Chapter 70 Waiting for Coconut Juice
"Twitter chirp chirp..."

The singing of birds echoed in the jungle, opening the curtain of a new day.

"Good morning, Mengmeng~" Du Jiayue came out of the hut with a yawn, her voice stopped abruptly when she saw Su Meng's face.

Then, there was a cry of geese in the camp: "Goose, goose, goose...Mengmeng, why did you become a little cat?"

Maybe it was because of just waking up, Du Jiayue's voice was a little hoarse and nasal, but she seemed to be in good spirits, not sick.

"Isn't this just coming back from digging the charcoal?" Su Meng spread out her hands, carried the three baskets of charcoal back to the wooden shed and put them away, and then said: "The hot water has been boiled, remember to drink two more bowls of isatid root water, next time Don't go to wash clothes so late, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

Du Jiayue smiled stupidly, she knew that Su Meng was caring about her, so she happily ran to wash up, and then took a pottery bowl and drank the isatid root water in small sips.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing soon got out of the hut, said good morning in a daze, and obediently went to wash up.

"By the way, I discovered a very strange thing this morning." Su Meng looked a little serious. She looked at the four people sitting in rows drinking isatis root water from pottery bowls, and said, "I found out that this There were no new beast marks around the camp for two days."

Seeing the blank faces of the four people, Su Meng expressed his doubts: "This is not in line with animal instincts. A few days ago we only caught pheasants and fish, which attracted the prying eyes of many wild animals, but two days ago we But if a deer is killed in the camp, isn't the smell of blood heavier than that of a pheasant?"

"And the venison is hung in a wooden shed with ventilation on both sides, not to mention we also raise sheep, rabbits and pheasants, which logically will attract a lot of wild animals, but since the day before yesterday, there has been no sight around our camp. A new mark of the beast."

"Could it be because we built the thorn fence? Didn't you say that animals would instinctively avoid thorns?" Zhang Lin asked after thinking about it.

"No, wild beasts will follow their instincts to avoid thorns, but it doesn't mean they won't approach the camp. I always think this is a bit weird." Su Meng shook her head and sighed: "It's like these two days It’s as if all the beasts suddenly disappeared, maybe I’m thinking too much.”

The five of them didn't pay attention to this episode. After talking and laughing, they ate their breakfast - wild vegetable and fish soup, and then embarked on the path to the beach with their backpacks on their backs.

More than half an hour later, the sound of sea water beating against the rocks could be heard clearly in the ears of the five people, which meant that the sea was just ahead.

When he came to the coast, Su Xiang took a deep breath facing the sea breeze, and felt the salty sea breeze slapping his face, bringing a burst of coolness.

He suddenly pointed to the right side of the coast, and said, "Su Meng, when shall we go over there to have a look? Do you think there will be a bigger beach or tidal flat over there?"

The last time the five of them came to the beach, they were all exploring around here, and they didn't go too far, so the right coast is a brand new unexplored territory for them.

Su Meng thought about it for a while, and thought it would be good to explore the new territory, anyway, the resources on this beach have been taken away by them.

So she nodded: "Okay, anyway, we don't have anything important to do today. Before the sun is so bright, let's go and have a look. Maybe there will be new discoveries."

Anyway, the main task today is to make salt. As long as there is sea water, it is the same wherever the salt is made.

After the unanimous approval of the proposal, the five walked along the coastline towards their destination.

After walking through the dark brown sandy beach, a touch of gold suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

Golden sand?
The eyes of Su Meng and five people brightened, and they couldn't help speeding up their pace.

The soft sand is mixed with shells and stones the size of rice grains, which is a bit harsh.

The sea water slides over the insteps from time to time, bringing a burst of coolness, and at the same time driving away the slightest bit of heat for them.

After walking for about ten, twenty, ten minutes, Du Jiayue suddenly exclaimed: "Mengmeng! Do you think that is a coconut tree?"

Su Meng looked along where Du Jiayue pointed, and her eyes lit up. It was a lush green coconut grove!

It's not easy. I have been to Taiji Island for so long, I have seen two beaches, and finally saw coconut trees on the third beach.

"That's right, it's a coconut tree, and it looks like there are a lot of coconuts growing on it."

Hearing Su Meng's affirmative answer, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue immediately became excited, and ran towards the coconut grove happily: "Great, there will be coconut juice to drink!"

Su Meng looked at the four running wildly with amused expression, and burst out laughing.

The five people came to the coconut grove and found a shaded place where they could avoid the sun. Then they put down the bag and took out all the steel pots, bamboo tubes, bamboo bowls, bamboo chopsticks, bamboo shovels, tinder, etc. .

"Su Meng, there are a lot of coconuts here." Su Xiang swallowed, he likes to drink coconut juice, whether it's green coconut juice or the coconut juice with fancy packaging, he likes it all.

Hearing this, Su Meng also looked up, and saw that in this coconut grove, there were more than a dozen head-sized blue coconuts on the top of each coconut tree, and even a lot of coconuts fell on the ground, but most of them were already rotten. up.

Those coconut shells have dried up and cracked under the sun, and these dried coconut shells will become their best fuel.

"Jiayue, you are still in charge of boiling salt. Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing, you three can do whatever you want." Su Meng casually arranged the next task.

"What is casual?" Zhang Lin was immediately lost.

Su Meng gave him a strange look, cleared her throat and said, "That is, you can explore the seaside resources, you can also learn to boil salt with Jiayue, and of course you can pick coconuts with me."

Having said that, Su Meng paused, and added: "Of course I climbed the tree, the kind you picked up below."

The coconut trees here are too tall, and most of the trunks are more than 15 meters high. If you accidentally fall from this height, it will be fatal.

Su Meng would not entrust this kind of dangerous work to Zhang Lin and Bo Jing, let alone Su Xiang.

Of course, for the few shorter coconut trees, she could teach them how to use tools to knock down the coconuts.

For example, hit them directly with stones, and by the way, they can also practice their accuracy.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing were all choked for a moment. The three wanted to explore the seaside resources, but now they heard Su Meng say that they wanted to climb such a tall tree to pick coconuts. Excited, full of worry.

Su Meng didn't think so much, she made a noose with the rope that was similar to "8", put one end on the trunk of the coconut tree, and the other end on her feet, then hugged the trunk with both hands, slowly climbed up.

The principle is similar to that of pedals, using the friction generated by the rope and the trunk of the coconut tree to fix your body.

Before crossing, she had learned how to pick coconuts from professional coconut pickers, and she had climbed such a tall coconut tree, and she had climbed even taller coconut trees, so she didn't have any fear in her heart.

She is proficient.

But Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue didn't know. They all clenched their fists and looked up at Su Meng's back as she climbed up bit by bit. As she climbed higher and higher, the four of them He held his breath subconsciously, as if he was afraid that the sound of breathing would disturb Su Meng.

As if feeling the tension of Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue, Su Meng's smiling voice suddenly came from above: "Don't be afraid, wait for the coconut juice!"

(End of this chapter)

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