After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 349 You Can't Be Too Casual

Chapter 349 You Can't Be Too Casual

Lu Jing pursed his lips:

"Senior brother, what do you think?" asked rhetorically.

Not a little surprised, okay?

"It's not bad abroad, but it's not bad at home!"

There are many development opportunities.

"Didn't Junior Sister also choose to come back?"


When Lu Jing chose to return to China, he did not just want to come back to work.

There are too many worries in the country, and it is impossible to leave them behind in a lifetime.

Sometimes Lu Jing would think, if he hadn't returned to China, wouldn't Jiang have been waiting for him?

Obviously, it will!

At the beginning, Lu Jing also gave up various development opportunities abroad.

Everyone has their own thoughts and difficulties, so people can choose how they want.

"It's true. Now all aspects of the country are developing rapidly."


The two chatted, and the car had already entered Nanxi University.

Today is not a weekend, of course there are more students on campus.

Lu Jing got off the bus early:

"Brother, thank you." He smiled and waved his hand.

The man in the car also laughed:

"Why are you being so polite? You go get your things first, and I'll come to you soon."


"Senior brother, where can I trouble you again, I'll go back by myself in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man said directly:

"Don't, I'll send it to you if I say it. It just so happens that we haven't seen each other for a long time. Can we have lunch together?"

Lu Jing is really not good at rejecting anything:
"Okay, I'll treat you."

In this regard, the man did not refute, and readily accepted:
"Okay, junior sister treats you, then I can eat more."

Lu Jing turned and walked towards the office building. After climbing several floors, he finally arrived at the teacher's office and opened the door with the key.

There shouldn't be too many documents or anything in the office, and they are also thrown around on the table and on the ground.

Lu Jing shook his head as he saw it, and then began to pack up habitually.

I used to do this a lot when I was in college.

So, now I do it, not by hand, but very skilled.

This clean up, it took a lot of time.

If you just pick it up and leave, it will only take a few minutes.

However, it was nearly 10 minutes after Lu Jing went downstairs.

The man had apparently been driving the car and waited downstairs for a long time. He saw the figure in the distance and honked the horn quickly.

'Drip! ''Drip! '

When Lu Jing heard the voice, he naturally looked over. Seeing that it was his senior brother, he coughed and walked forward honestly.

"Sorry, brother, I came down late."

"It's okay, I just arrived not long ago. Are you helping the teacher organize the office again?"


You guessed it right!

"Just clean up."

It's too messy to watch.

"Okay, come up and have dinner."

It was already twelve o'clock, and Lu Jing didn't bother anymore.

Get in the car and fasten your seat belt.

"Senior brother, what do you like to eat?"

"I'm free, I don't pick."

"Then, shall we eat Chinese food? Or hot pot?"

The man smiled and glanced sideways:
"I still don't eat hot pot at noon, and it's too late. You have to go to work in the afternoon, so let's eat Chinese food."

Lu Jing nodded:
"it is good!"

Afterwards, I directly booked the nearest Chinese restaurant on the Internet. Of course, I also read the reviews first, and they all said yes before I came.

Treating guests to dinner shouldn't be too casual, right?
How insincere that is!

It took nearly 10 minutes for the car to navigate directly.

Mainly, the traffic is a bit congested now, so it will be delayed for a few minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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