After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 433 Team Jiang, there is an urgent mission

Chapter 433 Team Jiang, there is an urgent mission

At this moment, Lu Jing couldn't do anything other than the twitching corners of his mouth.

It wasn't until I heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer outside that I finally recovered.

The first reaction is to throw the phone away.

Sure enough, Jiang Ye's figure was already standing at the door, wrapped in a bath towel:
"Who are you sending a message to?" he asked with a smile.

cough cough.

Lu Jing hadn't completely recovered for a while, and the whole person was in a state of restlessness. When he was questioned like this again, he almost jumped up from the bed.

"Ah? No one, just Liu Yuan."

The man approached step by step:

"Liu Yuan?"

"Yeah, otherwise who else would it be?"

"What did she send you?"

Nothing, why is the reaction so strange?
Jiang is neither stupid nor blind.

won't be able to see it.

Lu Jing choked up:
"I didn't say anything." He spat out.

As far as Liu Yuan's words are concerned, I'm really embarrassed to say it, mainly because it's too embarrassing and lustful.

Jiang also had no intention of checking his mobile phone. At this time, how could he have the mind to take care of other things?

Of course, let's get straight to the point!
No, Lu Jing was still thinking about how to explain it when he was suddenly pressed down.

Then, someone bullied the upper body.

"Jiang Ye!"


"Get out of the way first, it's pressing on my hair."

I used to lose my hair madly every day, and I was worried that I would suddenly be bald that day.

Men know how much women attach importance to their hair, so they have to turn over first.

Lu Jing sat up and stroked his hair several times.

The sheets wrapped around him fell down.

Immediately, a light pajamas appeared in front of the man's eyes, looming, and extraordinarily seductive.

I wanted to reach out and hold it immediately, but before I could reach out, I was tightly held by the man's big hand.

At the same time, the man's eyes changed.

Lu Jingjing couldn't help but shrank his shoulders back, the pressure was so strong that no one dared to breathe.



"What do you think? It's so nice to wear, isn't it just for me?"

I really want to say, didn't you force people to change it?

Why are you throwing the pot on someone else's head now?

Kankan only complained a few words in his heart, and the next second, the whole person was weighed down again.

cough cough.

Forget it, what's the use of struggling?
The final result is not only one?
The next day, before dawn, the phone rang rapidly.

Almost as soon as the phone rang, Jiang woke up, took the phone and connected:
"it's me!"

He quickly said on the phone:

"Team Jiang, there is an urgent mission."

Sure enough, the man's emotions that were about to explode instantly dissipated:
"right away!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Lu Jing also woke up, but he was still a little confused:

"Who?" asked.

The man bent down and kissed the woman's forehead twice:
"I'll go to bed again, it's still early, your man is going to be busy."

Lu Jing is also used to it, but he is not too surprised:
"it is good!"

I was already very sleepy, and I didn't sleep until after three o'clock in the morning last night. It's only been less than four hours now, and I can't open my eyelids.

After Jiang also left, Lu Jing woke up not long after sleeping.

No way, I have to go to work today, I'm in a hurry to punch in.

I climbed out of bed dragging my aching and limp body, and after a quick hot shower, I felt much more comfortable.

I didn't make breakfast at home, I grabbed my phone, bag and keys and went out.

When the time comes, I will buy some ready-made items at the door of the hospital and I will be ready. I have no appetite and can't eat much.

(End of this chapter)

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