After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 403 I will wash the sheets

Chapter 403 I will wash the sheets

However, the people inside were able to guess the various reactions outside.

Originally, he was looking at the plan in his hand, but the woman's face flashed in his mind, and the corners of his mouth were more and more raised.

next door.

Lu Jing had already pulled the quilt and lay down. He would definitely not be able to fall asleep for a while. He tossed and turned on the bed, his stomach was still aching, and he was in an uncomfortable panic.

Every time my aunt comes, I really can't stand it.

Might as well come directly.

Come directly, it won't be so painful.

Until the man in the study had finished his work, and when he entered the room, he saw the woman on the bed still moving.

Taking a few steps forward, he asked softly:
"what happened?"

Lu Jing opened his eyes, and his pitiful eyes stared straight at the man.

Can melt someone's heart:

"What's the matter?" The tone was soft and outrageous.

"Uncomfortable," the woman whispered.

Now, the man is in a hurry:

"What's wrong? Come on, let's go to the hospital!"

Saying that, you're going to pick someone up.

Lu Jing was startled and stopped again and again:

"No, no, no need to go to the hospital."

"Aren't you feeling well? How can you not go to the hospital?"

Lu Jing couldn't help laughing and crying:

"I really don't need to, I'm just coming to auntie soon, it's just that my stomach is uncomfortable."

Because my aunt went to the hospital, it was a shame to throw it to my grandma's house.

So, forget it.

The anxious man seemed to understand at this moment:

"What do you need me to do?"

Lu Jing shook his head:


Others can't do much, no one can replace it, okay?

However, someone went directly to the bed and lay beside the woman, and then stretched out a hand to caress the woman's belly and gently rubbed it.

"Does it work?" asked.

Lu Jing was shocked at first, but then he didn't refuse, instead he enjoyed it very much.

Someone rubbed his stomach, and the temperature of the man's palm was hot enough, it would indeed be a lot more comfortable.


If you can, then knead it.

And this rubbing, Lu Jing fell asleep after a while, not knowing how long the man rubbed before it stopped.

The next day, early in the morning.

The woman stood up from the bed with a carp, and without staying for a second, she rolled over and got out of the bed, and then ran out of the room in a hurry.

With such a big movement, how could a man still be able to sleep?

It's also very confusing: what's wrong?

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a blood stain on the bed sheet next to him.

Well, I probably understand.

He simply got up, and before the woman came back, he took out clean sheets and quilt covers from the closet and put them on again.

A few minutes later, Lu Jing came in with one hand on his waist, and saw that the big bed had been completely renewed.

"Did you change it?"

The man shrugged:

"Otherwise, can it be replaced by the snail girl?"

That only exists in fairy tales, not in reality.

It would be a lie to say that Lu Jing was not touched at all.

It's really not easy for a big man to do this.

You know, in today's society, there are a lot of male chauvinists.

As soon as I get home, I lie down on the sofa, don't care about anything, don't ask anything, Yi Lai stretches out his hand for food and opens his mouth.


"Very good, put it where, I will throw it in the washing machine in a while."

The man did not throw away the sheets and quilt cover in his hand:

"Don't be too busy, I'll wash."

A 30-year-old man still knows a little bit, women should not be too tired during special periods, let alone touch cold water and the like.

(End of this chapter)

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