Chapter 8 You will know if you try it

Su Meng waved and said firmly: "Everyone must have a sleeping bag."

Obviously, everyone had no intention of sleeping in the same bag with others, so no one spoke out against this proposal.

"Then we need a pot. We take two steel pots. Obviously, one pot cannot meet the daily needs of the five of us. If there are two pots, we can use one pot to cook rice and one pot to boil water."

This proposal was also passed unanimously.

"Then there is the engineering shovel, which is a must for outdoor artifacts, and we choose two."

"Then there is the hatchet, which is also an outdoor artifact. It can cut down trees and has a certain lethality, so we also choose three."

Su Meng was afraid that Zhang Lin and the others would not understand the reason, so she deliberately explained it.

"Wait, so we only have 3 tools left?" Zhang Lin is very good at mathematics, and quickly reacted, frowning and questioning:
"What about clothes and shoes? Even if the three of us don't want clothes and shoes, it's still not enough for you two girls to share, let alone we need hunting tools..."

Everyone thought that 15 tools were quite a lot, but they didn't expect such a point to be enough? !

Su Meng waved her hand to interrupt Zhang Lin, and she continued, "For the rest, choose two extra-large waterproof jackets, and choose a pair of waterproof hiking shoes for Du Jiayue."

"What about the hunting tools? Don't tell me that you are going to hunt with a hatchet or an engineer shovel." Although Zhang Lin was a little surprised that Su Meng gave up the shoe quota to Du Jiayue, an amateur, this did not prevent him from sarcasm.

Su Meng was silent for a while, and said: "According to the urgency of the program group, most of them will calculate the bow and arrow separately, so it will take up two of our tools, which is not cost-effective, and there is no such thing as a bow alone without matching arrows. use."

"Secondly, things like bows and arrows are not irreplaceable in the wild, and we can make them ourselves."

Seeing that Zhang Lin was still expressionless, Su Meng sighed, and said in a compromised way: "Then, you can ask Mr. He whether bows and arrows are the same tool or two. If they are the same, then we only need two hatchets , and take a bow and arrow."

Seeing that Su Meng was subdued, Zhang Lin couldn't say anything more, so he got up and walked towards Teacher He.

After getting the reply of counting two tools, Zhang Lin gritted his teeth and chose the tool just discussed.

With the determination of the grouping, each group's unique live broadcast room will also be opened.

At this time, in the live broadcast room belonging to Zhang Lin's group, the barrage was crazy.

"Mengxin has just arrived, may I ask why Daxian has such a loveless expression?"

"Ask if you don't understand, isn't Daxian the team leader? Why do you listen to Su Meng (the dog's head saves your life)"

"Am I the only one who thinks that Su Meng's analysis makes sense?"

"Is it too hypocritical to choose five sleeping bags? Is this for a vacation?"

"Wait for my husband to show his eight pack abs"

"Upstairs, we bumped into my husband"


Teacher He saw that half an hour was about to pass, but most of the players were still sitting indifferently, so he frowned, and said loudly with the microphone:
"Except for basic clothes and trousers, the total number of tools here is exactly [-]. There are only [-] pieces of each type of tool. There are [-] kinds of tools in total, that is, exactly three tools for each person. If the tools are used If others have finished choosing, then you can only choose other tools to make do with it."

Then he took out another reminder card and read aloud: "The tools we prepared include waterproof jackets, waterproof hiking shoes, sleeping bags, engineer shovels, sabers, hatchets, flints, lighters, insect repellent sprays, fishhooks, Line, fishing rod, bow, arrow..."

Don't think about tents or anything, the program team will only provide some simple tools.

If the tools are complete, is this going camping or going to the wilderness to survive?

If the contestants are not miserable, who will watch the show? Is it really that easy to get a billion bonus?
As Teacher He's voice fell, the contestants who were still watching and discussing suddenly panicked, and quickly ran to the auditorium to snatch their favorite tools, fearing that they would be robbed if they were a step late.

The five of Su Meng had already taken three tools, walked to the rest area unhurriedly and sat down.

"Have you all chosen?" Teacher He suddenly appeared next to Su Meng with a smile, "You actually took five sleeping bags. It seems that you really like to sleep. Don't think about it again?"

"No, this is the best choice." Su Meng's tone was full of confidence. Although she was bare-faced, she looked extraordinarily glamorous because of her confidence.

Teacher He gave Zhang Lin a thumbs up, and said to Zhang Lin in a troubled manner: "Daxian, as the team leader, facing a teammate like Mengmeng, are you panicking or worried about her ' usurping the throne'?"

Zhang Lin showed a gentle smile, and smiled heartily:
"How come, in fact, in our team, the team leader is just a name. Whoever puts forward suggestions or opinions that are beneficial to our team, we will support and implement them together, because we know that we are a whole. As for the 'usurpation', in fact This team leader is still not wanted by everyone, so I gave it to me.”

Zhang Lin reacted quickly, and officially answered Teacher He's troublesome questions.

"I see that your group only took two sets of jackets. Didn't the two ladies, Mengmeng and Jiayue, choose clothes?" Mr. He glanced at Su Meng and Du Jiayue, then at the large jackets and raised his eyebrows. , Subconsciously started to make trouble.

"This is our clothes." Su Meng smiled shyly.

"Uh... Then did you take the wrong size?" Teacher He glanced at Su Meng and Du Jiayue, a little speechless, but soon understood why they chose this size of jacket.

It is estimated that five people will wear it in turns.

Teacher He smiled meaningfully, but he didn't expose the group's small thoughts in public. Instead, he followed Su Meng's words and said, "So the men in your group didn't choose clothes, so please go to the staff to register your clothes." Information."

Looking along where Teacher He pointed, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing saw several staff members in uniforms sitting on chairs under the auditorium, and on the wooden table in front of them were placed A stack of documents.

Zhang Lin looked at Mr. He with a puzzled face, and was about to ask him if he pointed to the wrong place, when Mr. He took the initiative to explain: "Go and register the size first, and then our staff will deliver the goods according to the size."

Hearing this, Zhang Lin, Su Xiang, and Bo Jing walked towards those staff members. At this moment, Su Meng suddenly muttered to the three of them.

"Are you sure this is not a violation?" Zhang Lin frowned, a little reluctantly.

Su Meng urged: "You will know if you try it. If you violate the rules, the staff will definitely not register you."

(End of this chapter)

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