Chapter 9: Taking advantage of the loophole
Time passed slowly, and it took a full hour for all the contestants to choose their tools.

"Now that everyone has chosen their tools, let's register with the staff. At the same time, in order to prevent everyone from losing their props, we will take back all the props of all players after registering and distribute them before departure tomorrow morning."

As soon as Mr. He finished speaking, the staff who had already prepared walked to each group of areas.

"Next, the program team will distribute necklaces to each contestant. After the identity ID is bound to this necklace, it will be close to the skin, and there will be no risk of falling. At the same time, the necklace can last up to 2 years, so you don't have to worry about it. There is a power outage.”

"It's also worth mentioning that our investors also specially added a one-click contact teammate function on the necklace. When you press that button, the necklaces of your other teammates will become hot. Although you can't talk to each other, you can also It can barely be regarded as a pager."

Teacher He smiled, glanced at everyone present, and continued: "At the same time, we also sincerely hope that every contestant will not be brave when encountering danger, and press the help button in time, our rescuers will quickly find you for rescue work."

Hearing this, many people were secretly relieved.

"By the way, we will gather at six o'clock tomorrow and leave on time at seven o'clock. At the same time, please be sure to wear appropriate clothes according to the requirements of the program group. We will have staff to check."

Teacher He paused, and then continued: "Finally, contestants are absolutely not allowed to carry any tools not provided by the program group without permission. Once found, they will be regarded as eliminated and compensated according to the contract. Of course, the things you bring can choose to send There is a program group, and you can also ask the program group to deliver it to the designated address for you."

"Okay, today's live broadcast is all over, see you tomorrow."

As Teacher He's voice fell, the live broadcast room also fell into a black screen, and the contestants also left the field one after another and returned to their respective rooms.

For some reason, Su Meng slept extremely unsteadily tonight. Even in her sleep, her brows were furrowed, as if she had fallen into some kind of nightmare.

Suddenly, a very rhythmic knock on the door woke her up from her sleep.

She sat up irritably, and found that she was in a cold sweat.

So what exactly was she dreaming about to be frightened like this?

Boundless fire?Or an earthquake where rocks collapse?
She stretched out her hand and scratched her head vigorously, picked up the phone and looked at the time, and then she became even more irritable: "Didn't you say to gather at six o'clock? It's not even five o'clock now..."

Su Meng sighed, quickly put on the jacket, opened the door and walked out.

After all the players queued up to the gymnasium square, they found that several airtight tents had been set up here. Men and women were also lined up in different teams and entered different tents to be inspected by the staff.

Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue's weird outfits quickly attracted the attention of the staff. They were stunned and wanted to laugh, but out of professional ethics, they held back their laughter and proceeded with trembling shoulders. Double check.

Both Zhang Lin and Bai Jing had a look of embarrassment on their faces, especially Zhang Lin, who is a majestic emperor. Thinking that he will appear in front of tens of thousands of audiences with such a strange image, he couldn't bear it. Stop blushing.

The two of them held the trousers with their hands, tied a knot at the waist, and rolled up the trouser legs a few times, but the result of this was that the two of them looked even weirder, like children who had stolen an adult's clothes.

Thinking of Su Meng's instructions, and looking at Su Xiang with an innocent face, Zhang Lin and Bo Jing couldn't help feeling resentful:

Why would Su think that he could wear well-fitting pants now, but the two of them would have to make jokes in front of so many people later.
In fact, Su Xiang's trousers are also a bit too big, but they are only two sizes too big, and the trousers will not fall down loosely if they are tied with a knot.

This is Su Meng's consideration that Su Xiang has taken the body strengthening agent, no matter his height or body shape, he will definitely grow crazy within this month, and the pants will fit very well by then.

After a while, the staff finally checked the clothes of the three people with a suppressed smile, and after confirming that there was no problem, they signaled another staff member to lead the three people to the meeting place.

And when Zhang Lin and Bo Jing appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room, the bullet screen was immediately swiped with "hahahahaha", and occasionally there were words such as "screenshot" and "saved".

And when Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Su Xiang came to the meeting point and saw Su Meng and Du Jiayue's outfits, they felt a little more balanced.

Su Xiang moved to Su Meng's side, and said puzzledly: "Su Meng, where's your hair? You still had long hair yesterday..."

"I asked the program team to borrow a fader last night. Besides, don't the four of you also have this hairstyle?" Su Meng smiled, and said casually: "Isn't it good-looking? A real beauty dares to challenge the cut."

"You don't have an inch head, it's clearly an inch." Bai Jing couldn't help complaining: "Du Jiayue is such a good little girl, just because you shaved her head, she also shaved her hair after you."

Hearing this, Du Jiayue felt a little embarrassed, her face flushed red, and she whispered, "I think what Su Meng said makes sense, long hair is too inconvenient in the wild, and it's easy to get lice. "

At this time, the live broadcast room has exploded.

"Fuck shit, shit, this is Maocun Five! xswl"

"I've become bald and I've become stronger. Is that the reason?"

"Ahhhhhh, even with such a weird shape, my great immortal is so handsome, huh?"

"y1s1, Su Meng is so beautiful like this, isn't she, so handsome?"

"Mama, I'm going to bend"

"I would like to call Sumeng Maocun a human wrench! Please tattoo Maocun on your body!"

"Tch, you can make these fancy gimmicks. With such a shape, I dare say that I can't survive a day in the wilderness!"

"It's too much a day upstairs, I bet a pack of spicy strips won't last half a day"


"What kind of look do you guys have?" Gu Yue moved closer to Zhang Lin with a curious expression on his face. He and Zhang Lin had a good personal relationship, and the two had gone out on adventures together.

"Su Meng took advantage of the program group's loopholes, and took off the pants when they got to the place, and changed them to their pants." Zhang Lin explained in a low voice, not letting the camera record this.

Inside Gu Yue's live broadcast room and Zhang Lin's live broadcast room.

"What words can't be heard by our VIPs"


"The network administrator is here, why is there no sound?"


"Bo Jinggao and I, the pair of trousers fit just right. Su Xiang chose the same size because he was still young and underdeveloped. In this way, we saved two pairs of beach trousers as spare fabrics within the rules. .”

Hearing Zhang Lin's explanation, Gu Yue slapped him on the shoulder in surprise, and said with a smile: "Su Meng has a good brain, but you didn't tell me about this kind of thing in advance, and you still treat me as a brother."

In fact, if everyone is given a little more time, they will also think of this loophole.

But at that time, everyone was thinking about which tool to choose, and Mr. He was deliberately creating a tense atmosphere, so everyone didn't have time to think about taking advantage of loopholes.

(End of this chapter)

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