Chapter 32 Trout
When everyone saw that the five of Su Meng had a clear division of labor, rescued bottlenose dolphins, and returned with a full load, they all asked if there was something wrong with the way they opened it.

"This group is really lucky!" Xiao Tingting couldn't help but sighed, her tone was sour. With such luck, she can go to her.

"Isn't this really the program team sending warmth?" Zhou Nanfei also had a look of disbelief, and joked: "It makes me want to go, I really like dolphins."

"Am I the only one who noticed that Su Xiang and Bo Jing took the fish that belonged to the dolphins? These dolphins worked so hard to catch the fish, and almost died. In the end, their work was for nothing. They must be very sad." Lan Yin suddenly Interjected in a depressed mood, there was a faint flash of water in his eyes.

"Actually, I think Su Meng and the others have enough food anyway, so they can return these fish to the dolphins. Look at how pitiful they are. Those are the food they bought with their lives." Xiao Tingting followed with tears in her eyes, A weeping look.

Rao was Teacher He's high EQ, who was speechless for a while.

in the live room.

"Holy Father and Mother are by my side"

"Pull it down, if you want to replace them, I think they can eat the dolphins."

"A cold knowledge: Dolphin meat contains a lot of heavy metals, so it can't be eaten~"

"Please, it's an uninhabited planet, no one has any heavy metals, hey!"

"I don't have any money, I'm so poor, I'm desperately trying to make money, but the money is not as much as yours for an episode, so can you give me some money?"

"May there be no holy fathers and no mothers in the world"

"Actually, I think what Lanyin Xiao Tingting said is very reasonable...Anyway, Su Meng also has a lot of food, what's the matter with sharing some of it with the dolphins, and strictly speaking, these fish are indeed bought by the dolphins..."

"Dolphin: I'm not human, but you are real dogs"


"Mr. Ed, what do you think of this group?" Teacher He looked at Wang Aide with a smile, and directly gave up on the words of Lan Yin and Xiao Tingting.

"I can only say that they are really lucky. This is simply a top-notch feast." Wang Aide said with emotion, thinking of the scene where he was struggling to survive, he couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

Then he changed the subject again, pouring cold water: "But this kind of good luck will not patronize a certain person all the time. I think they eat a bit extravagantly. If it was me, I would only eat one fish, and the rest of the food would be all It will be stored as a backup."

"Indeed, many netizens said that they are hungry for watching themselves, but for Mr. Ed's concept, I think both sides are reasonable. The contestants may think about how to live, and Mr. Ed may think about how to live. Survival. I think both of these concepts are acceptable, and viewers can also repost comments on Weibo to express their opinions.”

After Mr. He finished the topic, he continued to look at the big screen.

The video clip being played now is from Liu Yuan Group.

This group was not so lucky. The only food they found today was wild vegetables and palm cores, and the program crew added a capitalized and bold word "miserable" to it.

After broadcasting several wonderful performances of the contestants one after another, Mr. He announced that today's live broadcast is over, and everyone is welcome to watch it on time tomorrow at the same time.

The island in the evening was like a huge monster lurking in the darkness. Gu Yue and Cao Xuyang walked cautiously in the forest holding torches.

Surrounded by tall trees, people feel that they are not on an island at this time, but in a vast and endless virgin forest.

Their team only found some wild vegetables that could barely satisfy their hunger today, but the energy provided by these wild vegetables was far from the energy they consumed today.

Seeing the depressed mood of the two women in the team and the stomachs of the five protesting, Gu Yue and Cao Xuyang seriously discussed for a while, then gritted their teeth and decided to go fishing by the creek they found in the afternoon.

Gu Yue has a wide range of hobbies, including fishing.

He knows that many fish have a certain degree of phototaxis, and using this feature can increase the chance of catching fish in the wild.

But the wilderness at night is undoubtedly dangerous, although they have not found any traces of wild animals nearby.

To be on the safe side, Gu Yue kept Cao Zhixiang behind, first to protect Jiang Ying and Chen Yongjiao, and secondly to protect the fire in the camp.

"The fish we saw in the stream during the day were trout, right?" Gu Yue took the initiative to talk to Cao Xuyang, using his voice to relieve their tense nerves.

"It should be." Although Cao Xuyang is a retired special soldier, he also has certain living conditions in the wild, but in this situation where he has no tools and still has three belts, he feels that the pressure on him is unprecedented.

While chatting, Gu Yue and Cao Xuyang soon came to the stream.

The water quality of this section of the stream is clear and very shallow. Through the hazy night and the light of the fire, you can see a few blue trout in the stream, wagging their tails vigorously and tracing back to the source.

They explored along this creek in the afternoon. In front of the creek is a ravine about ten meters wide. The water flows down the mountain from a far high place, as if flowing down a section of steps, forming a valley. small waterfall.

Those steps were covered with turquoise moss, which was very slippery, which temporarily stopped their urge to climb up to find out.

And these trout seem to be following a certain destiny. During the day, groups of trout go upstream in groups, and when it gets dark, they will be washed downstream by the waterfall, and the cycle repeats.

This discovery greatly lifted the spirits of Gu Yue and Cao Xuyang, and they felt that today's dinner was probably settled.

In order to prevent trout from turning around and running away when catching trout, Cao Xuyang built a defense line with stones in the narrow part of the lower reaches of the stream.

The current was still passable, but for the trout it was a dead end.

After the preparations were done, Gu Yue picked up a thick branch about one meter away, walked lightly to the trout, aimed at the biggest one and swung it down.

Gu Yue's luck was good, and the stream was very shallow, so he managed to flip a fish with his first stick.

Bright red blood came out of the gills of the trout that was pumped, and the black and white skull and back were covered with white skin. I don’t know if it was because the swim bladder in the body was broken by the stick, and the trout floated on its back. The surface of the water, drifting down the current.

"One came down!" Gu Yue yelled nervously and excitedly. It was the first time he had caught a fish like this. This experience was novel and exciting, and his adrenaline was soaring wildly.

He was not in a hurry to pick up the trout, because he knew that Cao Xuyang was squatting downstream, and there was a "city wall" made of stones to intercept it.

The rest of the frightened trout immediately turned their tails and rushed downstream. Compared with the speed of the upstream, the speed of these trout is surprisingly fast now, like bows and arrows that are off the string.

(End of this chapter)

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