Chapter 363 Can You Come Over?

After hearing who the other party was, Lu Jing was not as flustered as before.

Instead, it suddenly calmed down.

I thought it was the Gu family or Jiang Qiu.

"Mr. ather, what do you want? Or what do you want to do?"

If you want money, it's really not that difficult.

The foreign man said with a smile:

"What I want, you'll know soon enough."

Saying that, he pushed Kuang Yu far away.

With a 'bang dong' sound, Kuang Yu fell to the ground and did not get up for a long time.

Lu Jing's eyebrows trembled as he watched:

"Mr. Ather, no matter what you want to do, I'm already here, but my senior brother is innocent, please let him go!"

Lu Jing really didn't want to involve other people, so he didn't care, just admit it!

But Kuang Yu really had nothing to do with it. At this time, his face was still bruised, and there must be a lot of skin injuries on his body. When he fell just now, I don't know if there was any internal injury.
The foreign man glanced at Kuang Yu, who was lying on the ground unable to get up, with undisguised disgust in his eyes:
"I've let him go several times before, but he insisted on breaking in because of his ignorance. If that's the case, why don't I satisfy him?

Lonely eagle woman, don't worry about others, to use an old saying in your country Z: You are also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and you can't protect yourself! "

Would you like to plead for someone else?
The women of country Z are very interesting.

The foreign man laughed twice, then turned and walked away, loading his pistol as he walked.

Lu Jing didn't say anything, but out of the corner of his eyes he glanced around again.

Now, the ultimate purpose of this person is very clear - Jiang Ye!

So, how can Lu Jing continue to be indifferent?

If you have to escape, you must escape, and send a message to the outside!
As long as Jiang also received the news, he would definitely be prepared.

Otherwise, I am afraid that only the original group of people will prevail, and then it will be miserable.

"Senior brother, brother, are you alright?"

Kuang Yu coughed hard and slowly sat up.

Because the hands and feet are tied, it is very inconvenient to move.

"It's okay, skin trauma."

Lu Jing felt guilty:
"I'm sorry, brother, I'm the one who caused you." He sincerely apologized.

But Kuang Yu had already taken the initiative to follow up, so how could he accept this apology?
"Junior sister, what are you talking about? Should I just watch those guys take you away and be indifferent?"

It's good to say that people can save it, but if something really happens, Kuang Yu will probably have an uneasy conscience in his life.

"Besides, even if it's an outsider, I'll do it."

Speaking of which, what else can Lu Jing say?
"Brother, thank you."

Can only thank.

Kuang Yu slowly leaned his body to the concrete pillar behind:
"What about you, are you hurt?" asked.

Lu Jing shook his head:

"I'm fine, but I was stunned by ethanol twice, and my brain is a little confused."

Kuang Yu is also a doctor, so of course you can understand what it means:
"Do a full body check when you go back."

Gotta see if there are other problems with those ethanol!
Some of them are not only ethanol, but also mixed with D products.

Kuang Yu finally leaned on the pillar and tried to use the edge of the cement pillar to break the rope.

But after grinding for a while, there is no effect, so I can only give up.

At this time, Lu Jing suddenly said:
"Brother, can you come over?"

Kuang Yu nodded:
"Yes, I'll be right here."

In fact, both of them understood what the other meant.

(End of this chapter)

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