After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 386: Without Personal Attack

Chapter 386: Without Personal Attack

This time, it is the first meeting between parents and elders of both parties!
It's not the usual kind of meeting at a reception and banquet, just nodding and saying hello.

When the old couple was helping with each other's clothes, a row of cars had arrived.

"Yo, is it them? Here we come." Mother Jiang spoke first.

Jiang's father coughed twice, so he made a calm and calm attitude:
"It's them, let's go and greet them."

"Let's go, hurry up."

The Lu family has all got out of the car, and the Jiang family has also arrived:

"My dear, here it is here."

hiss, in-laws?

As soon as the name came out, the Lu family couldn't help shaking.

Lu's father and Lu's mother were the first to respond. As the saying goes, don't reach out and slap the smiling face. Besides, the Jiang family are also good people, and they have educated their son so well.

Now that they are all a family, there is no need to care so much.

"Wait for a long time? Oh, that's going to take so much trouble. You're not unfamiliar, and you're sitting and waiting inside, aren't you?"

"Where and where, what is necessary, we should do it."

Mother Jiang and Mother Lu are already arm in arm, and it looks like it's not good at first sight.

As for Father Lu, he and Father Jiang also met and smiled:
"Old Lu!"

"Old Jiang!"

To say that the two fathers can be considered as friends who grew up together since childhood, and now that the two families are married together, it is natural that the relationship has gone to a higher level.

Although Mother Jiang and Mother Lu held hands, they did not forget the big and third rooms of the Lu family behind.

"Sister-in-law, the third, the third daughter-in-law, walk around, go in and sit down and say, don't stand here."

The names were changed accordingly.

I have to say, it's no wonder that Mother Jiang is in charge of such a huge Jiang Group!

"Ayan, where is your Xiaobai?" he asked again.

Lu Yan still respects the older generation:

"I'm busy in Province X." replied.

As a director, Bai Luo must have been on the set all the time, and it was common for him to be away from home for a few months.

Lu Yan was also busy, the only thing suffering was their two sons, only the nanny was by his side.

But, who in the circle didn't come here like this?
No wonder.

Mother Jiang herself is a strong woman in the business world, of course she understands it very well.

"It'll be fine in the future. Now that I'm young, it's time to fight hard."

After that, a large group of talents entered the private hall one after another.

Obviously, the elders in front did not care about the young couple at the back.

Jiang Ye and Lu Jing silently followed behind everyone, that's fine, so as not to be surrounded by people asking this and that, Lu Jing is really not very good at dealing with this kind of scene.

At this moment, the man suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the corner of the woman's clothes.


"Daughter-in-law, you're too nervous, take it easy."

Jiang can also clearly feel that the woman's whole body is tense, and it's not good to continue like this.

Lu Jing took a deep breath:
"I know, can you stop talking so much?"

Besides, are you nervous, you can't control it at all, okay?

I just want to calm down and relax.

However, the body reacts like this, what can I do?
Jiang also choked, and then laughed hilariously:
"As for being so nervous? Haven't you met my parents and my mother before? Didn't you eat dinner last time?"

Ha ha.

"You think everyone is as thick-skinned as you are thicker than the city wall?"

Jiang also pursed the corners of his mouth:
"My wife, don't take personal attacks!"

(End of this chapter)

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