After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 404 My Wife Is So Powerful

Chapter 404 My Wife Is So Powerful

What can Lu Jing say?
"It's hard work, Captain Jiang."

cough cough.

"It should be, to serve my wife!"

Sure enough, this man couldn't take it anymore.

Always kick you back.

"By the way, you don't have to go to the hospital these days, right?"

"Well, the director gave me three days off, and I will go the day after tomorrow."

Jiang also nodded, otherwise, he would have directly contacted the hospital leadership.

"Then go out with me at noon today."

Lu Jing paused:
"Go out? Where are you going?" asked.

The man stepped forward and said:

"Remember Lao Bai?"

This will definitely not be forgotten, after all, it is one of the benefactors of life.

"Remember, what's wrong?"

Jiang also sighed softly:

"He's going on a business trip and won't be back for a long time, so I'll have a light meal with him at noon today."


Lu Jingjing did not hesitate, and agreed directly.

Of course, men are also very happy about this:
"It's settled, Lao Bai actually knew you a long time ago."

"How early is it?" asked in a low voice.

I saw someone smiling very meaningfully:

"What does my wife think?" he asked.

Lu Jing blinked:
"Shouldn't you have known about it six years ago?"


When will we know?
Lu Jing's doubts were clearly written on his face, Jiang also laughed out loud, and said slowly at the same time:

"He knew it before we were together."

"When you were training, he was also there, and he took you next door."

That being said, that's pretty much it.

Speaking of the first year of military training, everyone knows the relationship between Lu Jing and Jiang Ye.

At first, everyone thought they were lovers.

Who knows, Lu Jing denied it.

It also gave everyone the illusion that the two were cousins ​​and sisters.

Not to mention the students, even the group of instructors who teach, also eat melons silently every day.

So, let's not say old white, even many leaders of the army aviation regiment at that time knew about it.

If it wasn't for listening to the man say these things himself, Lu Jing might never know that his mouth was long enough to swallow an egg:


Is that so?
That's really... well, I don't know what to say for a while.

The man changed the subject:
"Wife, are you busy for a while?"


What to do during vacation?

The man nodded, then said:

"Then why don't I find you something to do?"

"what's up?"

"There is first aid training this morning. Come and guide everyone."

That's it?

Lu Jing did not refuse:


The man immediately took out his mobile phone and called Lao Qin, briefly explained the matter, and Lao Qin repeatedly agreed:

"Okay, great, with younger siblings to guide, it must be more accurate!"

"Okay, let's make arrangements."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Jing didn't expect that he would still be able to guide the team members, and he was indeed a little excited.

So, I kept asking the man all morning:

"Jiang Ye, can I really do it?"

"Of course, my wife is so good!"

"Don't be poor, I'm serious, what if I don't have good guidance then?"

How to do?

"Don't worry, this is nervous? You haven't seen those guys before, what's there to be nervous about?"

"then me.then me"

"It's okay to be wrong, they don't dare to say anything, your man is still there!"

(End of this chapter)

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