After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 388 When Will You Get Married?

Chapter 388 When Will You Get Married?
The meal was actually pretty good, and both parents were very satisfied.

After the end, Lu Yan was the first to leave, busy going to the next city to deal with the work.

Mother Jiang originally wanted to invite the elders of the Lu family for a good stroll, but the Lu family's private jet was already waiting.

There are two grandchildren at home in the big room, and the nanny takes care of them, so the aunt can't be relieved.

And the third uncle and the third aunt also have a young son at home, so they are not very relieved.

As for Lu's father and Lu's mother, there is nothing to do. The old couple have both retired and are very leisurely every day.

But the people in the big room and the third room went back, and the two of them followed.

"My dear, see you next time."

Mother Jiang has no choice but to keep people:

"Okay, let's go back to Beijing to gather."

"No problem." Mother Lu replied.

Of course Lu Jing and Jiang will also send them.

After walking out of the private room, Mother Lu pulled Lu Jing aside, and Jiang could only be with Father Lu.


Mother Lu stared:
"Okay, the certificate is also received, you give an accurate time, when will it be done?"


Lu Jing hadn't really considered this issue.

So, I was really asked.

Mother Lu was angry and anxious:
"Are you still? Get things done as soon as possible, so as not to spread rumors outside."

After all, there are many people waiting to see the joke.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield. Who knows what will happen to the person who is smiling and calling himself a brother in the last second?

So, the marriage between the Jiang family and the Lu family is actually beneficial.

Of course, this marriage is not another marriage.

means different.

Lu Jing didn't want to do things that much, and he didn't get the certificate so quickly as he planned!

Hey, the plan can't keep up with the changes.

"let me see."

Mother Lu is not good at urging:
"Don't just follow your own temperament on this matter. It's about the Jianglu family. You and Xiao also have a good discussion."

Lu Jing is not an unreasonable person:
"Mom, I see."

Seeing this, Mother Lu was also relieved:
"Okay, as long as you know, discuss it as soon as possible, give me an answer as soon as possible, and your dad and I will be ready."

The daughter's marriage should not be sloppy.

Just to prepare, I am afraid it will take a long time to prepare.


The Lu family's private jet was parked on the tarmac of the private clubhouse, and Lu Jing and Jiang also stood side by side.

It was not until everyone in the Lu family boarded the plane and the plane began to slowly rise that Jiang Ye hugged the woman.

Lu Jing didn't push it away, so there's no need to be hypocritical at this time, right?
Soon, the private plane rushed into the sky and disappeared.

"What did your mother-in-law just say to you?"

cough cough.

"Then what did you say to my dad?" he asked.

The man smiled:
"My father-in-law asked me when I'm going to have the wedding?"

Eh, obviously, Lu's father and Lu's mother have already discussed it.

Lu Jing let out a long sigh:

"My mom said that too."

"Oh? That wife, what do you think?"

Lu Jing had said many times before that he didn't want to get married so early.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jiang to make a decision alone.

Now, it is also a tentative question.

Lu Jing pursed his lips, and his brows were obviously tangled.

Then, after sighing a few times, he said:

"Not now, at least, it will have to wait a few years."

Jiang also felt excited when he heard it.

It's not long after the new year, it's already November, but this year's New Year's Eve is relatively early. New Year's Eve is at the end of January, and it only takes two months to complete the calculation!

(End of this chapter)

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