After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 281 What is the most important thing when two people are together

Chapter 281 What is the most important thing for two people to be together

After another half hour or so, Bai Luo came and knocked on the door:
"Girl, are you up?"

"Get up."

After shouting, he quickly got up and went downstairs to open the door.

When seeing Bai Luo:
"Sister-in-law, why are you so early?" asked.

Bai Luo shrugged:

"We usually have this routine, come over for dinner, by the way, where's the fourth child? Still sleeping?"

Lu Jing lowered his eyes:

"No, he's gone!"


Hearing this, Bai Luo thought he had heard it wrong:
"What's gone? Didn't he send a boat over before?"

A boat?
Lu Jing suddenly realized that for so long, he seemed to have completely forgotten his little nephew.

If Bai Luo hadn't mentioned it now, wait, when was Yi Zhou sent back?

Are you sleeping so well now?
Didn't hear anything?
cough cough.

"There was an earthquake in Fangbei City and it was accompanied by a mudslide. They had to go to rescue and left half an hour ago."

Bai Luo was shocked when he heard:


Lu Jing didn't bother about anything:
"Let's go, sister-in-law, go eat first."


When Lu Yan learned of the situation in the back house, he was silent for a while, and then said to Lu Jing very earnestly:
"Girl, the nature of his work is like this. You have to get used to it, and after you get used to it, you have to accept it completely. You can't have any complaints, and you can't stop it, so think carefully!"

In fact, it is persuasion.

The four elders are very good, and the Jiang family is also very good, but the only occupation of the fourth is too dangerous, and he is very, very busy, and he can't take care of the family at all.

At that time, wouldn't all the burden fall on his sister?
Lu Yan, the elder brother, of course felt sorry for his younger sister.

The elbows are always turned inward.

Lu Jing was entangled and depressed all morning, but he really heard Lu Yan broke apart and smashed these words:
"Brother, I know, I can accept everything!" replied decisively.

In fact, no matter what Jiang also does, Lu Jingjing will not have any opinion, let alone stop it.

On the contrary, if the whole world is against it, Lu Jing is the only one who supports it!
What is the most important thing for two people together?
It is trust and mutual support, encouragement, and common progress!

The three views are different, the values ​​are different, what are you still doing together?
It can't be because the other party's occupation is special and dangerous, so what?

To put it in simple words: No matter what occupation, someone will do it. If you want to avoid accidents, then make every effort to prepare and work hard!
For the sake of this, Lu Yan didn't say anything, and even Bai Luo kept trying to wink at her husband, telling him not to say anything.

After that, the breakfast was very clean, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was a little heavy.

How sensitive the child is, he doesn't dare to be as naughty as usual, and obediently eats the breakfast his mother feeds him.

After breakfast, Lu Jing went back to the house to pack up.

Jiang has also left. Of course Lu Jing won't stay here again. What's the point of being alone?
But in the end, Lu Yan's family accompanied Lu Jing away.

After all, it's a family.

Knowing that my sister is in a bad mood, how can I rest assured that I will let people go back alone?
Fifth, they haven't woken up yet, and they didn't know what time they played last night.

Therefore, when a few people got up at noon, they realized that Jiang Ye and the Lu family had all left.

(End of this chapter)

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