Chapter 95 Second Senior Brother It Was Killed

The food consumed by five people is too much, especially since they still eat three meals a day, the food stored now is only half a wolf, a few pieces of venison, and some dried mushrooms, fungus, and wild vegetables up.

"Or, let's only eat breakfast and dinner from tomorrow." Su Xiang gritted his teeth and put forward his own suggestion. If they continue to eat three meals a day, then they can only kill the livestock they raise Lost.

Su wanted to be reluctant, it was the reserve grain they raised to survive the rainy season, it could be said to be used to save lives.

"Is there no food?" Su Meng didn't usually cook, so she didn't know the specific food storage situation. Now that Su Xiang said it, she immediately understood, and she also blamed herself for her carelessness.

"I'm going hunting tomorrow morning, just teach me how to solve the food problem." Su Meng was serious, spat out the fishbone in her mouth, and continued: "You have been physically exhausted recently, you must supplement enough nutrition, especially It is protein, otherwise the body will not be able to handle the problem."

"Then I will go with you tomorrow morning. You go hunting, and I will gather wild vegetables and mushrooms."

Looking at Du Jiayue who looked expectant, Su Meng was very moved, and then rejected her: "No, it's too dangerous, I can't take care of you when I'm hunting, and you have to weave some rope these two days, I'm very useful , the more the better."

"Okay." Seeing Su Meng not letting go, Du Jiayue was a little disappointed, but when she heard that she urgently needed the rope, she immediately regained her spirits and said that she would definitely work hard to rub the rope.

After eating and resting for a while, Su Meng and the other five started to get busy again.

Time passed quickly without knowing it. After more than three hours, the stone wall had been built by Su Meng to a height of nearly half a meter.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened and the temperature began to drop.

"It's almost there." Su Meng twisted her neck, relaxed her sore and stiff body, and said hello to Su Xiang and the others: "I'll go check out the trap, and I'll be back soon."

After finishing speaking, she went into the jungle with a bow and arrow and a hatchet.

She walked halfway, and she seemed to hear a series of miserable howls in her ears, the voices were intermittent, and she couldn't hear clearly.

So she quickened her pace, the closer she got to the mud pit, the clearer the voice, and the deeper the smile in her eyes.

When she came near the trap, she could already clearly hear the howling of the wild boar.

Being able to scream so loudly means that it is still alive, and its size should not be small.

It can't be the biggest wild boar, can it?
As soon as Su Meng's thought popped up, her breathing became short of breath.

If it is really the biggest wild boar, they will send it!I don't have to go hunting tomorrow, and I don't have to worry about food for half a month.

Although she really wanted to go there to find out, she was always vigilant, fearing that there might still be some wild boars left, so she carefully found a place to investigate, and after making sure it was safe, she walked to the side of the big pit.

I saw that the branches that originally covered the hole were gone, and a huge wild boar was lying on the bottom of the hole. A sharp wooden stick passed through its neck and belly, and it was dyed a layer of bright red, and the bright red blood flowed all over the place.

Seeing this scene, Su Meng felt distressed.

Is this blood?This is bleeding!

So Su Meng hurried back to the camp, put the rope and clay pot in the back, and ran away with the back, shouting: "I caught a wild boar, come with me."

So, the five of them showed the speed of the physical examination, and they ran to the trap in just 3 minutes.

The one that fell into the trap was indeed the biggest wild boar. It was covered in dry mud, and part of it had been stained red with blood. It had condensed into red clods. Tilted, ferocious and terrifying.

"We can eat pork tonight." Su Meng was already envious of those wild boar teeth.

A smile appeared on Su Xiang's immature face, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, now the food can be eaten for a long time again. As expected, the family has surplus food, so don't panic."

But Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue thought: "Great, I can finally change my taste."

"I'll go down and catch the pig's blood first, then tie it with a rope, and you will pull it up on top." After speaking, Su Meng avoided those sharp wooden sticks, and carefully slid down the side of the trap .

The wild boar was already dying. For Su Meng's appearance, it could only let out a weak and incompetent roar, trying to frighten Su Meng and scare her away.

Su Meng didn't care. She didn't pull out the stick from the wild boar. She just used a hatchet to cut a hole in the wild boar's neck, and then pointed the clay pot at the hole to collect the blood.

With the loss of blood, the howling of the wild boar became weaker, and it twitched from time to time, as if it hadn't given up hope of life.

After a few minutes, the wild boar stopped convulsing, and the clay pot was filled with pig blood. A strong smell of blood lingered around and penetrated into the nostrils of the five people.

Su Meng handed the full clay pot to Su Xiang, and Su Xiang hurriedly reached out to catch it, put it on the ground, and closed the lid.

After taking another jar full of pig's blood, the wild boar stopped bleeding, and following the same method, Su wanted to cover this jar of pig's blood as well.

He couldn't help feeling rejoicing, fortunately, what he brought this time was a pickle jar that was going to be used to pickle wild vegetables, otherwise he would have to spend more time dealing with the sealing problem.

"Jiayue, give me the rope."

"Okay." Du Jiayue quickly threw one end of the rope into the trap.

Su Meng picked up the rope, then pulled out the wooden stick from the wild boar, then tied the two hind feet of the wild boar, pulled it hard, and after making sure that the rope would not fall off, she shouted: "Okay, I call 123 You all pull up together."

Su Meng's vision is very vicious, and his visual inspection is very accurate. This wild boar weighs at least 400 catties, and may even weigh 500 catties.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue held the rope tightly, leaned back, and stepped back with arduous steps.

But helplessly, the rope was almost perpendicular to the wild boar carcass in the pit, and the wild boar itself was very heavy. The faces of the four were flushed, the veins on their arms were bulging, and sweat was streaming down their cheeks.

The wild boar in the trap was lifted upside down and slowly pulled up at a speed like a turtle crawling.

Su Meng sighed, climbed out of the trap, and joined the pulling team.

The five of them worked together, and a few minutes later, amid the panting sounds of the four, the wild boar was finally pulled to the ground.


Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue were sitting on the ground panting heavily. In fact, it was mainly due to the problem of pulling, and the point of force was too single. It definitely won't be the embarrassment it is now.

Then Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing heard Su Meng say lightly: "Jiayue will be responsible for the two jars of pig blood, and the four of us will carry this wild boar back together."

Coolie trio:! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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