Chapter 364
Since the rope is constantly being ground, it can only be unraveled manually.

It's really hard to operate alone, but with two people together, it's much easier.

In the current situation, you must save yourself!

If you just wait for rescue, who knows how long it will take?
And, will there be any surprises along the way?
These are unpredictable risks, and no one can say for sure.

Kuang Yu slowly moved over, and after getting closer and closer, Lu Jing lay down and bit the knot tied to Kuang Yu's wrist with his teeth.

People who are not professionally trained are not so easy to bite off.

After a few bites in a row, the cheeks are very sore.

But at this time, he couldn't care about whether it was sore or not, and continued to bite.

About ten minutes later, the knot on Kuang Yu's wrist was finally untied.

Lu Jing was overjoyed:
"Senior brother, we succeeded!"

Of course Kuang Yu was also happy:

"Well, Junior Sister is amazing."

The ropes were all untied, and Kuang Yu quickly stood up and was about to untie the ropes for Lu Jing instead.

However, before taking any practical action, he was strictly rejected.

"Senior brother, hurry up and turn out from behind."

Kuang Yu didn't move:

"What about you?"

Lu Jing smiled:
"I can't, and I can't go either. You may succeed if you go alone. If we both go, neither of us can escape."

However, Lu Jing is a woman after all, and his physical strength is a lot weaker.

Not to mention that there is still ethanol in the body, and it has not completely dissipated.

In one, and most importantly, that foreign man can come in at any time to see, once Lu Jing is gone, it will be a matter of minutes to find someone based on that person's ability.

Therefore, it is better not to take this risk. The safest way is to save someone first!

Kuang Yu really liked Lu Jing and couldn't let it go.

"If you don't go, then I won't go either. I'll accompany you. They can kill or scrape as they please."

"Senior brother!" Lu Jing couldn't be more anxious.

"Senior brother, you have to go out and report!" He continued.

Now, Kuang Yu has come back to his senses:
"Then, I"

"It's nothing for me, just go away."

Kuang Yu hesitated for a while, before moving his muscles twice:
"Junior sister, I will notify the police when I go out."

"it is good."

Lu Jing had a response here.

Kuang Yu's window-turning technique is quite good. Moreover, this is a second-floor building. If you want to jump straight down, you can't make too much noise to attract the attention of foreign men.

"Junior sister, I'm leaving first, you take care, I will definitely bring the police to arrest you!"

"it is good!"

As soon as Kuang Yu left, only Lu Jing was in the whole unfinished building, and the dark sky indicated that it was getting late.

I didn't expect it to be so late!

On the other side, Jiang Ye actually arrived a few minutes ago, and was observing the situation here with his binoculars.

Various rescue plans flashed in his mind, but they seemed to be useless.

No, don't be too aggressive!

The person hiding in the dark has never been found, no surprise, it must be a sniper.

The fact that the other party can put down such a large blood capital means that there must be something very important.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to do any great harm to the hostages.

After all, the conditions haven't even begun to be negotiated!
Jiang also lay on the grass in the tall grass, his breathing seemed to stop.

This is naturally through special training, even if you use an instrument to listen, you can hardly hear anything.

Time passed by and it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

The weather forecast says it will rain tonight, so it will get dark earlier than usual.

(End of this chapter)

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