Chapter 42: A Face of Resentment

Liu Yuan put the freshly drawn water on the stone stove, added a few pieces of firewood and bamboo to the stove mouth, and started today's water delivery business:

"The food is really not enough. Later, the five of us will go out and explore the surroundings together to see if we can find other food. If not, let's try again and see if we can dig some bamboo shoots. If there are no bamboo shoots, then sister Jing, We must supplement protein, otherwise the body will not be able to bear it."

Although spring is about to start now, the bamboo shoots are still hidden in the soil at the moment, and it will take some time before they emerge, and the bamboo shoots hidden in the soil are difficult to dig without some skills.

Coincidentally, none of the five of them had this skill, so they could only try their luck.

So apart from the first day when Chen Hao happened to catch a snake named Zhuyeqing, the five of them never ate anything else.

All supported by drinking water.

If I don't eat something, I guess I can only quit.

When they heard that they were going to explore the surrounding area, Dong Jing, Chen Yiran, and Luo Huan immediately showed embarrassment. They didn't want to go out to find food.

Now that the weather is so sweltering and the stomach is so hungry, if you go out to explore, you will have to sweat and consume a lot of energy.

Both Dong Jing and Chen Yiran regretted that they should not have participated in this program.

I didn't expect this show to be so big, even the most basic washing, food and clothing have become a rare enjoyment.

But they are not willing to quit like this, because they all need exposure and popularity.

With exposure and popularity, they can become popular, and only when they are popular can they make money.

After all, black and red are also red.

in the live room.

"I heard that there is going to be a fight here, why haven't we fought yet?"

"That's right, I didn't even watch Su Meng's smoked fish and came here to watch."

"fight up and fight up"

"All the upstairs should be withdrawn, this group of daily rip-offs"

"I feel sorry for Liu Yuan's brother"

"This group of women are all bulls and horses, I laughed to death"

"Why are you so lazy to participate in the wilderness survival? Embarrass yourself and embarrass others"

"Love my brother +1"

"Let us welcome the new Duan Shui master - Liu Yuan"

"Brother Xiaoming: I don't accept it"

"I've knocked out a pack of melon seeds, if I don't beat them, I'll go to see Su Meng smoked fish."


"Su Meng??? Smoked fish???"

"Fuck, isn't Su Meng a vase? She actually smokes fish? No, she actually has food?"

"Really? I don't believe it"

"Let's go, Su Meng not only has fish for smoking, but also pheasant and hare for smoking, is it sour upstairs?"


Su Meng quickly disemboweled the rabbit, removed the lymph and smelly glands, took out the edible heart, liver, and kidneys, washed them, dried them, put a layer of salt on them, and put them on a washed banana leaf. I plan to smoke it with the fish later.

Do not skip any edible food.

After finishing all this, seeing that Zhang Lin and Bai Jing had almost handled the fish, he said again: "Whoever you two will come with me to chop trees and collect firewood, I will make a simple smoking shed."

"I'll go."

Zhang Lin and Bo Jing answered in unison.

The two looked at each other, showing awkward yet polite smiles.

Du Jiayue rolled her eyes, her hands kept moving, but her mouth helped the two of them out: "It's getting late, anyway, there are not many fish left, you two go to help sister Meng, the speed of the three of you will be faster." Much faster."

Su dreamed that Zhang Lin and Bai Jing didn't object, so he followed Du Jiayue's words and arranged: "That's fine too, you two go to cut down trees, the kind with thick wrists, cut seven, and then pick them up alone. Firewood."

After assigning the task, Zhang Lin and Bo Jing quickly took action, while Su Meng went to chop a lot of banana leaves and came back.

There are a few banana trees beside the pool, but I don’t know if wild bananas will grow. If they can grow wild bananas, then they can eat wild bananas around August. Although it’s only early February, but Anyway, there is hope.

Su Meng first divided the trees cut by Bo Jing into wooden sticks of similar length, and tied them with vines to make two tripods about 1.3 meters high.

This height allows the fish and rabbit meat to be heated evenly and fully smoked and grilled, without letting the food touch the open flame and cause burnt burns. It can be said to be a very ideal height.

Then place the tripods at both ends of the fire. After determining the appropriate distance, cut off the excess branches from the remaining longer tree and place it between the two tripods, which looks like a low tree. Coat hanger.

After setting up the simple smoking grill, Su Meng began to process the sea fish and hares that needed to be smoked.

There were 53 fish to be smoked this time, plus rabbit meat that was divided into different sizes. In order to save time, Su Meng decided to build another tripod and divide them into two groups to smoke and roast at the same time.

After Du Jiayue finished handling the pheasant, what she saw was this scene:
Wisps of blue smoke rose from the jumping flames, densely packed fish and meat pieces of various sizes were hung on a row of extended clothes racks, and drops of dark yellow fat slid over the yellowish skin from the smoke, dripping into the air. In the flame, there was a sound of "zilazila".

Du Jiayue couldn't help swallowing, her eyes lit up: "It smells so good!"

"It will be more fragrant if it is smoked and roasted with pine wood." Su Meng raised the corners of her mouth and swallowed quietly. She remembered the Hunan smoked fish that she had eaten before.

The firm and delicious meat is served with minced meat and stir-fried chopped peppers as an auxiliary material. After one bite, it is fresh, fragrant and spicy, with a smell of fireworks, which is endless aftertaste.

"I know this. My family uses pine trees to smoke bacon." Du Jiayue sniffed her nose vigorously, as if she wanted to inhale all the aroma.

"It would be great if there were peppers." Su Meng couldn't help whispering.

"That's right, it would be great if there were chili peppers." Du Jiayue put down the banana leaf that was wrapping the pheasant in her hand, squatted beside Su Meng, and murmured as well.

Both Zhang Lin and Bo Jing were speechless for a while.

I really want to say that my sister and we are still struggling on the food and clothing line, so don't think about these things.

But thinking that the present life is basically dependent on Su Meng, so he can only shut up obediently, pretending that he didn't hear anything.


The stomachs of the four of them groaned one after another as if they had made an agreement.

At this time, Su Xiang finally finished handling the wild vegetables and herbs, and walked towards the four people who were squatting by the fire and looked at each other like a little book boy, carrying a bag on his back.

While walking, he yelled happily: "Su Meng, I've finished the insect repellent pill!"

When he approached, a strong smell of food suddenly poured into his nostrils, so——


Su Xiang suddenly put on a pale face, staring at Su Meng with resentment.

 Thank you Bobo, book friend 202103011040211992, for the monthly ticket that will bring disaster to the country and the people~
  Thanks to Changqing-, Bobo, Chickweed Youyou, Wuxinren, Lin Heng, ss, Flowers Like Fallen Leaves, Lingfeng Piaoxue, Xiang Feixue, Bense, I'm going out to play-, Pearl, zuo, and other cuties Recommended tickets ~ Thank you all for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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