Chapter 41: Shouldn't it be enough for us to eat?
She originally thought that there was a lot of food tonight, but now that she saw it, she must continue to be hungry today.

Sighing, Su Meng began to deal with the rabbit fur, which is a good thing and has an excellent effect on keeping warm.

Although it is still early in winter, it is always good to prepare materials in advance, so as not to be blind when it is really needed.

She picked up a hatchet and carefully scraped off the minced meat and fat from the rabbit skin, and then fixed the rabbit skin on a wooden board according to its shape, with the fur facing in and the skin facing outward.

In the follow-up, you only need to place the wooden board in a cool, ventilated place that is not exposed to the sun.

After she finished all this, Du Jiayue had already plucked the pheasant's hair.

"Will you disembowel the chicken?" Su Meng raised her eyebrows, a little surprised at Du Jiayue's speed, since plucking chickens takes the most time.

Don't look at her peeling and processing the fur, it actually only took about half an hour.

This is still due to hand slack, she could finish this in less than 10 minutes before.

They are all practiced.

As if seeing Su Meng's surprise, Du Jiayue wiped the sweat from her forehead and explained, "My family has a few chickens. Practice makes perfect."

"Okay, I'll teach you how to handle the chicken." Su Meng's eyes lit up, and he started to act as a hands-off shopkeeper: "This chicken has not been bled, after you have processed the internal organs, chop the chicken into pieces and put them in clean water Soak it in water for half a day, and then blanch it in water when cooking. Although the taste of the chicken produced in this way is still not as good as that of the blooded chicken, it will not be so bad that it cannot be swallowed."

"En!" Du Jiayue nodded vigorously, with a solemn expression on her face, as if she had received some important task.

Su Meng couldn't help laughing, untied the rope, carried the rabbit and walked towards the pool: "Come on, let's go to the pool to deal with internal organs."

"Eh?" Du Jiayue followed Su Meng and asked, "Are we going to eat chicken stewed mushrooms, wild vegetables stewed snake meat and roasted rabbit at night? Will it be too rich?"

"A cold knowledge of popular science: Rabbit meat and chicken are mutually exclusive. If eaten together, it will easily cause diarrhea." Su Meng disemboweled the rabbit while arranging the whereabouts of the food: "The rabbit will be marinated with salt. Smoked with fish."

"Let's be wronged for one more day. We've worked so hard for you all to make up for it at night. Let's eat stewed chicken with mushrooms, stewed snake with wild vegetables, and fried sixties." At this point, Su Meng paused, and added: "If it's not enough, Just add five more smoked fish to make fish soup."

After raising the sixtieth one for a day, all the sand that should be vomited has been vomited, and if it is raised again, it will stink.

Hearing this, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing rolled their eyes in unison. This dish is considered a hard dish in the city, but in Su Meng's mouth, it turned into grievance and resignation.

Versailles really made her understand.

in the live room.

"I want to make do with it too"

"Zhuzi is not a human being!"


“The instant noodles in my hand suddenly taste bad”

"Am I the only one who thinks that Su Meng is so perverted? She is skinned without changing her face! Does she have some kind of mental illness? It's scary."

"It's true upstairs, you are indeed the only one"

"The takeaway order has been placed. Tonight, I must eat chicken stewed mushrooms. I said, Jesus can't stop it when he comes."

"By the way, can someone popularize the principle of the mutual restraint between rabbit meat and chicken?"

"Xiangke? I don't believe it, who will try it (funny)"

"The atmosphere in this group is good, the next group is about to fight."

"Which group is it, I want to persuade you to fight"

"Which group is it, I have a friend who wants to try to persuade a fight"


Liu Yuan pursed his lips tightly, staring at Dong Jing, Chen Yiran, and Luo Huan without saying a word, his heart broke down, and he suspected that the program team was deliberately messing with him.

Otherwise, why are there three men and two women in other groups, but three women and two men when it comes to him?
It's not that he looks down on women, but that the three women in his group are really hard to describe.

Hypocritical and squeamish, he can quarrel eight hundred times a day, and he keeps trying to make him do justice.

He is not a host, he is a hammer.

Their landing point is a bamboo forest. Next to the bamboo forest is a clear stream. Although there are no fish in it, at least they don't have to worry about finding fresh water resources.

Moreover, there are many plump bamboo rats in the bamboo forest, and there may be delicious bamboo shoots in the soil.

It can be said to be a very perfect start.

But in fact, they had a dispute as soon as they arrived.

Dong Jing said to light the fire to boil the water first, Chen Yiran not to be outdone said to build a shelter first, and Luo Huan was in the middle of the fire.

In the end, the two pulled him and insisted that he make a decision.

Liu Yuan's head got bigger on the spot.

Although Dong Jing is not as popular as him, she entered the industry earlier and has more seniority than him. She can be regarded as his senior, so she has to give her face.

Although Chen Yiran is an amateur, she is also a medium-sized Internet celebrity, and she always puts hats on people.

What about "Sister Jing won't bully amateurs just because she's a big star?"

"Although I'm just an amateur, we are still a team anyway, and I'm also thinking about our team."

"The team leader won't help Sister Jing because of her seniority?"

"No way, no way, it's already 2202, there won't be any words left?"

And so on and so on.

And every time Dong Jing and Chen Yiran quarreled until they were about to fight, Luo Huan was caught in the middle, aggrieved and asked him to come over and uphold justice.

If the two women had a reasonable dispute at the beginning, then it developed into a pure argument later.

The two could argue for more than an hour over whether to use trees or bamboo for the shelter.

One said that the trees are thick and strong, and they are safe.

One said that bamboo is light, breathable and safe.

One said that what you said made sense, why don't we ask the team leader to make a decision~
In the end he chose to use both.

But now, Dong Jing, Chen Yiran, and Luo Huan are acting like demons again.

The reason is that Chen Hao spent a lot of effort and finally caught a bamboo rat. When he was about to peel and wash it for dinner, Dong Jing stood up and stopped it with a pale face:
"Rats have a lot of bacteria. We can't eat them. We will definitely get sick if we eat them. It's too disgusting. I refuse to eat rats."

Luo Huan blinked and blinked his big eyes, with a naive expression on his face: "Sister Jing, this is not a mouse, it's a bamboo rat. Bamboo rats are edible."

Chen Yiran snorted coldly, with a mocking expression on his face: "We've all been hungry for days, what would we eat if we didn't eat this? Besides, Chen Hao managed to catch this, so we can't live up to the fruits of his labor, right?"

Dong Jing took a deep breath: "I just think rats are unhygienic and you will get sick if you eat them. Besides, we can find other food."

Chen Yiran immediately retorted: "Then you are looking for food, don't forget, this is the wilderness, some food is good, and you are still picky and hypocritical."

Dong Jing: "Didn't you go looking for food?"

Chen Yiran: "But I didn't say not to eat bamboo rats."

Luo Huan looked sad: "But there is only one bamboo rat, shouldn't it be enough for us to eat? Team leader~"

(End of this chapter)

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