Chapter 94: Do you want to go to the beach again?
Zhang Lin suddenly realized: "Understood, that is to say, even if the wild boar doesn't come today, it will come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Let's just wait and see."

"Smart." Su Meng smiled brightly and gave Zhang Lin a thumbs up.

So Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue started digging a hole.

They first cleaned up the stones and weeds in this area, and then dug the soil with engineering shovels. The two without engineering shovels were responsible for dumping the dug soil aside, and switched jobs when they were tired of digging.

Su Meng, on the other hand, ran to explore the environment around the mud pit again, trying to find a little wild boar that was alone.

However, she didn't find the lonely little wild boar she was longing for, but found a small plantain forest.

Although she had found banana trees near the water pool before, they were just one or two sporadic ones, and there was no tendency to bear fruit, so she didn't pay much attention to them, and just cut off the banana leaves to use as temporary tablecloths.

But it is different now, the quantity changes the quality, no matter whether this plantain forest will bear fruit in the future, it is very important to Su Meng and five people, because plantain is a kind of plant that can be made into cloth.

In ancient China, ethnic minorities cut down plantain stems for spinning and weaving. The clothes made from them are sweat-absorbing, breathable and have good heat dissipation performance, which are especially popular in island countries.

Moreover, in the island country, the plantain cloth also represents the meaning of offering sacrifices to the gods.

The timing of plantain drawing is usually before flowering, because it will be too late to draw plantains after they bloom and bear fruit, and the timing is just right.

So it is said that what is lost is the east corner, and what is harvested is mulberry elm.

Although they can't eat wild bananas now, they can get abaca which is suitable for making summer clothes.

But currently making sackcloth is not their main need, so she postponed the plan.

More than two hours later, Su Meng returned to the big mud pit. At this time, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue had already dug a mud pit about 1.5 meters wide, 2 meters long and deep. A large pit of about 1.9 meters.

This is the speed of four people taking turns digging, otherwise it will only take more time.

It was a coincidence that Su Meng came back, so the four people who had just rested for less than 5 minutes jumped into the big pit again, and began to insert sharpened wooden sticks into the bottom of the pit to fix them.

"Okay, the next step is to cover up." Su Meng dragged the four of them out of the pit, and slowly pointed to the nearby jungle: "Just fold some branches that are about the same width or length as the pit and put them on top, and then put some The dead leaves are sprinkled on the erected branches to camouflage and you're done."

"It's that simple? Will wild boars be fooled?" Zhang Lin couldn't help asking.

Su Meng gave him a meaningful look, and said, "Yes, the U.S. military will be fooled, so why can't wild boars be fooled."

After finishing speaking, she threw the large leaves she had picked aside, indicating to cover the branches with the leaves.

Zhang Lin was speechless, and he was not afraid of the live broadcast room being blocked for teasing Beautiful Country so blatantly.

After Su Xiang and the others finished the last step according to what Su Meng said, Su Meng looked at it carefully again, and finally made a little modification. The final result made Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue four people They were all shocked.

They didn't see anything unusual. If they hadn't dug the hole themselves, they would have wondered if there was a big hole below that could kill people.

"Okay, let's go back to the camp and continue digging." Su Meng was in a good mood and led the way: "It's so hot today, maybe the wild boar will come again in the evening, maybe we can eat wild boar tonight."

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue were a little frustrated because they had to continue digging when they went back, but after hearing this, they couldn't help looking forward to it, feeling full of motivation again.

After more than ten minutes, the five returned to the camp and performed their duties again.

Du Jiayue thoughtfully prepared mint lemon tea for Su Meng and the others. It was refreshing and thirst-quenching. The taste was sweet and sour, as if drinking fruit tea with three-point sugar.

And Su Meng started to build the wall.

She could finish the bottom wall by herself, so she didn't ask Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing to help.

The clay of the walls is mixed with thatch, and the plant fibers can increase the viscosity of the clay, thus making the walls more stable and strong.

Su Meng's wall-building method is one layer of clay and one layer of stone. It feels like using clay as cement, but the main body is still clay.

Wait for her to build up the earthen wall round by round, and after a few rounds, she can start to build the earthen wall.

"Mengmeng, will our room have windows and doors?" Du Jiayue looked at Su Meng expectantly while weaving the curtains with dry bark.

"Of course there will be. Our new shelter is built with stones and clay. We need to make windows for ventilation. And if there are windows, the indoor light will be much better." Su Meng kept moving her hands, and said in her mouth. Chatting with Du Jiayue all the time.

"As for the door, didn't I ask you to weave curtains? For the indoor doors, use curtains to temporarily replace them. For the gates, use wood. But I haven't found a suitable wood yet, so I have to wait."

Du Jiayue's eyes lit up, and she immediately reminded: "Then don't forget to reserve the windows and doors in advance. What is the shape of our windows, round or square? How many windows are there?"

Listening to Du Jiayue asking non-stop like a trumpeter, Su Meng not only didn't find it annoying, but explained her idea very patiently.

What one fears most in the wilderness is neither hunger nor wild beasts, but loneliness.

After building two circles of clay and stone, Su Meng planned to let the sun dry the already built wall slowly.

The foundation must be laid firmly, otherwise the house may collapse when there is an earthquake or typhoon.

It was fine during the day, but at night, the person would have to be buried alive inside.

While waiting for the walls to dry, Su Meng was not idle either. She came out of the shed with a few arms thick logs, sat beside Du Jiayue, brandished a hatchet and began to cut the logs.

Du Jiayue became curious again: "Mengmeng, what are you going to do?"

"Make the window you want." Su Meng gestured in mid-air with the wood, constantly adjusting the position and size.

After confirming, she arranged the wood on the ground to form a "field" shape, and then tied and fixed the intersections of the wood with ropes, and the frame of a window was completed.

At this time, Su Xiang's voice also came from the wooden shed: "Wash your hands and it's time for lunch!"

The five of them were exhausted this morning, and their appetite increased a lot. In order not to affect the work in the afternoon, Su Xiang had no choice but to grill another five fish.

It was also their last five fish.

"Su Meng, do we want to go to the beach again tomorrow?" Su Xiang looked at the empty beams, feeling a little lost and uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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