After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 432 You're Sure to Do It, He's Awesome

Chapter 432 You must do it, fascinate him

"Really not?"

"Don't change!"

The man smiled:

"Okay, if you don't change it, then your man will change it for you!"

While talking, he really moved his hand.

Lu Jing was so frightened that he struggled again and again:

"Stop, stop!"

"Can you change it?"

Lu Jing wanted to cry but had no tears, how could anyone persecute people like this?

However, if you want to resist, you can't resist at all!

In the end, I took the nightdress that had always made me very creepy from the man:


It's better to change it yourself than a man to help you change it.

At least you can be safe for a while.

Jiang also approached with a smile but not a smile:
"Be nice, don't make a fuss."

Ouch, I'm going, who is making trouble?


The woman went to take a bath, and Jiang Ye went back to the study, taking advantage of the time left to handle the rest of the work.

There are no special circumstances, and I am not very accustomed to saving today's things for tomorrow.

Today is the end of today!
in the bathroom.

Lu Jing really wanted to linger for a while, as long as he could.

But who knows, someone knocked on the door?

knock knock knock.
"Wife, are you alright? Do you need your husband's help?"

"No need, I'll be fine soon."

Lu Jing felt that he was like a catfish waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

Outside the bathroom door, the man couldn't help smirking:
"Hurry up, otherwise, your husband will go in."

What if the door is locked?
For Jiang Ye, it can be done easily.

Lu Jing kept sighing inside, and his cheeks were even more crimson.

In fact, I had already taken a shower, and I just stayed inside and didn't go out.

Looking at himself in the mirror as red as only boiled shrimp, Lu Jing couldn't help reaching out and patted his face several times.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Besides, it's not like I haven't, why are you so shy?

Isn't that the case.

Once you are mentally prepared, you are ready to go out.

Out of the corner of the window, he caught a glimpse of the 'nightdress' that he was wearing, which could hardly be called clothes. Very well, his entire neck was red.

With a sound of 'Gada', the door lock was opened.

When I opened the door, I saw a man leaning on the door:
"Come out? Have you washed it?"

Having said that, his eyes were fixed on the woman as soon as she came out.

Only two words flashed in my mind: FUCK!

Lu Jing, on the other hand, was not so thick-skinned, and his scalp was numb when he was looked at by such a red fruit.

I couldn't help but close the collar of the nightdress:

"Hurry up and wash, I'll go back to the room first."

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran, fearing that if he ran too slowly, he would be caught in the next second.

Jiang also didn't arrest anyone this time, and went to take a shower obediently.

In the bedroom, Lu Jing felt a little more comfortable after wrapping himself with the quilt.

For a while, my mind was a little confused.

Just then, with a ding, the phone rang.

He took out his phone from under the pillow and opened it: Good guy, Liu Yuan's information!

"Lu Lu, how is it? Is Instructor Jiang particularly excited?"

Hiss, how can that be considered particularly exciting?
Almost devoured myself one bite at a time.

Lu Jing threw the phone back under the pillow, not intending to return the message anyway.

This time, Liu Yuan might not be able to say something mocking.

Lu Jing knew that he was not good at this, so he didn't respond.

However, it doesn't mean that if you don't respond, you can stop there.

Soon, the second and third messages came one after another:

"Lu Lu, grasp it!"

"Tonight, I must fascinate Instructor Jiang!"

"Lu Lu, believe you, you will do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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