Chapter 33 Don't panic, this wave of gang fights

"Brother Cao! The fish are all down!" Gu Yue shouted, waving a wooden stick and chasing after him.

As soon as the few trout rushed downstream, Cao Xuyang's wooden stick smashed down his head and face, splashing water, and another trout began to swim on its back.

The surviving trout had just broken through Cao Xuyang's defense line, and found that the road was blocked by stones. They became even more panicked, and even turned around and swam back.

A while later, Gu Yue and Cao Xuyang walked back to the camp contentedly carrying six trout.

Although these trout are large and small, each fish weighs about one catty, and the largest one is estimated to weigh two or three catties.

Save these fish, enough for them to eat for two days.

Seeing Gu Yue and Cao Xuyang returning home with a full load, Jiang Ying and Chen Yongjiao cheered, while Cao Zhixiang heaved a sigh of relief in addition to being happy.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Jiang Ying threw herself directly into Gu Yue's arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his thin waist, buried her delicate pale face on his chest and sobbed softly: "Gu Yue, I'm really scared. "

Gu Yue's body froze, her hand holding the trout froze in mid-air, a look of hesitation flashed across her face.

He knew that Jiang Ying's fear meant that he was worried that he would go out fishing at such a late hour, and worried that something would happen to him.

After struggling for a moment, he sighed softly, hugged Jiang Ying back, and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, we have fish to eat tonight."

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room has been stuttered by netizens.

"Ah ah ah ah ah Ye Qinghui"

"I beg you to reunite directly, tear your eyes"

"After Laohu's show is over, get the certificate with Jiang Ying directly, I agree to this marriage."

"Certificate +1"

"Certificate +1008611"

"It's great, my elder brother Yue can finally have a full meal."

"This island is so rich in resources, there are so many trout"

"Upstairs, there are bears on this island. Bears eat fish, so if there are bears, there will be fish. Is there anything wrong with this conclusion?"



Feeling the temperature of Gu Yue's palm, Jiang Ying's body trembled slightly, and she looked up at Gu Yue's face in disbelief.

Is he forgiving himself? !
"Cough." Cao Xuyang coughed uncomfortably, interrupting the gradually pink atmosphere between the two: "It's getting late, let's prepare dinner early."

With a blushing face, Jiang Ying let go of Gu Yue's waist, and stood beside Gu Yue obediently.

"Let's eat grilled fish tonight." Gu Yue had an open face, and handed the fish to Cao Xuyang very naturally.

They had already processed these fish by the stream, rinsed them several times, and returned to the camp after making sure that there was no bloody smell.

The reason for being so cautious is that one is afraid that the smell of blood will attract wild animals, and the other is to save water.

Their grilled fish is very simple.

Insert a wooden stick of suitable size from the lip of the fish all the way to the tail of the fish, and then each person holds the stick and puts it on the fire for grilling.

Jiang Ying doesn't like to share the same tableware with others, so everyone directly ruled out the practice of cooking fish soup in a steel pot.

The fish quickly produced oil, sizzling on the flames, and small bubbles appeared on the fish skin. The aroma of the fish soon permeated, and the five of them couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

After a while, Cao Xuyang took a bite of the fish first, and said with a satisfied face, "You can eat it."

Jiang Ying and Chen Yongjiao began to pinch the fish meat on the wooden stick with their hands, and began to eat it in small bites.

While eating, the two frowned and tried to squeeze out a smile.

The taste of the fish baked in this way is really not very good. There is a faint smell of smoke mixed with the fishy smell, and there is no fishy smell or salt. Although the two of them have been hungry for a day, they still feel a little uncomfortable. Swallow down.

"Uncooked? You can bake it a little longer." Gu Yue is not used to eating this kind of food either, but after a tiring day, his desire for protein has overcome his pursuit of food taste.

"The fish bones should be thrown into the fire and burned, otherwise the smell will attract wild animals." Cao Xuyang took the lead to finish the grilled fish, smacked his lips with unsatisfied desire, and warned his teammates with a serious face.

After popularizing the basic knowledge of wilderness survival, he glanced at the extra fish, and then reluctantly looked away after a while.

He spent the most energy today, and he didn't fill his stomach, but that fish was the five of them's backup food for tomorrow, so they couldn't move.

"I'm going to hang this fish on a tree so that it won't be stolen by wild animals." Cao Xuyang stood up and threw the wooden stick into the fire without seeing it. It was too uncomfortable to watch others eat.

"I'll go with you." Gu Yue finished eating second, and quickly stood up.

He doesn't have the airs of a big star, and he participated in this variety show purely because he wanted to experience nature and see the wonderful scenery that has not been destroyed by humans.

The sky was getting darker, and the five of them sat around the bonfire and chatted while looking at the brilliant galaxy in the sky.

The bonfire was very warm and dispelled the cold night. After a while, everyone felt sleepy and yawned involuntarily.

"Go to sleep, good night." Cao Xuyang also felt that his eyes were a little weak, and his fatigue was like a tide. However, when he got up and was about to get into the shelter to rest, there was a sudden rustling sound not far away.

The sound was getting closer and closer, as if a huge monster was creeping through the bushes, watching them not far away.

Cao Xuyang felt that the hairs all over his body were standing on end, and his skin was covered with goosebumps.

"What's wrong?" Gu Yue was the first to notice something was wrong with Cao Xuyang, she stood up and asked in confusion.

Cao Xuyang pulled out the ax pinned to his waist, fixed his eyes on the bushes not far away, and said in a hoarse and low voice: "Add more firewood and make the bonfire hotter. There are wild beasts approaching us."

As soon as these words came out, the four of Gu Yue were instantly terrified. They hurriedly copied the guy, added the firewood, and Jiang Ying subconsciously shrank behind Gu Yue.

"Do you know what animal it is?" Gu Yue gripped the hatchet tightly and stood by Cao Xuyang's right hand, while Cao Zhixiang gripped the engineer shovel tightly and stood by Cao Xuyang's left.

The three of them formed an anti-bracket line, protecting Jiang Ying and Chen Yongjiao's two daughters behind them.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly increased. Because of the drone shooting, they knew very well what the beast was approaching the five of Gu Yue at this time.

It was a black bear with shiny black fur, about 1.5 meters.

"Is he a blind bear?"

"Where's the jungler? Call our jungler, hurry up and use the jungler!"

"It's time for a bearskin coat"

"Your courier has been delivered, please sign for it!"

"Protect our Dahu Fang, hurry up and invite the Great Sage!"


"It seems that the first star to quit is about to appear."

"Don't panic, this wave of gang fights, go up and kill bears to eat meat, you will have bear paws and fish"


(End of this chapter)

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