child.

The second piece of material is from Huang Ming's team. They finally finished repairing the shelter today, and then went to the beach to find food.

Because the tools they chose included fishing nets, they used the fishing nets to catch two sea fish weighing five catties. Wang Xiang also found a wild lemon tree and picked the leaves to make lemon tea.

Although it seems a bit shabby for five people to share two fish, but at least there is decent food.

Shu Ying even took off her jacket after the meal, revealing her slender waist, fair and slender legs, and took a swim in the sea charmingly, then took out her sleeping bag, lay on it to sunbathe, and acted like a baby to let Huang Ming help her. Apply a layer of clay to your back as sunscreen yourself.

Seeing this, the netizens in the live broadcast room became uneasy.

"Brother Xiaoming: Yes, A, I'm sorry"

"Is this something I can watch without charging money?"

"How dare you do this with just two fish? Take it, don't you take the opportunity to catch a few more fish and put them away?"

“It felt like they were on vacation”

"Leg Playing Years Series, screenshot taken"


"Mr. Ed, what do you think of the performance of these two groups?" Teacher He threw the topic to Wang Aide.

"Cough." Wang Aide cleared his throat and said seriously: "It is very important to maintain a happy mood in the wilderness, and it can effectively relieve people's anxiety and fear in unfamiliar scenes. All very well."

Then Wang Aide changed the subject and said: "But if conditions permit, it is recommended to prepare sufficient food first just in case. After all, the island is rainy and the weather changes. If it rains, the contestants must not Those who go out in the rain to look for food, if there is no spare food at this time, then they can only starve."

"Then you can also explore the area around the camp to see if there are other foods and animals. After all, this is the wild and there are many wild animals."

"If it were you, what would you choose to do the next day?" Mr. He asked.

Wang Aide pondered for a while, and replied: "If it were me, I would explore the surrounding environment and find resources that I can use, and collect enough food and firewood by the way."

"Okay, then let's continue to look down." Teacher He smiled and went directly to the next process.

As for this part, I don't know if the program editing team deliberately messed up. They actually put Su Meng's group's seaside material behind Huang Ming's group.

(End of this chapter)

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