Chapter 282 Rescue
"Leave? Why?"

"I heard that the fourth is in a hurry."


"Otherwise, ask Brother Yan?"

As soon as the fifth said this, both Tuesday and Pei San agreed.

Then, he made a direct phone call.

Lu Yan was driving when he received the call:
"what's up?"

"Brother Yan, why are you all gone? Didn't you say yesterday that you would play until tomorrow?"

Lu Yan explained:

"The fourth has an urgent mission."


No wonder!

Everyone can understand that since the fourth child is gone, Sister Jing will definitely not stay here alone and continue to play.

And if sister Jing was leaving, how could Lu Yan and his wife rest assured?
Must follow.

"Okay, got it."

"Well, drive, hang up."


Lu Jing leaned back in his chair, staring at the speeding scenery outside the car window.

Bai Luo wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he swallowed the words in his throat.

Finally, Lu Yan said:



"Don't worry too much, the fourth child has participated in many rescue operations over the years and has a lot of experience.

Besides, they went there together with the whole unit, and everyone took care of each other, and there were all kinds of advanced instruments. "

Basically, there will be no big surprises.

However, who can guarantee 100% of this kind of thing?
No one can!

Lu Jing snorted and didn't say much, not wanting his family to worry about him.

I'm not really in a good mood.

After an hour and a half, the car finally drove back to the villa area.

Lu Jing took the initiative to speak:
"Brother, just put me at the door, I'll go in by myself."

Usually, I might go to the old house for a walk.

But today, forget it.

"it is good."

Bai Luo was holding his son in his arms, Xiao Yizhou was already asleep, and it was fragrant at the moment.

Before Lu Jing got out of the car, Bai Luo reached out and took her hand:

"Jingjing, it will be fine."


"Okay, go back, have a good rest, and come find us when you have time."

"it is good."

As for whether they will actually go to the old house, I don't know.

In the Lu family's villa, Mother Lu was discussing with her aunt what to eat for lunch when she suddenly heard a movement and turned around to take a look:
"Hey, girl, why did you come back? Didn't you say you'll be back tomorrow?"


hurried forward.

Lu Jing put down his luggage, Jiang Ye's all were there.

When the person left, he was in a hurry, so he took his mobile phone and documents with him, and nothing else.

No, I can only bring it all back together.

"Jiang has also returned to Nanxi City."


"An earthquake and mudslide occurred in Fangbei City, which is adjacent to Nanxi City."

Of course Mother Lu knew about this, and it had been on the news for a long time, but she really didn't know that her prospective son-in-law had to go too.

Obviously not the same place.

However, it is understandable if you think about it carefully.

The two places are next to each other, and there are earthquakes and mudslides over there, and they definitely need help.

This is not a matter of one person or two.

If you think about it, the situation must be more serious, otherwise, there will be no temporary deployment of reinforcements.

Mother Lu sighed and stepped forward to take the small bag that her daughter was carrying:

"Okay, Xiao Ye will definitely call you when there is time. It's no use worrying here!"

Is it all right?
Lu Jing actually understands it very well, but it makes some sense.
Humans are all masters of emotions and desires, so ah, they are bound to be stumped.

(End of this chapter)

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