Chapter 285 I'm a Doctor
Hearing that it was a doctor, the little girl immediately agreed:
"Okay, I'll help you watch, you hurry over."

Most of the people in this world are very kind.

The bad guys are just a few.

Lu Jing ran over, and there were too many crowds, so he could only squeeze.

too difficult.

"Please let me go, I'm a doctor." He could only blew himself up as a profession.

Soon, the crowd gave way.

When Lu Jing passed by, he saw a middle-aged man lying on the ground, and he was no longer conscious.

He squatted down quickly, knelt on one knee on the ground, and reached out to probe.

No, the beating ability of the heart is obviously declining rapidly, and breathing is already very difficult.

The patient broke out in a lot of cold sweat, and the close-fitting clothes were completely soaked and stuck to the body.

It's a heart attack!
Myocardial infarction is a very common disease in daily life. Most of them are caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart or blockage of blood vessels leading to arteriosclerosis. This disease is very dangerous and is prone to sudden death.

Lu Jing didn't hesitate, unbuttoned the patient's clothes, and immediately started cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"Have you called 120?" asked at the same time.

"Hit and beat."

However, it is said that there should be equipment for cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the airport, right?

Indeed, they are all equipped.

However, it takes time to get the instrument.

One group of CPR has been done, and the patient is unresponsive.

Lu Jing immediately continued to do the second set. At this time, his forehead was full of sweat.

Only people who have done CPR have a deep understanding, it is really tiring.

After one group came down, the arms began to feel sore.

However, in many cases, one group has no effect at all, and a few more groups are performed, and some even do it directly for half an hour before the patient finally regains consciousness.

The people around were all praying silently in their hearts, not daring to blink their eyes, and staring at the man on the ground.

Just when Lu Jing was about to finish the second group, the man obviously had a reaction.

"He moved, his fingers moved."

"Yes, I saw it too."

As for the words around him, Lu Jing was not deaf, of course he heard it.

Reaching out to probe again, although the heartbeat recovered very weakly, it did recover.

Now, don't dare to stop.

However, at this moment, the staff at the airport rushed over with a CPR machine:
"I'm coming."

Lu Jing didn't dare to stop, while instructing the staff to get the instrument ready.

The staff are all trained and skilled, and it's done quickly.

With the instrument, it is much easier.

The man had already recovered a weak heartbeat.

20 seconds passed.
30 seconds passed.
50 seconds passed.
Someone in the crowd shouted:
"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Indeed, the man has opened his eyes.

Only then did Lu Jing withdraw the instrument and conduct a simple check on the man.

In an instant, I felt at ease.

For a time, the whole airport was filled with warm cheers and applause.

It didn't take long for the emergency doctors to arrive.

And Lu Jing, catching up on the plane, didn't even have time to leave a message.

After getting the luggage, the little girl walked beside her, but her eyes were fixed on Lu Jing:

"You are amazing!" He exclaimed sincerely.

Lu Jing coughed, it was embarrassing to be praised like this in person:

"Yes, I am a doctor."

To save lives and wounds as a vocation!

"I know you're a doctor, but you did save him!"

It can save a life, isn't that great?
I'm afraid no one can be considered great.

(End of this chapter)

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