Chapter 72: Harvest
After saying hello to Du Jiayue and explaining that she was going to explore the surrounding environment, Su Meng took a rope and hatchet and walked into the coconut forest.

Her eyes scanned the trunk of the coconut tree and the ground inch by inch, paying special attention to the exposed roots of the coconut tree.

That animal likes to burrow under coconut trees.

After walking tens of meters into the coconut forest, Su Meng's eyes lit up, she stopped, and squatted down under a coconut tree.

There was a head-sized hole near the base of the coconut tree. Although it was too dark to see clearly, it didn't stop her from trying.

Of course, she would not be so stupid as to put her hand in and try it out, nor would she try it with a wooden stick, after all, the "bite force" of that thing is not even a match for the hard coconut shell.

Su Meng hooked the corner of her mouth, stuffed the hatchet in her hand into the cave and stabbed it, if you have the ability, you can pinch the iron~
As soon as this idea came up, she felt something pinching the blade of the hatchet.

It was too late to say it, but she seized the opportunity, yanked the hatchet, and pulled out the thing holding the hatchet.

It was a hideous and strange creature.

The carapace of its body and appendages is calcified and thick. The carapace and legs have wavy wrinkles on the surface. The gill area of ​​the carapace is particularly enlarged, the forehead is triangular, and the small eye scales are faintly glowing red.

Especially eye-catching are the two obviously asymmetrical but huge claws, which make people never want to test how powerful it is just by looking at it.

The carapace and side armor of its abdomen have obvious calcification, part of which is bent under the carapace. The overall appearance is extremely fierce, and a message is revealed from all over the body: "My Lord is an existence that you can't afford!"

"It really is a coconut crab." Su Meng was full of excitement, and quickly stepped on the shell of the coconut crab with her feet, took out a rope and tied it up.

Adult coconut crabs are very large in appearance. There was a record of weighing more than 14 catties, body length of nearly half a meter, and crab legs stretched out to a length of more than one meter. It is the largest terrestrial arthropod on earth.

The reason why it is called coconut crab is because it really eats coconut meat. Its double pincers are very powerful, and it can easily climb to a high place to cut off coconuts, and chisel the shell to eat coconut meat.

When eating, they will hug the coconut, and then use the powerful crab claws to tear the coconut skin little by little, and then use the long crab feet to pierce the germination holes on the coconut shell until the coconut finally cracks. The whole process may be It takes hours, but the reward is a protein-packed meal.

This is why there were so many cracked coconut shells on the ground before, but there was no coconut meat inside.

Su Meng weighed the coconut crab that was tied up with five flowers, and felt that it was quite heavy, and estimated that it could only weigh 6 to 8 catties.

"Today must be Goddess Luck, who deliberately arranged a feast for us, then I... thank you for the hospitality." The corners of Su Meng's lips curled up slightly, and she continued to search around.

Soon, she found another coconut crab. When this unlucky crab was found, he was climbing a coconut tree. Not to mention, he moved quite fast.

Su Meng rushed over quickly, reached out and overturned its crab shell and grabbed it in his hand, and then pulled hard, pulling the unlucky egg off the tree trunk.

This action made the audience in the live broadcast room startled, afraid that the coconut crab would give Su Meng a pincer with its backhand.

"I thought it was a giant spider, it scared the hell out of me"

"The prop group is starting to work hard"

"Boss Crab, run!!!"

“One of the best ingredients in the world”

"Ah, what's wrong with this woman, Su Meng! Are you so brave to catch crabs with bare hands?"

"Don't eat, save the coconut"

"??? Is the devil upstairs?"

"By the way, what kind of animal is this? It can't be a strange creature that traveled from ancient times."

"Uneducated, this is a coconut crab, it tastes a bit like a lobster, one or two thousand for Taobao"


After harvesting two coconut crabs, Su Meng hummed a light tune and continued to search.

She is not a greedy person, but there are five of them, one coconut crab per person is not too much?Lady Luck wouldn't be so stingy after all?
This time she found a hole the size of a basketball under a coconut tree. Following the same method, she inserted the hatchet into it and stabbed it, but regrettably found that there was nothing inside, and the hatchet did not touch anything. thing.

However, she was not discouraged by this and continued to search seriously.

Hard work pays off, foodie perseverance is extremely strong, and soon she found another coconut crab in a sparse grass, and this coconut crab was bigger than the previous two combined.

Su Meng stepped on its back unceremoniously, then turned it over with a hatchet, and tied it up with a rope.

On the other side, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing stepped on the beach barefoot and shirtless, and the waves slapped past. If they were given Shuimu Cang again, they would look like a thin version of Little Li playing with Shuimu Cang emoticons.

"There are a lot of seaweed and kelp here!" Su Xiang stood beside a pile of rocks beaten by waves, with a bamboo basket on his arm, shouting loudly about his discovery.

Seaweed is rich in nutrition and delicious, rich in dietary fiber, multivitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements, and also contains algae-specific phycobiliprotein, which has high nutritional value and is a rare marine food .

He stretched out his hand and lifted the strands of wet seaweed and kelp off the reef, shook them in his hands, and then put them into the bamboo basket he was carrying.

The bamboo baskets were woven by Du Jiayue, who hand-woven one for them during the days when they were doing coolies.

Everyone is contributing to this "home" in the way they are good at.

"There are a lot of oysters on this reef! I dig out the oyster meat directly, so that it can be decorated more and reduce weight." Bo Jing responded loudly, and very cryptically said that he is also a person who has gained something.

Zhang Lin, who was walking on the beach with a basket to catch the sea, silently withdrew from the group chat. So far, he had only picked up a few conch shells, which were too bland for a bowl of soup.

Time passed bit by bit, and before she knew it, Du Jiayue's third pot of seawater had been boiled, and now she was shoveling the boiled sea salt into the bamboo tube.

After finishing all this, she didn't continue to boil the sea salt. She looked up at the strong sun hanging high, and estimated in her heart that it would be around twelve noon, and it was time to prepare lunch.

When they came out today, they thought that they could find some food at the beach, so they only brought two dried herrings, and wild vegetables were picked on the way to the beach.

It's time to prepare lunch, but the ingredients are not even seen. Could it be that we only eat wild vegetable and salted fish soup for lunch today?

(End of this chapter)

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