Chapter 73 Differential Treatment
Just when Du Jiayue was in a dilemma because of the ingredients, Su Meng got out of the coconut forest with six coconut crabs.


Du Jiayue gasped and looked shocked.

Is Su Meng going to buy again?If she hadn't been dazzled, what Su Meng was holding was a coconut crab, right?
It is the kind of coconut crab that often appears in the videos of local rich food bloggers.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing Du Jiayue staring at her stupidly, Su Meng put six coconut crabs in the back to prevent them from struggling to escape, and then asked casually.

"I'm thinking about what to have for lunch." Du Jiayue replied honestly, but her eyes flicked to the back of the coconut crab from time to time. It was the first time she saw the coconut crab in real life, and she was full of curiosity.

Su Meng came back with a full load, and was in a good mood at the moment. With a smile, she took out a coconut crab from behind and handed it to Du Jiayue: "I announce that today's lunch is contracted by me, and I will show you how high or low I am."

Du Jiayue nodded hastily, with a flash of gratitude in her eyes. Just looking at this coconut crab, she felt unable to start, let alone cook it.

"Then let's have a steamed crab today." Su dreamed about it, recalled a recipe, and immediately started to do it.

She carried the coconut crab to the beach, found a rocky depression with sea water, threw the coconut crab into the water, and explained her actions to Du Jiayue and the audience in the live broadcast room:
"As we all know, the first step in eating coconut crab is to kill it first, but I didn't intend to break it into pieces, so I had to - drown it."

Du Jiayue looked confused, suspecting that Su Meng was joking, so she asked again: "Drown it?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded, knocking on the barrage one after another.

"Are you kidding me? Or am I hallucinating?"

"I suspect that Su Meng is telling a joke, and there is evidence"

"2333 Are you serious about drowning crabs?"

"Understood, Su Meng is telling a serious joke. She actually wants to clean the coconut crab."

"Boss Crab: It's the first time I heard that I will be drowned"


Su Meng nodded, looked at the coconut crab in the water that had begun to struggle to break free, and continued to bubble white, and continued: "Although coconut crabs are a kind of crab, they have adapted to life on land. If you stay in the water for five or six minutes, you will be drowned, and treating it with sea water can also help clean up the dirt in its body."

As she said that, she found a handful of soft branches and twisted them into a simple brush. While scrubbing the struggling coconut crabs in the water, she chatted with Du Jiayue——

"There are also some precautions when eating coconut crabs. In general, don't eat offal, leftover crabs, or dead crabs. They can't be eaten with pears, tea, persimmons, and peanuts. It is easy to cause diarrhea, because coconut crabs Cold, the cholesterol in crab roe is too high, the average person should not eat more coconut crab every time."

She washed it for a few more minutes until the coconut crab did not respond again, then lifted it up, then pried open the crab shell with a hatchet, dug out the gills, stomach, heart, intestines and other organs, and finally took a A vine branch tied up the two rows of long legs of the coconut crab.

Although the shape and habits of coconut crabs are different from other crabs, the way of eating them is always the same, such as steaming, frying, stewing, boiling, and roasting.

Regardless of the cooking method, the food is very delicious, but the most common, delicious, and freshest way to eat is steaming!

Of course, they chose this method because they are now on a deserted island, and the ingredients are scarce, so they want to use other cooking methods.

After peeling off some of the hard shells of the processed coconut crabs, sprinkled some chopped wild ginger and scallions, the whole coconut crabs were stuffed into the steaming rack in the steel pot, and then she put some processed coconut crabs in the steel pot. Good wild vegetables, and then added a handful of firewood to the fire to make the fire burn more vigorously.

After thinking about it, she felt that one coconut crab should not be enough for five people, so Su Meng took out a larger coconut crab from the back sling. After processing it in the same way, he stuffed the coconut crab into the steel pot and added fresh water. Ready to cook this and eat it.

The steel pot stands on the stone-built stove, which looks like a child's play house.

After more than ten minutes, the water in the steel pot boiled, and wisps of hot air mixed with a fresh fragrance scattered in all directions, making Su Meng and Du Jiayue, who were squatting beside the steel pot, swallow their saliva together.

It's so fragrant, the halazi will flow out!
"It's almost there?" The sound of swallowing saliva was heard from time to time, and Du Jiayue looked at the steel pot eagerly, wishing to open the steel pot now, and then feast on it.

"It should be almost there, let Su want them to come back for dinner." Su Meng's eyes were also full of anticipation, and her stomach let out a growl.

Hearing the call, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing returned to the temporary camp with baskets in their hands, talking and laughing.

The cheeks and naked parts of the three of them were a little red, which was caused by being in the sea for too long. The sunscreen effect of simply made coconut oil is not as good and long-lasting as a serious sunscreen.

"Drink some water, and then get ready for dinner." Su Meng handed a bamboo tube filled with fresh water to Su Xiang. Seeing that he took the bamboo tube and drank several sips of water, he then looked away and stared at the steel pot eagerly.

"It smells so good, why is the wild vegetable and fish soup so fragrant this time?" Zhang Lin sniffed his nose, could it be because he was too hungry?

Su Meng smiled mysteriously, and lifted the lid of the steel pot.

More intense water vapor rises out, and an indescribable fresh fragrance mixed with a faint coconut fragrance hits the nostrils.

Looking into the pot again, red crab shells, white crab meat, golden crab roe, dotted with a few dark green wild vegetable tips, just look very eye-catching, making people move their index fingers.

In the other steel pot used for cooking, the appearance is relatively plain. A reddish coconut crab in the milky white soup almost fills the entire steel pot.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing were all dumbfounded.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded.

Su Meng put two steel pots on the ground, then removed the toes and stomachs of the cooked crabs, cut them into pieces, neatly stacked them in the cleaned coconut shells, poured some milky white soup, and sprinkled with chopped green onions.

There should also be a full sense of ritual in the wilderness!

As for the boiled coconut crab, it was not treated so carefully. Su Meng just glanced at it lightly, and said, "Eat this steamed one first, and then eat the other one when you are not full. When the time comes, just break it with your hands."

Hearing this, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, Du Jiayue, and many viewers in the live broadcast room: ... They were speechless, they were all messed up by their own children, why are they treated differently?

 Finally had a big meal! ! !

  I want a ticket too~
(End of this chapter)

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