After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 449 Don't think too much

Chapter 449 Don't think too much

Lu Jing didn't expect that a big surprise would come soon.

After a group of people finished breakfast, they started to get busy.

There are more than 200 households in the whole village, and the neighboring village heard that there is a public welfare medical team here to see the doctor for free, so they all rushed over with their families.

For doctors, it doesn't matter if they look at one or the other.

This is because the number of people who see a doctor increases, and everyone gets more tired.

Lu Jing saw a villager who had been paralyzed in bed for several years. He was an old man in his 80s, and he was always pushed by his family on a wooden cart.

"What happened?" asked.

The family responded quickly:

"Doctor, this is my father, and he has been complaining about leg pain since more than [-] years ago.

But it was painful, and there was no other problem, so I didn't go to the hospital.

Then this delay was dragged on until four years ago. It was really unbearable and paralyzed. Now we want to know why? "

So, is it painful for 20 years?
Lu Jing understood what the family meant.

If it weren't for this public welfare medical treatment, the inspection fee could be paid for, I am afraid, the family members would still not send the old man to the hospital for inspection.

Didn’t the family members all say that it started 20 years ago, but even if you have a little snack, it’s impossible to delay it for so long.

You know, the old man is over 80 now, and it is impossible to do many surgeries unless it is life-threatening.

In that case, if you can get on the operating table, you can't guarantee that you can get off the operating table safely.

But if you had seen a doctor in time 20 years ago, at least, there is a high chance that the result will not be the same as it is now.

There is still a big gap between a 60-year-old body bone and an 80-year-old body bone.

As for these family members, Lu Jing probably took a few glances, thinking in his heart, but he certainly wouldn't really say it.

In the hospital, all kinds of people and various things are not uncommon.

As a doctor, you only need to do what is within your sphere of responsibility.

Otherwise, you are just looking for trouble for yourself.

No matter how much dissatisfaction Lu Jing is at this moment, he can only hold back silently, and then diagnose the old man first.

"Come on, family, help the uncle to stand up."

The family is still cooperating, and they can do whatever they want.

After the old man stood up, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Lu Jing frowned slightly: This is like Parkinson's reaction!

Then I continued the examination, and this examination revealed many problems one after another, such as: osteoporosis, dislocation of the intervertebral disc, necrosis of the femoral head on both sides, and a deformity tumor on the right toe.

Hiss, this is just a surgical examination, with so many questions, what about the medical examination later?
I'm afraid the problem will only be more, not less.

"Okay, let's help the uncle sit back and rest first."

"Okay, trouble the doctor."

Lu Jing pursed his lips, but in the end he didn't say a word, and started to write a diagnosis report.

The more I write, the more embarrassed I feel.

Anyway, every time I see this kind of situation, I feel very uncomfortable.

How can there be such incompetent family members?
If the conditions are really bad, it goes without saying.

But it is clear that many family members don't care about it, and they don't care about it, which will cause serious consequences.

You raise me young, I raise you old, this sentence is not something that everyone can say and do.

Dr. Wei was originally next to Lu Jing, and he could see clearly what happened just now, and patted Lu Jing's arm a few times:

"Are you okay?"

Lu Jing sighed and shook his head:


"Don't think too much."


Both of them are actually quite tacit.

(End of this chapter)

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