Chapter 387
Still aggrieved?
Lu Jingjing was too lazy to take care of him, and went straight forward, the man could only keep up.

In the oversized private room, the elders all sat down, and the two took their seats in the far corner.

The waiter also began to serve the food, and when it was almost time to serve, Mother Jiang got up and came over to the young couple.

"King Jing!"

Lu Jing quickly stood up:
"Aunt Su."

Jiang's mother has been laughing from ear to ear, but now even more:

"Oh, I have all the certificates, should I change my tune?" he joked.


Lu Jing's cheeks flushed red.

Fortunately, the man beside him got up and said:

"Mom, why are you in such a hurry?"

Mother Jiang was not so polite to her son:
"Can I not be in a hurry? Jingjing is such a good daughter-in-law, I want it in my dreams, and now my dream has finally come true, but I can't calm down."

"Okay, change your mouth, right? Did you pay for the change?"

Look, this is the real son?

However, Mother Jiang is really not stingy:

"Yes, of course!"

As he spoke, he took out two jewelry boxes from the Hermes bag he was carrying:
"Girl, come, see if you like it?"

Lu Jingjing didn't dare to answer, and looked at Jiang Ye.

After Jiang also received it, he took the initiative and opened the box by the way.

Immediately, a pink diamond necklace shimmering under the light appeared in front of everyone.

The condition is very good, and it is not cheap at first glance.

Lu Yan was sitting not far away, and with his height advantage, he recognized at a glance that this pink diamond necklace was the finale trump card at the Hong Kong City auction not long ago.

At that time, it was rumored that it was taken away by a mysterious person, but I didn't expect it to be Mrs. Jiang!

And Mrs. Jiang took this necklace because she thought it was especially suitable for her daughter-in-law to wear.

However, Lu Yan didn't say much.

Although this necklace is worth a lot, around 9000 million, the Lu family is not short of it.

Lu Jing was stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

Or Jiang Ye opened his mouth:

"Just barely."

Hiss, is this still barely?
The eyes of the prince of the Jiang family are indeed high enough.

He even accepted it for the woman directly, and then opened the second jewelry box.

This box contains a watch, the latest ladies watch from Patek Philippe this year, which is a set in third- and fourth-tier cities.

Mother Jiang took Lu Jing's hand:
"Jingjing, my aunt came in a hurry and didn't prepare much. I'll make it up for you next time!"

It was nearly [-] million in the first shot, so I didn't know how to prepare?

So what will it be like if you really prepare carefully?
cough cough.

No way, who made the Jiang family poor and only have money left?
Lu Jing didn't know what to say for a while:
"Aunt Su, you are too expensive."

Moreover, it is impossible to bring it to work at ordinary times, okay?

Instantly on the hot search, believe it or not?

Lu Jing didn't want to be so high-profile.

"What's the cost? It's just a little thought. You said that Aye, this kid, didn't tell us in advance. It hurt me and his father too late to do anything."

Jiang also sent a message to Jiang's mother after receiving the certificate. It was almost noon.

Otherwise, there must be more than just these two greetings.

The Lu family, on the other hand, were rather relieved to see the attitude of the Jiang family.

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been difficult to handle. Looking at it this way, even if the Jing girl gets married, there should be no such so-called war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

There are many jokes in the circle every day, and the wealthy mother-in-law and daughter-in-law account for most of them.

(End of this chapter)

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