Chapter 284 Someone fainted
cough cough.

Who said you can't bear the consequences?
Lu Jing believes that he is not so irresponsible:
"Dad, I know I know."

Khan, can't you be worried?
After all, it is also a parent's distressed daughter.

At this time, Mother Lu and Auntie came out with the last two dishes:

"What are your father and daughter talking about? Hurry up and have dinner."

The father and daughter on the sofa looked at each other and smiled.

"Come on, Dad."

"It's done."

The father and daughter got up together and walked towards the restaurant.

During the meal, Lu Jing announced something:

"Dad, Mom, I want to go back to Nanxi City early tomorrow morning."

I could have come back the day after tomorrow, but who made Lu Jing really unable to stay?

Nanxi City and Fangbei City are next to each other, so close to each other, any news can be quickly passed on.

In this regard, Lu's father and Lu's mother will of course have no objection. The daughter and the boy have a good relationship and a good life. That is what parents want to see most.

So, how can there be an opinion?
"Women don't stay in college!" Father Lu said with emotion.

Lu Jing blushed, then silently took a chicken leg and put it in Father Lu's bowl:
"Dad, eat chicken legs."

Well, you don't have to talk anymore when you eat.

Mother Lu looked straight and cheerful, and suddenly asked:

"Daughter, are you still living in the house your brother prepared for you?"

Lu Jing was obviously questioned and paused, almost biting his tongue.


Lying or something, really not.

And, it was asked so suddenly.

Mother Lu's face was full of 'I've seen through it a long time ago':

"Then you live at Xiao Ye's place now?"

"Well, the fire brigade is close to our hospital, which is convenient." Weak weak explained.

The old couple both sighed:
"Okay, we're nothing, but you just pay attention."


Is this the problem again?
Lu Jing quickly took a few mouthfuls of rice, but didn't answer.

Too embarrassed, okay?
Super embarrassing.

The next day, early in the morning, Lu Jing set off from home.

Lu's father drove by himself, Lu's mother accompanied him, and the family of three arrived at the airport.

"Dad, Mom, don't send it, there will be security inspection over there."

"Return to Nanxi City and take care of yourself, and remember to call when you get off the plane."

"I know, I know."

It was really too late, and Lu Jing didn't dare to delay any more:
"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving."

Mother Lu waved:

The child travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried!

But no matter how worried you are, you still have to let it go.

The daughter is not two or three years old, she is almost thirty.

Father Lu was actually reluctant, but a man couldn't express it as directly as a woman.

The old couple were silent until they couldn't see the girl's figure at all before turning around and leaving.

Lu Jing has already passed the security check, and the plane will take off in 10 minutes. Everyone is waiting in line to board the plane.

Lu Jing arrived late, so he was at the back.

It doesn't matter in the front or the back, anyway, after getting on the plane, you are all seated by ticket.

Suddenly, there was a movement not far away:
"Someone fainted!"

There are already many people at the airport, and there is a large circle of people all at once.

Lu Jing finally figured out what happened when he heard what the people around him said.

Someone fainted?

There was a young girl in line behind him, Lu Jing said in a hurry:

"Hello ma'am, can you take a look at the luggage for me? I'm a doctor and I want to go over and check on the situation 1"

(End of this chapter)

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