Chapter 43: Mainly because I feel sorry for them


"233333 How hungry is this, my stomach screams so loudly that there is an echo"

"Ahahahaha large social death scene"

"Can anyone tell me why there are so many fish in this group?"

"Hehe, the program group is definitely feeding."

"Mulletin, do you have to praise Su Meng after a good survival show?"

"Don't be embarrassed upstairs, the fish was given by the dolphins, and the hare and pheasant were hunted by Su Meng himself, thank you"

"There must be something wrong with the way I opened it, otherwise how could I see a tree full of fish?"

"I'm really drunk. There's so much food, it's fine if I don't give it to me, and I keep ordering others to do things. I suggest that someone change their name to Su Papi."

"The donkeys in the production team are not so tired"

"The capitalists will cry when they see it"

"Su Meng, who is speechless, didn't eat, okay, and she still does the most things, so I'm really selective."

"Am I the only one who noticed the insect repellent pill that Su wanted to talk about?"


Su Meng coughed dryly twice, and a look of unnaturalness flashed across her delicate face.

It was originally agreed to have lunch, but I didn't expect to be so busy now.

She looked up at the setting sun, and estimated in her heart that it would be three or four o'clock in the afternoon. It would be too late for lunch, and too early for dinner.

It's embarrassing.

And she still has one very important thing to do.

Thinking of this, Su Meng cleared her throat, and said with a serious face: "I know everyone is very hungry, but there is one point that I must thoroughly analyze with everyone."

"First, although we seem to have a lot of food now, in fact, these foods can't last long. Each of us has to eat at least two smoked fish every day, which is ten smoked fish in a day."

"Don't talk about frugality. It's not okay to eat one smoked fish per person a day, because we need to improve the camp next, that is to say, we will be doing physical work in the future, which consumes a lot of energy, so we must replenish energy in time , especially protein."

"Second and most importantly, our camp is not safe. There are wolves, bears and wild boars, and we have so much food. For the safety of ourselves and our food, we have to build fences, right? Food containers There must be a cellar and a shed for storing firewood, right?"

Su Xiang interrupted Su Meng expressionlessly: "Say something we can understand."

Su Meng was not angry when she was interrupted, she raised the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile: "Let's cook pot of wild vegetables and stewed snake meat to fill our stomach, and then we will have to do physical work later. Although there is less food after work, we will try to keep ourselves full."

Hearing this, Su Xiangjing rolled her eyes, her sister is too good at squeezing labor.

Seeing that Du Jiayue was going to clean up the snake meat stew, Su Meng narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she suddenly remembered something, and said to Su Xiang, "Hey, didn't you tell me last night that you were going to make food supplements for us? ? Have you found all the materials?"

Su Xiang looked blank, he didn't say that.

However, as soon as the words of refusal came to his lips, he swallowed them abruptly, pretending to have suddenly realized, and said, "I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, I have collected all the materials."

Su Meng nodded in satisfaction, with a look of relief on her face: "My younger brother is not in good health, so I specially searched for some food tonic formula. If we eat it regularly, it can improve our physical fitness. Since all the ingredients are complete, today's meal will Let him do it, if everyone thinks it is delicious, then he will be in charge, how about it?"

"Yeah, I have no objection!" Du Jiayue spoke first, and she looked at Su Meng with sparkling eyes, with a look of admiration and envy on her face: "Mengmeng, why do I feel that you know everything, and you are so kind to your brother?" , if only I had a sister like you."

Su thought: Wake up, she just wants to oppress you.

Seeing that Du Jiayue, who had been in charge of cooking, didn't have any objections, Zhang Lin and Bo Jing didn't bother to say anything annoying, and Su Xiang did look a little thin.

The three of them subconsciously ignored Su Xiangna's stronger physical strength than them these two days.

It is absolutely impossible to admit that the physical strength is not as good as that of a weak and sickly minor.

After confirming the candidate for cooking, Su Meng arranged for Du Jiayue to stay and take care of the two fires, while he brought Zhang Lin and Bai Jing back to the camp to start a new round of tree felling.

The camp is rich in resources and close to water sources. The most important thing is that it can be exposed to the sun and not so hot, so she decided to settle here in the future.

Now that you have decided to settle down, the first step is to expand.

Anyway, we have to cut down trees, so why not start around the campsite, which not only saves the time of moving wood, but also clears up an open space, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Su Meng led the people to cut trees in full swing, while Su Xiang had a completely different style of painting, a look of peaceful pastoral life.

I saw him unhurriedly picking out several kinds of wild vegetables from the pile of wild vegetables, and dividing a wild vegetable into several sections with his fingers flying.

What he did was displayed generously in front of the high-definition camera, without any concealment, even though he knew that there was a great risk of exposing the food tonic formula.

The value of food supplement formulas that can enhance human physique is undoubtedly huge, but this is not within the scope of his consideration.

After all, it is hard to say whether he and Su Meng can leave this uninhabited planet.

"Are you sure this is the live broadcast room of Survival in the Wilderness?"

"? Why is the painting style of this group completely different from other groups?"

"Ah, what kind of fairy plot is this? The weak and beautiful boy cooks and takes care of his sister himself. I can do it!"

"I've already recorded the screen, and I'm going to make a food supplement later"

"Try the poison upstairs first, and if it tastes good, publish the recipe, and I will do it too."

"If Su Meng wants to cut down a tree, he can do it himself! Why do you command my Daxian? If you are really convinced, you can't eat enough and keep doing physical work. Don't wash Su Mengfan. Today's fish are all caught by my Daxian. They able to support myself, thank you”

"Laugh, don't live in Su Meng's house if you have the ability"

"Hehe, the thatched hut that Daxian lived in was built by himself. What's the matter with Su Meng? Don't wash it too hard, and Su Meng has to bring a towel bottle. Shouldn't she do more? Besides, she didn't do much. , the physical work is all done by my Daxian and little brother Bo Jing.”

"I have no problem with Du Jiayue being a girl doing light work, but cooking and looking after the fire don't conflict, right? So why do you have to divide a labor force to cook?"

"I wonder, isn't Su Meng a girl?"

"Speechless, people have said to make food supplements, but you will do food supplements as a person? You are really selective blind and deaf"


The dispute on the Internet is still going on, and many sensitive netizens have recorded and edited their screens, and posted these edited videos on various short videos and other apps, which has sparked a wave of heated discussions.

Naturally, Su Meng couldn't see these remarks. She was waving a hatchet at the moment, teaching Zhang Lin and Bai Jing how to cut down trees with skill.

The main reason is that I feel sorry for the two of them, not because the hatchet will have a gap if the chopping continues like this.

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(End of this chapter)

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