Chapter 69: Good things come in pairs
"There is grass near the Huang Ming group, and there is grass near the Su Meng group. The two camps won't be very close to each other, right?" Lan Yin seemed to have not woken up from the young deer's behavior of throwing himself into his arms, and said in his mouth self-mumbling.

Seeing that the other four people pretended not to hear and didn't answer his words, he laughed and joked again: "Brother Nan Fei didn't know the news long ago, did he?"

Zhou Nanfei smiled softly: "Just as long as you're happy."

After watching the big harvest of Huang Ming's group, the situation of Liu Yuan's group began to be broadcast on the screen.

Liu Yuan's group got a kid with its front hooves stuck in the cracks in the rocks, a pheasant that threw itself into its arms, five bamboo rats that committed suicide by smashing into bamboos, and a mango tree full of green mangoes.

Xiao Tingting, who saw this scene, was undoubtedly very happy. She was worried that she would go hungry if she went to Liu Yuan's group, but now it seems that she was completely overwhelmed.

Not only will she not go hungry when she joins Liu Yuan's group, but she also eats quite well. There are sheep, chickens, and fruits. You must know that Su Meng's group doesn't have such good things as fruit now.

Does this mean that she can live a better life than Su Meng?
Thinking of this, Xiao Tingting couldn't help but show a smug and satisfied smile. When the time comes, she will also make pottery and burn charcoal, maybe it will make Liu Yuan look at her with admiration.

Originally, she wanted to choose Wang Kai's group, but after a comprehensive comparison, she felt that Liu Yuan's group could set off her better. She only needs to perform a little better than Chen Yiran, and then she can easily reap a lot of praise and praise. fan.

The finale was Jiang Chuan's group. Their camp was on that smaller island, and whether it was Su Meng's group or Huang Ming's, Liu Yuan's, Wang Kai's, and Gu Yue's group, their camps were all on that smaller island. big island.

It has to be said that Wang Aide's vision is very vicious.

Jiang Chuan's group shot and killed two stags, five pheasants, three poisonous snakes, two piranhas and several lizards today.

This wave of bumper harvest directly surpassed the food reserves of the Su Meng group, becoming the group with the largest food reserves among all the players.

"It seems that Jiang is still old and hot. Teacher Ed is indeed a master of international survival. This vision is amazing." Teacher He did not hide the surprise in his eyes, and gave Wang Aide a thumbs up with a smile.

Wang Aide smiled modestly. Seeing how powerful his future ally is, he was also very happy. Now he doesn't have to worry about being held back.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was refreshed rapidly.

"Why do I feel that the hunting of these two days has suddenly become easier?"

"I have the same feeling upstairs, I always feel that the simple (cross out, novice guide) mode is suddenly turned on"

"Don't let the lemon extract come out, okay, is it hard to admit that others are good?"

"Laugh, Su Meng's successful hunting is very powerful, and the successful hunting of others means that he has turned on the novice guide mode, and the double standard should not be too powerful"

"Am I the only one who thinks Jiang Chuan's team is so strong? I feel like they all have a murderous look on them."

"Is it the kind of murderous look that Ga Yao, Zi does not use anesthetics?"

"I also think that when Jiang Chuan was hunting deer, his eyes were terrifying. Based on my years of experience in knowing people, this person may have carried several lives on his back."

"Fuck, isn't Wang Aide very dangerous?"

"Bring it down, no one thinks that you don't need to do back tunes on the show, right? No way, no way?"

"Compared with this, it seems that the hundred and ten fish in the Gu Yue group are nothing."

"emmm... have you ever thought about how to preserve so much food?"


The live broadcast room was closed amidst the barrage of disputes, and netizens who had nowhere to go flocked to the live broadcast rooms of each player to continue to express their opinions.

After taking a hot bath, Su Meng lay down in her sleeping bag and fell asleep.

She was really exhausted today, digging pits, filling mud and climbing trees, all of which were very exhausting.

Du Jiayue lightly hugged the jacket that Su Meng had taken off, got out of the palm leaf hut, and came to the sink with a torch.

She stuck the torch into the ground, and by the light of the torch she put hot stones into the small water jar, and filled the small water jar with water.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing had gone back to sleep in their palm leaf hut, and now she was the only one awake in the entire camp.

She wants to take this opportunity to wash her and Su Meng's jackets, dry them with fire and wear them tomorrow.

She didn't tell Su Meng about this move, because she wanted to give Su Meng a surprise, and she knew that Su Meng disliked the smell in the jacket.

The night on the island is extremely cold even if there is no wind. Du Jiayue is wearing a vest, and her teeth are chattering from the cold.

The warm water in the small water tank became cold after a while, and her fingers became stiff after a while.

"Huh...huh...miscalculation, I didn't would be so cold..."

Du Jiayue panted heavily, and her hands moved a little faster.

The next day, when it was still daylight, Su Meng woke up from her sleep.

She yawned and stretched again. After staying in bed for a while, she got up to get dressed.

When she first got the jacket, she felt that it didn't feel right.

The jackets of the past always felt cold and damp to the touch, and exuded a sour smell.

But today's jacket is dry and smooth in the hand, and exudes a faint lemon fragrance.

Is she not awake?

Su Meng looked at Du Jiayue subconsciously, but saw her curled up in the sleeping bag, huddled into a small ball.

"What a lovely girl."

Su Meng hooked the corner of her mouth, her eyes were tender.

After getting dressed, Su Meng quietly got out of the palm leaf hut. After washing with cold water, she boiled a pot of hot water and Banlangen water.

Although Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue have taken food supplements several times, their physical fitness has improved a lot and they will not get sick easily, but there is always an emergency in everything, and Banlangen can prevent colds.

It is definitely not cooked for someone.

After finishing these, Su Meng walked to the side of the charcoal kiln, reached out and touched the body of the kiln, felt that the charcoal kiln had cooled down, and decided to open the kiln.

She used a thick wooden stick to outline a small arch outside the wall of the charcoal kiln, and then planed the small arch to reveal the firewood inside.

"Did it fail?" Seeing the intact wood, Su Meng frowned beautifully, a little disappointed, but quickly cleared up her mood, and continued to pull the wood without changing expression.

She threw aside the unburnt wood on the surface, and decided to continue burning next time.

After picking up a few logs in a row, her frowning brows finally relaxed, and a smile appeared on her face.

She picked up a piece of shiny charcoal and flicked it lightly, the charcoal instantly made a crisp breaking sound.

It worked!
Su Meng immediately beamed with joy, and hurriedly brought three rattan baskets half the height of a person, and began to use the engineer shovel to pull the charcoal in the charcoal kiln, and shoveled the burnt charcoal into the rattan baskets.

To Su Meng's surprise, the charcoal produced by this kiln filled the three rattan baskets to the brim. Together with the firewood stored in the wooden shed, it was enough for them to use for a month.

This is really, good things come in pairs.

After all, after midnight tonight, she will have completed the novice task, and she doesn't know what good things the system will send her as a reward this time.

Really looking forward to it.

 Thank you for the rewards and recommended tickets for the monthly tickets~ I don’t want to say thank you for my kindness, I can only reciprocate with serious code words~
  ps: ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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