After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 350 Someone is following you

Chapter 350 Someone is following you

That is, just as the car stopped, Lu Jing had already unbuckled his seat belt and was about to open the door.

The man suddenly said:
"Sister, wait."

"Brother, what's wrong?" asked.

The man looked sharply into the rearview mirror and said slowly:

"That car has been following us, do you know?"

"Ah? Is there a car following us?"

Lu Jing was really surprised, and quickly turned his head to look.

Sure enough, there was a black Volkswagen parked ten meters away.

Lu Jing didn't pay much attention to it, but he still believed his brother's words.

All of a sudden, I think of the morning and the time when I just left the hospital and stopped a taxi. Was this black Volkswagen already there at that time?
"do not know."

The man half-squinted:

"You take it with you in the car first, I'll go take a look."

Hearing this, Lu Jing certainly disagreed:

"No, what if there is danger?"

The man smiled and said:
"No matter how dangerous it is, they can't do anything to me in broad daylight and in front of everyone's eyes."

Otherwise, are you trying to provoke the police?

court death!

Therefore, in this case, it is basically when the order is placed.

The man had already opened the door and got out of the car, and Lu Jing hurriedly shouted:


If you want to stop it, there is no chance to say it, and the person has already moved towards the back.

Lu Jing could only sit in the car and wait now.

Of course, his eyes were always on the back.

The phone was pinched in my hand at some point, and the three-digit '110' had already been dialed on the dial pad, and it was only a final call.

At this very tense time, Lu Jing had already thought of the worst scene in his mind.

As a result, the senior brothers have returned:

"Junior sister, are you in love?"

What the hell?
Why did you jump to this topic all of a sudden?
Lu Jing hesitated for a few seconds before finally reacting and nodded:
"Ah, yes!"

did not deny it.

Something flashed in the man's eyes quickly, but he finally suppressed it.

"That's alright, they're the one arranged by your family."

Lu Jing's mouth opened involuntarily, so when did Jiang arrange it?Why don't you know anything?

No, you have to go down and ask.

With a 'kata' sound, the door opened.

"Junior sister, what are you going to do?"

"I'll ask."

The man didn't say anything:
"Then I'll accompany you there."

"it is good!"

Lu Jing didn't think there was anything to avoid. After all, there was really nothing between the two.

If you really want to avoid suspicion, then what is there?

Lu Jing approached the black Volkswagen step by step, and when he arrived, he knocked on the window.

In the next moment, the car window was lowered, revealing two faces with silly smiles:

"Hello, young lady!" they shouted in unison.

Lu Jing frowned sharply:
"Jiang also arranged it?" asked.

"Yes, yes, yes."

"When did he arrange it?"

"Young mistress, it's been a few days."

a few days?
Haven't found out yet?

When I left the hospital this morning and before, I am afraid it has nothing to do with the two.

Lu Jing was not stupid, he understood immediately.

Jiang can also quietly arrange for people to follow him, so he must have sensed some danger behind him.

"What did you see this morning?" asked straight to the point.

The expressions of the two of them became formal, quite serious, and nodded to Lu Jing.


"Young mistress, after you came out of the fire brigade this morning, someone followed you."

However, that person probably didn't expect that the mantis catching the cicada or the oriole was behind!
 Ooh, ooh, this month is even less because I'm preparing for the exam!
  16, 17 after the test is over, let's add more.

(End of this chapter)

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