Chapter 74: The First Star to Quit
Su Meng didn't think there was anything wrong with her behavior at all.

While waiting for the hot crab shells to cool down, she opened the mouth of five coconuts with a hatchet.

Speaking of this, I get angry. Originally, this was a job assigned to Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing, but the three of them just had fun. After dinner, she had to pick dozens of coconuts to increase their income. The workload is impossible.

After the crab shells cooled down, Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue moved their chopsticks together, winking while eating, as if they had eaten a peerless delicacy.

Eat a mouthful of crab meat, drink a mouthful of coconut milk, and then pick up a piece of crab paste that has been steamed into a watery egg with chopsticks.

The crab meat of coconut crab is notoriously delicious. It is different from the taste of ordinary hairy crabs. On the basis of delicious taste, coconut crab can still taste some coconut, or the unique fragrance of plants.

The meat on the eight legs tastes similar to that of lobster tails, but the meat on the legs is a bit dull, and the fat in the abdomen is obviously much better.

Sure enough, one coconut crab was not enough to eat, so the five of them reached out to the boiled coconut crab soaked in the soup.

With both hands, Su Meng directly broke off a crab leg, perhaps because it was soaked in the soup. After such a long time, the crab leg was still steaming slightly, and a little bit of soup dripped out from the broken part. A piece of white and tender crab meat appeared.

The five of Su Meng ate satisfactorily, and their mouths were fragrant, but the audience in the live broadcast room were itching their teeth with hatred, wishing they could sneak into the screen and grab a bite.

"Let's be an individual in the Qiuqiu group, poor city survivors, I haven't eaten yet"

“I, who is also a laborer, said that the lunch box in my hand is not good.”

"It is recommended that this group change careers to become live bloggers"

"You call this survival in the wilderness?"

"At first I thought the other groups were doing well, but now I'm watching the Su Meng group, sorry to bother you"

"The other groups can eat well now, but Su Meng's group can eat well."

"If you don't support the wall, I will give you 101 points. I won't be afraid of your pride."

"Ahhh, I really want to eat coconut crab"

"It's useless to do all this, it's better to hoard more food when you have this time"

"What's the use of being good-looking, the most important thing is being able to fill your stomach? After all, this is a survival show, not a gourmet show"


The four of them ate and drank enough, leaving Su Meng speechless to stare at the sky.

Sure enough, she can only fill her stomach with food supplements.

Jealousy made her work hard.

So she stood up and said to Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue, who were sitting on the ground paralyzed, "I'll go pick some more coconuts, and the three of you are responsible for collecting coconut juice, coconut meat, and coconut shell fiber. Jiayue, you continue to cook sea salt, cook as much as you can."

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing, who were originally full of satisfaction, immediately turned their faces into disapproval.

Hey, I'm not happy, I can't play in the water happily in the afternoon!

Su Mengcai couldn't be bothered to take care of the trio of coolies who were becoming more and more dramatic. She once again carried a hatchet on her waist and tied a rope to her feet, and began to climb trees to pick coconuts.

At noon, the scorching sun hangs high in the sky, and the scorching sun shines through the bamboo leaves and branches on the ground full of dead branches and leaves, revealing mottled projections.

Liu Yuan squatted by the creek with a melancholy expression on his face. Although he can cook and handle common ingredients such as pheasant, the ingredient like goat is really super classy.

That's right, the goat that he smashed half to death yesterday finally died this morning.

Holding the hatchet, Chen Hao still couldn't find a suitable position to strike after gesticulating for a long time. It should be similar to killing a chicken, right?Cut a slit in the neck, and then cut it along the stomach?

Sitting in the shelter, Dong Jing was bored and threw a piece of firewood into the fire, then glanced at the green mango piled in the corner, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

They cooked and ate the pheasant yesterday, without any seasoning or salt, it was almost unpalatable, but she still ate most of the pheasant by herself.

There was no way, she was really hungry, and that pheasant was the most normal meal she had eaten since she came to the wilderness.

As for the bamboo rat, she was still determined not to eat it, so Liu Yuan and Chen Hao just ate a roasted bamboo rat yesterday, and the remaining half of the pheasant remained untouched, which was the food for her next meal.

Dong Jing irritatedly poked the fire with a wooden stick, she really wanted to eat delicious food!
After thinking about it, she picked up a green mango, put it under her nose and smelled it, then clumsily picked up the hatchet to start peeling.

She has repeatedly washed the blade and surface of the hatchet with clean water, and they are very clean.



Dong Jing let out a scream, which made Chen Hao's hands tremble in fright, and the hatchet slashed directly on the kid's neck, immediately staining the surface of the stream with a thin layer of red.

Liu Yuan and Chen Hao didn't care about dealing with the goats, and ran to the shelter in a hurry, fearing that some wild beasts would attack the shelter and cause irreparable damage if they returned late.

The two returned to the shelter panting, and before they had time to ask what happened, they saw Dong Jing raised her hand, two lines of tears fell from her eyes, and she said in a choked and sad tone: "My hand was cut by a knife , shed a lot of blood, I should have stitches immediately, and then a tetanus shot, but I..." I can't bear you.

Before the last five words could be said, Chen Hao rushed forward and helped her press the distress button on her wrist: "Recover well, the body is the most important thing."

Dong Jing: ...Do you dare to let me finish my lines?
The ambulance staff of the program team quickly found them according to the location, treated the wound briefly with water and alcohol, and the staff of the program team confirmed again whether to quit.

After getting a positive answer, Dong Jing became the first star to withdraw from the program "Survival in the Wild".

in the live room.

"Looking at the way I hold the knife, I knew I was going to cut my hand"

"This is the way to hold a small knife. It is easy to hold a large knife like this."

"This method is just right"

"I don't know how to use a knife and go to the wild to survive, I am very speechless..."

"Isn't it good to be a princess at home? Is it not good to be a senior in the entertainment industry? Why do you have to go down to earth?"

"It hurts just to look at it, and I feel sorry for Jing Jingzi"

"I'm dying of laughter, with Chen Hao's speed, I'm afraid that the ambulance crew will be a little late and the scar will form, isn't it?"

"Then there are only Liu Yuan and Chen Hao left in this group? This is too unfair."

"The next batch of people should make up for it."

"It seems to be, I heard that those crooked nuts are messing around again, asking the program group to change the rules, and now it seems that the domestic rules have not changed, but the foreign rules have changed."

"I'm convinced, it's really crooked that the nut is my father, if you want to change it, you can change it"


After sending Dong Jing away, Liu Yuan and Chen Hao looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Both of them are the kind of people who are not good at dealing with the opposite sex. Now that there are only two big men left, they feel that the burden on them is lighter.

Luo Huan who was forgotten because he was sleeping:? ? ?

Liu Yuan and Chen Hao didn't know that a newcomer would join them tomorrow, so they happily ran to continue dealing with the little goat.

This goat meat is processed, enough for them to eat for ten and a half months, and then relying on wild vegetables, mangoes, bamboo rats, etc., isn't it easy to survive a month?
(End of this chapter)

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